Bai Xue is wearing a black camera on her head. She is ready to take pictures at any time and this place... Well, it can be regarded as the ambush site of NO.250.

"Sex... sexy skin and abs?"

Heinai Hu Meng repeated it at least twice and her body trembled as she repeated it. This... She seemed to have heard something she shouldn't have heard. This hateful Snow Maiden looks like... a sensual girl?So like a man's body?

Just talking about the body, the dream demon immediately raised his hands to show the curves of his body, which is definitely something that Miss Bai Xueyi can't match. She is wearing a pale yellow swimsuit today, which is not bold but not conservative. , revealing the capital of the large tracts, what is particularly striking is that the bulging swimsuits can hardly be wrapped tightly together and squeeze out the deep chest and chest that attracts the ravines that want to see the bottom, Soft and rich.

"Hu Meng, your heavy things, how about I use magic to help you change them? It's really uncomfortable to be so heavy."

Very unpleasant voices are those of young children, with dissatisfaction and provocation in their voices.

At this time, it was only Fairy Child Zi, who had been pushed into the water by Hu Meng and her head was still wet, letting the water droplets flow down from her straight short hair.

Xiao Zi's height is not high, and she just fits into Hu Meng's chest, so she just stood there and held it against the heavy chest that Hu Meng was most proud of.

"Cut... who told you to come over by yourself... go away."

Hu Meng immediately pulled Xiao Zi out, "My chest isn't for you... Of course it's for my real son... Right, Ye Shenyue."

The Dream Demon imitated his mother's hook-like eyes and prepared to look at the only man here.

"Hey... Where's Ye Shenyue?"

But the dream demon searched for a long time and turned around twice, but really couldn't find anyone who hoped.

"This...I just saw him go out."

Xiao Zi added and continued, "And she went out with Sister Mengxiang."

"What? Why didn't you say this earlier?"

Hu Meng was immediately dissatisfied and continued to put his hands on Xiao Zi's head. In such a place with no one, plus the bonus of a lonely man and a widow, the relationship between Mengxiang and Ye Shenyue will definitely...

It's bound to go by leaps and bounds!

"Pain Pain... It's not that you didn't ask me... Pain Pain..."

The witch actually did it on purpose, she just wanted to make Hu Meng angry, but she said that, but she was bullied even more.In the end, he was used as a guide.

"Anyway, it's your fault, hurry up and take me to find them..."

Even if you can't destroy the relationship, you must destroy the atmosphere.

"I see... it hurts... don't pinch..."

Xiao Zi covered her face and was reluctantly pulled away by the dream demon.

"'s really comfortable like this..."

Snow Maiden did not participate in Hu Meng's search operation. She completely lay in the water and let the cold and refreshing feeling spread throughout her body. This tour was really the best.

She closed her eyes contentedly, and there was someone to accompany her not far away, that is, the cat-eye teacher who was victorious and excited, watching her claws open all kinds of hunting and killing behaviors, people believe that it will be better She might have caught all the fish in an hour.

Chapter 0431 under the sunflower (two more)

Sunflowers, a patch of pale yellow sunflowers with their heads raised and smiling towards the sky fills this hillside, perhaps because the species are different. The sunflowers here are very lush and are at least twice as tall as ordinary species. Very dynamic.

Both sides of the road are full of sunflowers in full bloom. What a beautiful sight. If there is a bicycle now, it will be even better, because if there is a bicycle, then you can carry the girl next to you and let her soft little hands rest on his waist. Or how beautiful it would be to let her lean gently on her back.

It's not far from the coast and it only took them 10 minutes to get here.

"Ye Shenyue? Why do you think you are a little strange, is there something you care about here?"

Mengxiang took Ye Shenyue's hand and came here with him, but when Ye Shenyue looked at the whole row of sunflowers, there was a strange expression on her face, it was a little embarrassing and... … miss?

"Or are you upset that I can't go into the water because of my status?"

Dream opened her dark green and pure eyes, and there was a faint moist mist on her eyes. She was a vampire, so even if she came to the beach, she could only be on the coast, and she could not get close to the water.So there is no way to create the scene of playing with her boyfriend in the sea as described in the magazine.

Mengxiang feels a little inferior, even though the cross on her chest is always denying it. For example, denying her vampire status for this reason is not worth the dignity of a vampire.

Indeed, for another Mengxiang, the identity of a vampire is her pride, because she is an authentic big monster.

"That's not the case. Where do you think you've gone? If it says that I can't go into the water, I can't go into the water, what's so unpleasant? It's just..."

Ye Shenyue's vision seemed a little blurry.

To be precise, he looked at Moe Xiang with a strange feeling. Moe Xiang has long pink hair that slides directly on his arm when the wind blows, it feels smooth and smooth.The long hair that used to be so smooth was also like this in a field of sunflowers, and then he was pushed directly to the ground by the brown-colored love flower sauce with Ji's hair and was forcibly kissed.


The humiliating past reappeared, and Ye Shenyue suddenly grabbed Moeka's hand and pushed her to the ground.

To this day, he still remembers her beautiful face, and he still remembers the touch at that time.


I have to say that Moeka's reaction was really cute.Her face turned slightly red and then she showed a bewildered expression. Did she really not know what he was going to do?

"I want to kiss you."

Ye Shenyue has the feeling of revisiting the old place, surrounded by exuberant and beautiful sunflowers, it is a pity that the girl around him is no longer the original one, but it is also because he is not the original one that he dares to do this.

"Why...why is it so sudden..."

Mengxiang's face instantly turned red, and she felt that her heart was beating so fast at this moment that she was about to jump out.

"Well...that's fine."

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