"just can not?"

"You can't find an excuse to suck the blood of Yeshenyue-Jun! Eh... Mingyue-Jun is also a vampire, but he can't help it..."

Moeka looked troubled.Because if it's a normal time, then she can deliberately skip or forget to eat, and then she can take the opportunity to eat a full meal when she encounters Ye Shenyue downstairs. As a vampire food, it is very important, but still... sweet and delicious blood is more it is good.

Because Ye Shenyue sent Miss Liu Fei to be her cook, so Mengxiang couldn't stop eating in the morning, that is, she couldn't continue to suck Ye Shenyue's blood every day.

It's really pitiful, she is pitiful. As a vampire who's used to drinking blood in the morning, it's really hard for her to quit suddenly, but what's even more difficult is Yashinyue's goodness!Not to mention that the situation where he has less blood every day is the terrible ordeal of being a vampire and being sucked by a vampire, that is absolutely unacceptable.

When it comes to sucking blood, he wants to suck blood. I don't know how hard he endures it every time.

Fortunately, there is now a concubine Liu who can help him refuse Mengxiang tactfully.

It has been a whole week since the club tour. They have come back from Sunflower, and Mr. Maomu has also packed hundreds of fish back. Fortunately, only a few of them are on the school bus. The driver's uncle is better at talking, so Mr. Maomu will definitely be thrown out of the car with her fish.

Teacher Maomu has a good harvest, but she is not the only one who has a good harvest. Ye Shenyue also helped Miss Liu Fei to apply for a school stay permit, but not as a teacher in the original book, but as a student, the same as Xiao Zi. class.

Xiao Zi is very young and small, but her intelligence is very high, she just jumped up the grade, so she is in the second grade, Ye Shenyue, they are only in the first grade, and Miss Liu Fei's age... Yeshen Yuewai, who knew his age, was one year older than Moeka and the others, so he entered the second grade.

Xiao Zi didn't have much character and friends in the second grade class. Now that she has an alliance of witches, she is much happier.

But when they were in the activity room, someone else sighed with Moe Xiang in the morning. This was her second sigh.

Xiao Zi's hat was casually draped over her head, covering her chin-long hair. Her face was so bored that she was leaning against the table. It just so happened that her body was also small, so she didn't need any effort at all. Against the head.

"It's so boring, the handsome brother went to see the mermaid dancing, and the snow girl also went to take pictures, and then... ah... so boring... Sister Mengxiang, Miss Liu Fei, what game should we play?"

Xiao Zi said weakly.Although it is a news agency, the current minister is still in the make-up exam stage and can't come to organize them. They are staying here and doing their own things. Beside Xiao Zi, Hu Meng was drinking, and it seemed that everyone had their own things to do.

But the quiet atmosphere was immediately broken by Xiao Zi's sentence.


x2 Mengxiang was so nervous that the tip of the pencil broke immediately, and Hu Meng even exaggerated that she sprayed a sip of water directly on Xiaozi's face...

"What are you doing! You are really trying to get back at me for forgetting what happened to you at Sunflower?"

Xiao Zi stood up very, very angry, while Miss Liu Fei was quickly wiping the water droplets for her.

Xiao Zi herself is also wiping the water droplets hard, but she is a little witch, although she is not very popular in the class, but no one splashes water on her! , Xiao Zi summed it up by herself and felt that this dream demon was among the sunflowers.

"You said it!"

Hu Meng actually stood on the chair with one foot. As soon as she talked about this Hu Meng, she couldn't stand it anymore. She was the only one who knew about the wind and frost that night, the cold night, and the cold star that night. Everyone was going to bed after dinner. Finally, after laying the quilt, I remembered that there was still one person missing, and then I remembered... The Dream Demon was still in the sunflower, and when she found her, she was almost out of breath.

What a poor kid.

"I want to fight..."

Xiao Zi is right, but she also admits her mistake, right?And she was spanked by Ye Shenyue.It's just that Mengmo mentioned Xiao Zi again and felt that this was Mengmo's fault. Why does she have such a big chest and only have such a small chest?

She doesn't understand.

Meng Mo also doesn't understand, she doesn't understand why a pan like Xiao Zi has such a small mind?Always go against her.

The two stared at each other in disgust.

"Okay, okay...don't be angry, now the more important thing is..."

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Mengxiang hurried over to stop it.

4.3 "Xiao Zi, Hu Meng didn't do it on purpose."

Miss Liu Fei also came out to help.Or she doesn't want to see her allies being bullied like this, because once they fight, Xiao Zi loses no matter what, "That's right, the important thing now is... Ye Shenyue, this guy is too much, obviously I still go to the swimming pool with me... What's so good about those mermaids..."

Mengmo was immediately dissatisfied, and Ye Shenyue didn't make out much with her recently.

In fact, Ye Shenyue was wronged. After kissing and kissing the two Moe Xiang, he somehow always felt that the recent blood-sucking impulse became stronger, especially when he was intimate with girls.He doesn't want to have the urge to suck blood when he sees girls, and then continue to be sucked blood by Mengxiang without dignity to suppress the urge to suck blood, so he can only keep a little distance from the girls first.

And he was invited to the swimming club by Miss Minister, as if to ask him to help.

Chapter 0437 is finally about to start the confrontation (two more)

It stands to reason that Yashenyue feels that she is getting more and more unable to control herself. She should be invisible to the girls, but he has a little bit of a relationship with the head of the swimming department, so of course her request is for help.Because this is not something to be seen, Ye Shenyue came without telling the girls. Of course, there is a snow girl on his back foot, that is a stalker who will follow no matter what you say, that is her hobby.

Loving this kind of thing is the most difficult thing to do.Like Silas' ass loves his neck now.

If you can forgive yourself, why can't you forgive others?

Even so, Ye Shenyue still felt uncomfortable.

Because if the other party is just peeking, it's fine, but the other party is still taking pictures with the camera!Being seen is not a momentary thing, but becomes evidence and becomes a lifetime thing!

"Crack clap..."

Ye Shenyue's ears had already heard the sound of taking pictures.

Ignore must ignore.

Ye Shenyue told herself this, but there was a burst of restlessness in her ears, because the girls were here.

"Ye Shenyue, you are really too much. How can you... uh..."

The one who spoke first was Hu Meng, who had the strongest personality, but just as Hu Meng opened his mouth, Ye Shenyue immediately covered his lips.

"Night God Moon Lord?"

Hu Meng was covering his mouth and Ba was speechless, but Mengxiang could still speak.

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