When has poor loli ever been treated like this?

But now, with pain all over her body, she can only wailing, she doesn't understand why handsome brother would do this, "handsome brother, what are you doing... this kind of thing... only ugly brother can do it... uuu..."

"... Whether it is the ugly brother or the handsome brother, I am Ye Shenyue!"

After a long time, this loli still can't recognize him!

"No...it's impossible..."

Xiao Zi rarely held back her cry, "Wow...my worldview is ruined...woooo..."

But she cried even more.


A brief silence.

"Who ruined you!"

Well, Ye Shenyue is ruthless, this loli is really the most disobedient loli he has ever encountered, even if the soul of lolicon still exists, she can't spare her.

"Say, are you still rebellious or not?"

"Don't... don't fight... it's shameful... woo... I'm not rebelling... My worldview..."


Ye Shenyue has stopped talking, he threw Xiao Zi aside, this loli is no longer saved, but at least she will not continue to rebel for a short time, if she finds a kin, she will rebel, this guy still has the courage It's really big.


Concubine Orange Stripe Liu was able to distinguish the human bloodline of the current Ye Shenyue.What she hates most is humans.

Humans are the enemies of witches.

"What should I do with you?"

Ye Shenyue looked down at this newly-appeared witch, my big and small witch.

It would be nice to have such a title, but ah...

"I'd rather die than give in. Even if you burn me, I won't obey you."

This witch looks very stubborn.

"Burning? That's such a waste, I think...you have a master now, right, then...I want you to betray your master and obey me."

Ye Shenyue lifted Concubine Liu's face up and looked into her eyes. He said that, but he thought of Miss Lisette, which seemed to be the same at the beginning.

"Don't even think about it! I won't obey humans. Don't want me to give you humans the last land of the witch, that's impossible, and... my master..."

Concubine Liu's expression became a little gloomy, "The master passed away two years ago."

Then she became determined again.

"But I won't betray. At least I'll keep this last piece of land. So you can't take this piece of land."

"and many more……"

Ye Shenyue always felt that he didn't seem to be able to talk to her. How could he be a guy who wants to take land and people in her eyes?

Is he really that bad?

Chapter 0435 When M meets M (two more)

"I have no idea about your land, and..."

Ye Shenyue looked around, and there were beautiful and lush sunflowers around. If the sunflowers were so beautiful, it would be a waste to make them into an industrial area, and... this is a memorable place, and he took it again in this place. Gone the kiss of two girls.

"So what do you mean?"

Concubine Liu was a little excited just now, but now she has become a little relieved.

"Such a beautiful place must be preserved, of course."


Miss Liu Fei looked a little unbelievable, "You are obviously human..."

In her opinion, human beings are all bad because they invaded her here to take away the last piece of land from her witch.

"What's wrong with humans, humans can't do it." Although Yashenyue is definitely not a pure human being now, he still regards himself as a human being as a human at the beginning, "There are wicked people among human beings. They push the witch to the top. But there are also good people at the stake, otherwise why do you witches have the power but don’t drive out all the human beings?”

"Because... witches like you also have good and evil, and you are kind, so you didn't kill those who drove the bulldozers, but just frightened them so that they wouldn't dare to come again."

As he said that, he gently lifted Miss Liu Fei's chin with his hand, and slowly approached her with pureness in his eyes.

Approaching this girl who looks strong and fierce is actually only a seventeen-year-old girl.Her hair fluttered in the wind and slid over his hand, very smooth and fresh.

"This this……"

Miss Liu Fei's face turned red with a bang. She could already feel the temperature of Ye Shenyue's fingertips and the face he was approaching. She had to say that there was a kind of contrast in this world. If Yue is absolutely ruining his image, then he is a handsome guy right now. Miss Witch has been living in the sunflowers and living with the old witch. Although she has never seen a man, her heart is beating fast. The feeling is the first time.

Could it be that... this is what love feels like?

Miss Liu Fei suddenly thought of the description in the online subscribed puberty love magazine.

Spring, heart swings, rippling, elated and deer rambling.

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