"What's going on with this terrifying demonic energy? Such a tricky opponent..."

It's not something she can handle at all!Did Xiao Zi really get the target wrong?

The two witches, big and small, already had a feeling of trembling in their hands and feet.

Just like that, Bai Mengxiang shot at once, and the shot was very fast, leaving Ye Shenyue's side almost at the speed of light, and then with such a quick punch and two feet, people couldn't react with such force that almost all the bones in the whole body would fall apart. The fist smashed the big and small witches into the air, and the big and small witches were quickly knocked back by at least [-] meters. They overwhelmed countless sunflowers while retreating. The sunflowers that were facing the sky fell to the ground like this, but it was even worse. It is they who are right, it hurts...

The body is extremely painful.

"I know... I know my weight."

The X2-sized witch almost spoke out of anger. They only had one feeling. If they knew that the other party was so strong...then they would not come.

And Xiao Zi is even more so, I believe that after this time, she may not betray again.

At least have the strength to back the board, but...

"Where did Sister Mengxiang and Brother Ugly go?"

One is that Xiao Zi has never seen Ye Shenyue without glasses, and the other is that she has never seen Meng Xiang transform...

So she still doesn't know that the righteous master she is looking for is right in front of her.And the one who kicked her was Sister Moexiang, whom she had always longed for.

Chapter 0434 When M meets M (one more)

"Today is just an accident. It doesn't mean anything. If you want to make an inch, then I will definitely not let you go."

Bai Mengxiang maintained the posture of kicking the big and small witches away for about a second and then retracted her strong and smooth thighs. She slowly walked towards Ye Shenyue and took the silver cross from his hand.It only takes her a slight button and it will be sealed again.

There was reproach in her words, but it would have been believable if her tone was so firm.

She just forced herself to put on a cold and arrogant face now.

"Be nice to the other Mengxiang, you will be sad if you are so presumptuous."

She understands Moexiang's heart best because they are the same person.Both the body and the mind are the same.

Really why do you like such a man.

Bai Mengxiang finally stared at Yeshenyue and buckled the cross. Almost in the blink of an eye, her long silver hair faded to pink, and the color of her blood-red noble eyes also faded to pure ink. green.Then his eyes closed gently and his body was swaying to fall to the ground.

This is the stage of temporary loss of body control after resealing.

Ye Shenyue hurriedly went to support her. At this time, Mengxiang was about to fall into a coma like the first time, but when he hugged her, Mengxiang, who seemed to be weak and overdrawn, suddenly opened her mouth. Eyes, dark green eyes blinked slightly.

"Ye Shenyue, you are too much to be so close to the other me."

Mengxiang's hands were pinched together, her cheeks were puffed up, no matter how she looked, she seemed to be angry.

"Uh... After all, isn't this still you?"

Well, Ye Shenyue is just comforting Mengxiang, he doesn't think Bai Mengxiang and Fan Mengxiang are two people, first of all, one is gentle and the other is domineering and awkward, and then the body, it seems that they share the same body, but whether it is The measurements are still slightly different, and it feels like... a sister to Ye Shenyue.Bai Mengxiang is the elder sister and Fan Mengxiang is the younger sister.

"Although it is like that, it is still different... Mingming... Mingming..."

Mengxiang was leaning on Ye Shenyue's body, her lips almost touching his neck. For a vampire, this part of the neck is the most sexy and irresistible. "Good...smelling..."

She said so vaguely.

Then, Ye Shenyue just wanted to push her away, but it was still a step too late, and he was still bitten by her.The blood was sucked again, the blood of being a vampire was sucked again.

I'm going!

Ye Shenyue increasingly thinks that maybe... she should work hard to find a way to become a complete vampire, because he can't say anything back to a vampire vampire... It's really unfair.

I should have asked another Moe Xiang just now, because she is at least a complete vampire and can understand some things he doesn't know.

"Uh... hello... Mengxiang?"

Ye Shenyue just blinked and realized that Mengxiang, who was leaning on her, closed her eyes all of a sudden, almost scaring him.

Because he suddenly woke up and spoke again, and then closed his eyes after speaking, causing him to think that something had happened to Mengxiang's body, and after a long time he just fell asleep.

If it's an ordinary human, then you might feel sleepy after eating a full meal, which is caused by the excitement of the parasympathetic nerves, but now it seems that Moeka, who has been sealed with the power of a vampire, seems to be the same, drinking his blood and then drinking Sleeping so sleepily?

Forget it.

Ye Shenyue carefully placed Moexiang on the soft grass first. It stands to reason that she should be carried on her back and brought back, but there is one more thing to deal with now.

That's the two underwhelming witches in front.

Ye Shenyue walked in front of the two witches and looked at them condescendingly.

The two witches just couldn't stand up straight from the pain, but they were still conscious, and Moexiang kept her strength.Both witches lay on the ground and watched Ye Shenyue come over. Ye Shenyue is now harmless to humans and animals, but for some reason, both witches feel a sense of crisis.

"Handsome brother..."

Xiao Zi made a weak voice uncertain.But what appeared in my thoughts now was the handsome brother I met that time.

"It's useless to be called handsome brother. If I'm not mistaken, you two came here with crutches to get revenge. Since you have the courage to take revenge, then" is exactly the voice of Yashenyue, because this is Yashenyue In person, Ye Shenyue lifted Xiao Zi all of a sudden, and then he stretched out one leg against the petite and tender Loli's belly.

"Clap clap clap..."

Hit like that.

Very loud sound.


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