Her hair, her long pink hair began to change color and turned silvery white, and her dark green and pure eyes became as red as blood, which was a noble red and noble gorgeous.

This is...the seal is lifted. This is Bai Mengxiang.

She stared at Ye Shenyue with cold and noble eyes.

"what do you mean?"

She didn't say that, but her expression was already like this. What does it mean for her to appear now is neither in danger nor in a fight?

Poor Bai Mengxiang had already set herself the meaning of her appearance. In fact, there was nothing wrong with her. She only appeared twice in total, and both times were to fight, so what was the reason for being unsealed not to be regarded as a thug?

"I want to kiss you."

Ye Shenyue said honestly, he was sure that he really did not lie or force when he said this.

"Ha ha……"

Ling Lie's gaze seemed to freeze on Ye Shenyue's face for a while, maybe at this time Mengxiang was also determining whether Ye Shenyue had taken the wrong medicine or burned out her brain.She just kissed the other one and she didn't say anything, and then she had to make a request to kiss her again.

"You really haven't weighed your own strength."

She said this, then took a deep breath and raised her fist. This is a vampire's fist with incomparably powerful power. It is hard to imagine how tragic the fist of this strong man will be when it falls on her body!

It was indeed a tragic situation, and the terrifying sound of breaking the air caused by the fist drawing would have pierced his ears.

This is just the wind from the fist. If it really falls on the body, then it will be...

Hard to imagine.

"I want to kiss you, right now."

However, the fist reached Ye Shenyue, but there was no change. He didn't dodge and let Bai Mengxiang hit him in the face. meaning of guarantee.


The sound of the wind slid past her ears as if it suddenly exploded, and Ye Shenyue's glasses were shattered like this, and no fragments were completely shattered, as if she had completely endured Moeka's violent fist.

And then to ashes.

Then Ye Shenyue's eyes were completely exposed, those bright and serious eyes, as if to prove the seriousness of his words.

He can't hide, he's proving his desire...

That is to kiss her.

Really bold, even Bai Mengxiang felt that it was time to admire him.

"Okay, you won, it's a reward for you."

Bai Mengxiang retracted her fist and closed her eyes.

Bai Mengxiang actually acquiesced like this, and acquiescence was acquiescence again.

Ye 990 Shenyue did not get excited and kissed her directly. He slowly hugged Mengxiang from behind and put his arms around her waist. He was definitely the first person to hug her.

"Don't go too far."

It was a cold and arrogant voice again, but Ye Shenyue could tell that there was a slight trembling in the voice. The current Bai Mengxiang is not as domineering and calm as she looks, at least at this moment. of.

in fact.

This Moe Xiang is even more... cute than Fan Moe Xiang's reaction.

"Mengxiang, you are so cute."

"Really... so cute?"

Bai Mengxiang's eyes opened again, those blood-red eyes symbolized the power and noble eyes of a vampire.

There was disbelief in those eyes.

ps: Well, the author just likes indifferent girls.Bai Mengxiang has the most scenes.

Chapter 0433 Under the domineering transformed from shame and anger (two more)

Unbelievable indeed.

Silver-white long hair, red blood-like eyes, and sharp eyes that shoot from time to time, such a person who is full of domineering aura is actually a pure-blooded vampire. ……cute!

Just cute.

Miss Bai Mengxiang looked surprised.

"Are you joking? If you want to joke, please find another me, the other I may be happy, but if you want to tease me like this, I will not forgive you."

Moeka looked a little annoyed, because she herself didn't realize there was nothing cute about her.

"Of course I'm not teasing you, Mengxiang, didn't you really find out? You're really cute, don't worry..."

Ye Shenyue looked at Mengxiang, obviously disbelieving his cold eyes, and immediately slowed down, "Your reaction is very cute."

Rather than being cute, it actually reflects her little awkwardness.

Just awkward.

Her reaction was awkward and endearing.

Because of her identity and her character, of course a noble vampire should be cold and cold, but she sometimes reacts really cute when she is so cold.

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