The slender tail moved and moved again. Teacher Maomu immediately reminded her, but the rest of the people also wanted to remind her, Teacher Maomu, your tail is exposed again. If you reveal your identity, the first person to be exposed is you. Bar!

Speaking of why everyone is in the car and still driving to the human world in a car, it is actually thanks to Mr. Maomu.

She is the instructor of the Information Department and she also received funding, so she was in a good mood and brought the members who passed the exam to travel to the world of mankind.

Well, in fact, according to Ye Shenyue and their conjectures, Mr. Maomu wants to eat fish in the human world. There are also fish in the monster world, but they are rare, and there are monsters everywhere in the monster world. It will also turn into a monster, isn't it that monsters eat monsters?

Therefore, Mr. Catmu prefers fish from the human world, not only will they not turn into monsters, but... they are also more delicious.

Therefore, Mr. Maomu organized this group tour of the news agency with both public and private hearts.

It's just that the people who come here are all members with qualified grades, but Senqiu Yinying, who is the minister, was excluded. Because of the voyeuristic incident, he was locked up for a month, and then he failed Keke immediately when he came out, so at this time he Only obediently go to cram school.

He could only tearfully miss this opportunity to see beautiful women in the human world.

And then here's another guy who's on the verge of passing.

"You also said that it was because of the wrong answer you gave me that I almost failed!"

Hu Meng immediately turned her hands into fists and placed them on both sides of Xiao Zi's head and rubbed them constantly. When she thought of this, Meng Mo was still very angry. She was stupid but she caught Xiao Zi and asked this guy to give it to her. To draw the key points and give the answers to the questions, although Xiao Ziren is small, her head is so good that she can even jump up the current class. What is even more enviable is the first place in her grade.

good grades.

So the dream demon asked her to help.

But Xiao Zi deliberately let her memorize the wrong answer, and her heart can be punished!

Fortunately, she had read Mengxiang's notes beforehand, otherwise she would have really failed.This little witch actually deceived her, deceived her in such an important aspect!

"You're obviously an idiot yourself."

Xiao Zi said unceremoniously, "I don't even know the answer to such a simple question."

She flicked her hand away as if she was helpless in the face of an idiot. "They say it's hard to meet people with big breasts and no brains, but why do I meet them so easily? People with big breasts and no brains really can't be served."

"'re a frying pan, okay?"

Hu Meng was very, very disgusted with the word big breasts and no brains, no less than the sensitive word sagging.

"Cut... I haven't developed yet. My development space is still very high."

Xiao Zi is no longer a servant, a month of hard work has passed, and now she is still free.

It's just that she has regained her freedom. The first person she finds is not Ye Shenyue but Mengmo, because... Ye Shenyue can't beat her alone...

So the dream demon became her revenge candidate.

Poor Miss Dreamer.

"What an interesting boy, it doesn't matter if his identity is exposed."

Watching Yeshenyue and the others get off the bus, the school bus driver lit a red cigarette butt, and slender smoke immediately appeared, but the driver's excited expression was not because he enjoyed the cigarettes, he looked at Yeshenyue and the others. .

He's in the car and he's the driver so it doesn't take much to hear the girls talking.

He heard that Ye Shenyue actually told the girls that she was a human, and then there was something more interesting, that is, the girls didn't have any other ideas. Humans and monsters can really get along with each other or say... ...can we be together?

The purpose of Yanghai Academy is to hope that humans and monsters get along well, so they deliberately left an admission notice in the human world, and now it seems that this human teenager has improved.

He waits and sees.

ps: Thanks to Zhang Daguanren, hicker0, Scarlet Heart Empty, for the flowers and comments, the next chapter is the temptation of sunflowers.

Chapter 0430 The temptation of sunflowers (one more)

Seaside, spray, sun, sand...and of!

"You play here by yourself, and I'll go look for dinner."

Teacher Maomu had already changed into a white swimsuit and rushed to the beach before everyone noticed her. Unlike Feiju, who is also a cat demon, Teacher Maomu is not afraid of water, because...

The swimsuit she was wearing was something like a swimming ring that could make her float in the water, and she floated up when she fell into the water.Teacher Maomu not only floated on the water, she also put on diving goggles and immersed her head down in the water, and then her hands showed long sharp claws at some point, and the claws flapped down and then a The fish that was still alive and swimming immediately flew up. It was caught from the bottom of the sea abruptly. It couldn't understand how the human power grid could escape, and how could it be caught so easily?

Of course it's different, because... now it's a monster fishing.The power of monsters is not imagined by humans or fish.

The fish in this area will suffer.

After a long time, she was actually the happiest!

But seeing her playing in the water so happily (actually catching fish) Ye Shenyue misses her cat a little bit, and I don't know what happened to Feiju and the others?He remembered that Higuchi and the others had said that in their world there was also Higurashi Shrine and Ari, which meant that Catgirl's world was united with Inuyasha's world. If that's the case... that Ari should be The product of Kikyo after being cremated is her reincarnation, but it is strange that Kikyo-san is currently in the underworld and there is no such thing as reincarnation!

What the hell is going on here?What the hell is Miss Yuko thinking?

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead with a headache, why is the world in such a mess.It's just that he's not the kind of person who is serious and responsible and stubborn. This kind of thinking disappears immediately after turning around. It's better to enjoy the surroundings instead of worrying about those things.

Ye Shenyue looked around, Hu Mengzheng and Xiao Zi were splashing water on each other, it looked like the two had quarreled again and were about to use splashing water to decide the outcome.

Bai Xueyi, the snow girl, is putting a big umbrella near the coast. She is a snow girl. Of course, the cold sea water is what she likes, but the sun above her head is not her thing, so she is unceremonious. The hot sun was obscured.Then happily soaked in the icy cold water.

"It's really comfortable..."

She said soothingly and contentedly, but soon she was hit on the head, it was Hu Meng.

"It's a snow girl, of course, she wants to enjoy the sun in a place like this... Otherwise, she'll come here for nothing."

Classmate Hu Meng is very, very unfamiliar with Bai Xueyu's actions. Although Bai Xueyu is a snow girl who is afraid of the temperature, she already knows from Yashenyue about the lollipop in her mouth. Lollipop has the ability to maintain her body temperature, so even if it is It's okay to walk in the sun too.However, looking at her strange behavior of lying in the water while covering the sun is still a bit chilly, if it weren't for this remote place without tourists, wouldn't it be made fun of?

"No no no... I'm not here for something hot like the sun, I'm only here for Yagami, maybe I can see him in a swimsuit, showing off his sexy skin and abs …”

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