Moeka returned with a serious expression.

"Okay, then be careful."

Ye Shenyue is not the one who breaks the casserole and asks to the end, everyone has privacy, so why not go... These two cute fragrances are weird!

Ye Shenyue touched her neck, she was the vampire, how did she become the one who was sucked blood?

he got hurt.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a while, she seemed to be waiting to see if Ye Shenyue was really not here, and then Moe Xiang secretly felt relieved.

Then he picked up the cross and spoke to the cross.

"The other me? Didn't you agree, let our bodies come into contact with Lord Yeshenyue at least once, did you do it?"

Although the memories of the two coexisted, but somehow Fan Mengxiang couldn't remember what just happened.

She didn't understand, she didn't understand whether the other one had kissed Ye Shenyue.

Why was the memory of that moment blocked?


It was a long silence like there was no response.

Then, when Moexiang was about to become impatient, there was finally another voice.



What does it mean?Did you kiss or not?

Who would understand such a tone of voice!

"The other me? The other me?"

However, no matter how Fan Mengxiang called the cross, she would not respond to her.

Is this...a kiss?

Chapter 0424 Admirers of Mengxiang (one more)

"Outside the nickname... The news agency came back, and then discovered the peeping and voyeur in the school..."

In the early morning of the next day, four of the five members of the news agency had already started distributing newspapers happily. This was the first newspaper in their news agency that was written and printed by themselves.

Although they were also their members, it was just that the minister who framed Yagami and then tried to kill him was no longer respected by the members.

"Don't run!"


"Bring back the underwear!"

The girls are doing an interesting thing, that is, holding a stick and a broom, they are chasing and beating Mr. Big Bad Wolf with his ears and tail exposed.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf couldn't walk anymore, he just ran fast on four feet on the ground, running fast.Totally a dog...

Minister's prestige and human dignity have been trampled and never ceased to exist.

"A newspaper? It looks interesting, give me one."

This is exactly the voice of Little Loli, Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw a petite girl still dressed as a witch, this is Fairy Child Zi, Little Zi Loli.Not surprisingly, she was still alone and had no friends, male or female.

Lolita is also Lolita, but she accidentally made such a mistake, "Hey... the big girl over there, give me a copy of your newspaper."

She said so.

Big wave girl.

With blue hair and purple-black eyes, Miss Mengmo, who has a magnificent mind, turned her face, "Haha...I thought who it was, it turned out to be Xiaodouding...this is" Dream Mo took the top one from a stack of newspapers and handed it to Loli Zi.

"You are Xiaodouding, I'm called Jiao Xiaocai, it's not like you will sag if you are careful."

There was a slight displeasure on the witch's face. What she hated most was being called a child.Although her appearance is small, her heart is not small.

However, Loli still took the newspaper over, her dark eyes staring directly at the news in the newspaper, "Where has this perverted wolf been seen before..."

What was reported in the newspaper was the story of Senqiu Yinying's brilliant peeping and peeping and then being arrested.

It was written in the newspaper that the third grader Mori Qiu Yinying was so daring that he didn't sneak in from the window to peek in, but directly opened the door to break in to peep and peep, and was strongly and angrily accused by the girls. .

How can peeping and peeping open the door to see it?Isn't that stupid?

It's just that the little loli was smiling happily. In the next second, her hand almost couldn't catch the newspaper because her hand had to quickly hold her hat, because the pointed and tall witch's hat was heavily weighted by Miss Mengmo. Press again to cover her face.

The hat-wearing hat is that the hat is pressed down, and the feeling of suddenly turning black is really annoying.

Loli desperately wanted to lift her hat, "Hey...what are you doing! Stop it! A woman who can sag!"

She said so, she actually said so, Ye Shenyue looked at this little loli who was being bullied by Hu Meng with a regretful expression, because no matter how she looked at her words, she was... asking for it of.

Maybe she wouldn't be like this if she didn't say the sensitive word sagging...

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