"I will use the barrier to cover this area." "Ah... but the barrier consumes a lot of mana, and it's easy to run out of mana."

The big witch quickly woke up. When it comes to enchantment, it is not that they have not done it before. The old witch did it, but in the end, because the magic power consumed was too much, it bounced back to the body, and then died like this.Then the Witch's Hill also appeared again in the human field of vision and was targeted by humans. She didn't have such a strong magic power and could only scare humans away.

She has said the seriousness of the matter, but the young man who made her smash the deer for a moment showed a sunny smile that made people unable to open their eyes.

"I'm... not much else is just a lot of magic, so I'm not afraid."

She has many girlfriends, many types of power and more magic power accumulation, and he said that the magic power consumption is really...

All in all, Night Shenyue created a huge enchantment garden just as Haruna and Ariel taught him while fighting the witch with a strange and different expression, but even though his magic power supply was enough to make all witches envy, he cast such a wide range. The enchantment Ye Shenyue couldn't help softening like Mengxiang, but she was about to soften but was caught by a pair of gentle arms.

It was the Great Witch who caught him.

"Thank you for your help. In order to repay your gift, I am willing to follow you."

Surprisingly, she said so.

There is no need for Ye Shenyue to ask Miss Liu Fei to explain herself.

"Since you don't want this Witch's Hill, then your purpose... must be... me..."

There is no need for a magnifying glass at all, just with the naked eye you can see that Miss Witch's face is blushing, especially when she says "your purpose", the voice is much lower.

"I have been bullied by humans since I was a child. Fortunately, the curator helped me to serve her here until the curator died. I have no other place to go, so... if you want me..."

"Uh... well."

Although it is somewhat different from the original plot, it is not bad to have a capable maid for free.Fortunately, the lunch is prepared by the school, but such things as breakfast have to be handled by yourself, so I don't see Miss Moexiang often taking him as breakfast?

...... If there is Miss Liu Fei, maybe it can alleviate his continuous blood loss.

But when Ye Shenyue settled down, Concubine Liu said something that almost made him lose his mind.

"But as a servant of your majesty...I hope...so...you order me! Anything is fine! Whether it's physical or mental, I can't live without orders..."

Although she was taken in by the old witch, she was used to being ordered. Besides, after the death of the old curator in the past two years, she had no order, and now she finally has a master...

So she made her request quite naturally.

Ask the master to give orders.


Ye Shenyue took a deep breath, this is... the current scene is...

Concubine Liu's innocent and eager eyes widened as she looked at him as if she was waiting for him to give orders.

Can't do it without an order?

What kind of servant did he take?

Hey, hey, Icarus, Nimf has your comrade here, and you're not happy that you didn't have an order! ...

"But...it always feels like something is missing...well...forget it...the butt still hurts a bit."

After being beaten up by Bai Mengxiang and then bullied by Ye Shenyue for a while, the little witch Xiantong Zi finally breathed a sigh of relief.It's just that Xiao Zi stopped for a while strangely when they were about to leave.

"Little purple."

Miss Liu Fei called out.


Xiao Zi beckoned to her, and then ran away.

Well, it's not that important anyway.

It's not a big deal anyway.

"Bastard! Birds and beasts... Damn guy!"

The forgotten people among the giant sunflowers far and deep began to curse with grief and indignation.It's just that the surroundings are quiet, leaving her the wind whistling later.

"Let me go quickly..."

ps: Miss Liu Fei is just playing soy sauce.The protagonist will soon have teeth.

Chapter 0436 A new wave emerges (one more)

"I feel so lonely and lonely..."

The powerless vampire sat on her seat and sighed. This was the third time she sighed. Such a tired expression was immediately noticed by the big witch who came over.

Do you feel lonely and lonely with me?Miss Moexiang is really too much... to hate me so much... well... that's the truth, as a powerful vampire, how could you look down on me as a little witch?I'm so humble... I feel inferior~~" Miss Liu Fei, who was in a white apron and came up with fried tomatoes, immediately put down the dish and found a white handkerchief from nowhere. Wiping the corners of her eyes, she looks pitiful and disgusted and then has low self-esteem, and she really smells the tears of those who see it.

"Yeah...it's not like that...it's not like that."

The kind-hearted Mengxiang immediately stood up and supported Miss Liu Fei, "I didn't mean that...just for this breakfast..."

"Breakfast? Oh... so that's what it is, it turns out that I made it too bad... I really don't have the talent to cook."

Obviously, what Mengxiang said did not appease Miss Liu Fei, but made her even more self-defeating. Now she has completely collapsed on the ground, looking like she was seriously injured and then hit again. What's even more surprising is that the curtains of the room opened. Zi La turned into a dark scene, and then the light bulb on her head was turned on and a small range of light fell on her. At this moment, Miss Liu Fei was like a disgusted Cinderella.

"Yeah... Absolutely not! It's not like that."

Mengxiang said two absolutes in a row, she really didn't mean that.She hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean that. Of course Miss Liu Fei's dishes are delicious, but...if you have breakfast...then you can't..."

Moexiang's voice gradually decreased, as if she was embarrassed to say it.

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