However, Ye Shenyue climbed up from Moeka's soft ketone body.Sitting slightly inclined.The wind was blowing while he was sitting, and both his hair and his pants felt floating.

"Aha? Why?"

Moexiang was nervous for a while, waited for a while, and finally disappointed for a while.Obviously so close.

"Because the sunflowers are watching..."

Ye Shenyue's hands spread out and the surrounding sunflowers swayed with the wind. In fact, he felt that Moe Xiang was too nervous.That's why I said that on purpose.

Moexiang's eyes shifted slowly, but then she didn't move or she was stunned, because her soft lips were kissed like that.

The slow contact of lips and lips was like a test, but the speed of the test was very fast, so that Miss Vampire had no chance to go back at all.But it's just like that, it's soft and youthful.

At this moment, in Mengxiang's heart, she only thought of one thing, and that was... she was kissed, let's not care whether she was active or passive, but... it was finally kissed.

Compared to the ambiguous and ambiguous atmosphere on Ye Shenyue's side, Hu Meng's side is thicker. This is a very strong atmosphere.

Because right in front of Hu Meng and Xiao Zi, the mutated giant sunflower had already launched an attack on them. More precisely, it was attacking Hu Meng alone.

Hu Meng was tied up.

And Fairy Child Zi, who came with her, was standing. She had put on a witch's costume, and a new character was standing beside her. It was when they met in the hills of Sunflower. The other witch who arrived, or the last witch who stayed in this witch's hill, Miss Orange Liu Fei.

She looks ladylike in dark red, and her long dark hair, which is divided into bunches, shows her temperament, but there is a bit of gloom in her temperament, and she has a smile on her face. But his eyes were a little dark.

This is the little witch, Concubine Liu, who has been waiting on the Witch's Hill to be adopted by the old witch. Except for the old witch, Concubine Liu has never seen other witches. For her, human beings are disgusting and disgusting because human beings finally put iron The door's hand reached out to the location of their last witch.

Witch's Hill, human beings want to transform this place into a residence, which means that it will be completely eradicated. It is really too human. In the past, humans burned the witch directly at the stake and burned it alive, although she did not encounter such a thing but There's no denying that humans really do.

She didn't take the initiative to provoke humans, but now that humans still want to occupy their last witch's place, she can't stand it, so she scare away all the people who come here to play, she still hasn't made a heavy hand...

Therefore, there are legends such as the revenge of "Sunflower" that there are fewer tourists, so Mr. Maomu and the others can come here to play for free with almost no money.

It's just that Ye Shenyue and her party came here, making Miss Liu think that humans are not afraid to come here and invade their place again, so they attacked again, but Ye Shenyue carried the breath of nature or other high-ranking sunflowers on her body. They didn't report to her, so she said she hadn't dealt with them yet, but as soon as Xiao Zi and Mengmo came in, she found out immediately, so she attacked Xiao Zi and them.

Then she was surprised to find that Xiao Zi was actually her own witch. It can be said that Xiao Zi was the first witch she saw besides the old witch, so she was very excited.

As for Xiao Zi, to be honest, I was very happy to see Concubine Liu at first, but I just thought that Concubine Liu is a witch who is stronger than her and has a lot of magic that she doesn't know, so I said...

The failure of that time came up again, and Xiao Zi was still not convinced.


She was going to turn against Concubine Liu to help her deal with Ye Shenyue together.

Sister Mengxiang asked her to protect herself, and then... bully that ugly brother fiercely.

So to sum up the above, Miss Mengmo, who was standing on Ye Shenyue's side, immediately became an obstacle in the eyes of the little witch.Obstacles preventing her from revenge.

"Xiao Zi? You dare to rebel... Ye Shenyue will definitely not let you go, and will punish you more severely!"

The body has been tightly bound by the mutated sunflower, and the dream demon who couldn't even get out the tail and wings shouted angrily.

"Hmph... I just want to rescue Sister Mengxiang to Zong 2.2. This is just."

Even if she loses, there won't be any big trouble. It seems that the punishment that Yagami Yue gave her a month's servant is still too light.

"Yes, what we do is righteous."

I don't know if this sentence of justice involved Miss Liu Fei's sensitive heart, "Drive all human beings out."

Miss Liu Fei thought that Ye Shenyue in Xiao Zi's mouth was a human being, a human she hated.

Although Ye Shenyue has the bloodline of a monster, it is not entirely a vampire's teeth, so it still looks like a human. Then... Then Xiao Zi naturally thinks so.Miss Liu Fei also thinks so.

Humans, as long as the other party is human, Miss Liu Fei wants to drive them out.

Drive out this witch's last land, Witch's Hill.

"Come on, let's get started."

Miss Liu Fei took out her wand.It was a wand one level higher than Xiao Zi.

ps: The next chapter is when M meets M.

Chapter 0432 The domineering transformed from shame and anger (one more)

After the deep kiss, the two slowly separated, Mengxiang's chest heaving up and down, she originally thought that she was not doing well, so Ye Shenyue didn't kiss her, but unexpectedly, Dan turned her face. It was too much for him to kiss him immediately, and he didn't give her any psychological preparation.

Moe Xiang, who was just complaining about this moment, felt like she had achieved a goal. Her blushing puff was extremely cute.

But at this time, Ye Shenyue made a move.

Unexpected move.

"Night... Shenyue..."

Moexiang watched Ye Shenyue's move in astonishment. Ye Shenyue's hand pointed down from her jugular vein to the deep ravine that was squeezed out by her plumpness and restraint.

Ye Shenyue's hand fell in the middle.

Mengxiang's face turned red and her breathing was urgent, but his purpose was not here.


With a small voice, his hand touched something extremely cold, a silver noble and mysterious cross.

Just like this, the cross fell from Moexiang's neck like this, and he took it in his hand.

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