Ye Shenyue is really bloody.

"What a useless man."

The vampire stopped and looked at him disapprovingly.Dissatisfaction like a good thing is half done and then interrupted.

"Mengxiang? Do you know what you're doing?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood. His voice was still a bit strange, because despite the blood, he still did not calm down. He could not imagine or even believe that such a arrogant and powerful vampire like Meng Xiang would actually make such a thing.

Ye Shenyue suddenly widened her eyes as if to see through Moe Xiang.

If it was that Moe Xiang, then it's still possible, but now it's this Moe Xiang!

Silver, beautiful and free long hair, Ling Lie's bright red eyes, domineering and noble all over his body, this... This is a real vampire!

Why would this arrogant vampire do such a thing!

It's unbelievable!

Vampires are not used to seeing Ye Shenyue's straightforward eyes.She was actually avoiding his sight.

"It's just interesting to see them do it, so give it a try, there's absolutely no other meaning."

There was a faint blush on the face of the rare Miss Bai Mengxiang.

There must be something else!

"Cough cough..."

The vampire coughed twice, "But... I really feel ashamed of this kind of thing."

so ashamed...

There is no need to publish such words.It should have been in mind when you started.


The vampire didn't speak after that. She spoke with her actions. She pulled Ye Shenyue to the wall. It was the stairwell that she came up. She pressed Ye Shenyue inside, and then pressed her right hand with a click. The wall was propped up with both hands like the uncle of Weisuo Little Loli, so that Ye Shenyue couldn't escape and could only stare at her.

What bridge is this?

"Don't speak."

But what's so hard about kissing?I'm so useless!

She said so.

Then Moeka's eyes kept staring at Ye Shenyue's lips.Don't look away like you're addicted.

Ye Shenyue felt that today's Moe Xiang was strange, but he felt that Moe Xiang's eyes were always on his face.

Even though he took off his glasses and looked much more handsome, he still felt a little bit of a girl looking at Yagami so seriously... um, I'm sorry.


However, at this time, Mengxiang suddenly turned her palm into a fist and smashed the wall.

As if she was venting her dissatisfaction, she bit Ye Shenyue's neck all at once.

Two sharp fangs had cut through his skin.

Blood, sucked blood again.

After a long time, it was actually sucking blood!

Today's Moe Xiang is really weird.


However, the vampire after the blood-sucking did not leave any words for Ye Shenyue. Her hand grabbed Ye Shenyue's left hand. More accurately, her hand was attached to Ye Shenyue's hand and then took the cross.


She snorted again when the cross was put back on.

What does hum mean?

Ye Shenyue covered the place where Meng Xiang's blood was sucked, where there were only pink lip prints.The vampire who just buckled the cross was sealed again, and then the long silver hair was turned into pink, and the domineering and cool became lady and sweet.

Pink Mengxiang is coming back.

Ye Shenyue quickly caught Moeka who was about to fall to the ground.

Moeka's eyes trembled slightly, and Moeka, who was lying in Ye Shenyue's arms, who had regained her long pink hair, suddenly opened her eyes as if she was tired and had a lot of important things to do.She gently pushed Ye Shenyue.


Why does Ye Shenyue feel that Mengxiang who wakes up is a little strange?

"That... Yeshenyue-Jun, you go down first, I want to be alone for a while."

Meng Xiang said urgently.

"you sure?"

Ye Shenyue is very strange, although Moexiang has only been released once, but that time Moexiang should not have recovered so early. What happened this time?

"I'm sure."

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