"I understand."

I don't know when Xiao Zi, who came over, nodded her cute head and then pointed gently forward.

Everyone followed her slender pink and tender fingertips and just saw such a scene.

That is.

The head of the swimming department, draped in a long white bath towel, held an envelope in her hand, which she handed to the uninvited tall man.

The seriousness on the man's face is like a poker that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, very boring.He was wearing a solemn black-and-white uniform, but he opened the envelope handed over by the swimming minister and started a neat count. From everyone's point of view, it could be seen that the man was counting money. million dollar bills.

The general equivalent in the Yokai world is also the same for coins and in the human world.

"It's here this month, and the price will be raised by [-] next month."

The man left a cold sentence and left without looking at the minister, as if he only had money in his eyes.

It was indeed only money, he put the money in his pocket, and there were two other members dressed like him outside.They didn't stop and went in other directions soon, but the direction they were moving seemed to be a society.

"Yuejun... Did you see it? Oh... It turns out that everyone from the news department is here, so I'll just say it plainly."

The long-haired minister with a light green color reminiscent of the sea, with traces of waves, came over. She had a sweet smile on her face, but she pursed her lips indiscernibly after seeing everyone. , The smile suddenly became smaller. Originally, she just wanted to call Ye Shenyue to come alone, but she didn't expect so many people to come, so some other programs would have to be stillborn.

However, there will be opportunities in the future.

The minister is not an idiot. She saw Ye Shenyue winking at her, so she quickly changed her tune as if she was begging them for something.She sprinkled it lightly, still with bright and slippery water droplets, showing the appearance of a very mature and mature sister. "Actually, I came to you because I wanted you to break the news. Of course, if things don't work out, please don't tell us about our swimming club. After all, we are all weak mermaids... We can only rely on the powerful you." ?"

Although she was not very happy to see this unique minister, Hu Meng still asked, she slightly stepped forward and stopped as if to show her excellent breasts, she was wearing a school uniform and the minister She was wearing a swimsuit, although it wasn't very revealing, but the style of her chest was still there. The whiteness and tenderness made Hu Meng a little unhappy. She was obviously more outstanding, but Ye Shenyue just looked at each other.

What an unpleasant feeling this is.

"Well, just now is the public security committee in the school. They are using their power to collect money from each club, and our swimming club is about to be unable to support the high amount and the increasing frequency. After all, we are just powerless mermaids. …”

Seeing that everyone's attention was concentrated, the minister actually treated the towel on his body as a tissue and gently wiped the corners of his eyes like a conservative bullying girl.

"Since that's the case... then our news department can't ignore it."

Mengxiang really has a good heart.

"Well, then our news department will expose this public security committee! Maybe this will attract more attention and become more dazzling!"

Hu Mengmeng Yeshenyue finally turned her attention to her, and her mood suddenly improved a lot. It turned out that Yeshenyue didn't specifically want her to watch the mermaid dance. Sure enough, if this mermaid minister wanted to talk about rankings, it would be at the end. Can't make it!

Hu Meng, who was in a good mood, was in a better mood after listening to the minister's aggrieved voice.

So become more energetic.

"Well, well said, Xiao Zi can also become shiny."

Xiantong Zi didn't know when she picked up her star wand. She seemed to have forgotten that she was the news department, not the fighting department.

But there are still people who support her.

That is her ally Miss Liu Fei. Although Miss Liu Fei has the mature and mature atmosphere of a big sister, she also has a unique flavor in her dark green school uniform, just like a mature flower Lei can't help it want to take it off. "Since Xiao Zi wants to do it, I will definitely support it."

"Then I'll take the photo. By the way, I didn't take the photo just now."

Miss Bai Xue got up from the pool at the right time. She is a snow girl and can melt her body into the water to make it silent. However, she can only change her body but not her clothes.

In other words, the current she comes out of the water is completely... naked!

Smooth and smooth!

Xue Nu was originally behind Ye Shenyue and didn't need to go into the water, but she only went into the water after seeing the minister "trading" with the members of the Public Security Committee to avoid the attention of the other party in 967. Now everyone nodded and agreed to be part of her. Of course, you have to speak out to express your existence.

Then it became such a scene.


Silence This is a brief silence.

If you don't erupt in silence, you will perish in silence. Of course, everyone can't perish, so they broke out!

"Hurry up and get dressed!"

The most intense of them is actually Ye Shenyue, this girl is really strong enough, first made the naked body of his giant snowman and now she is naked!

Can't you just pretend to be naked in your head!

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I'll wear it right away."

With such a loud voice, Miss Bai Xue almost took a few steps back, but she seemed very well-behaved and quickly put on the clothes she had taken off earlier.

"Just now……"

Then, she walked to Ye Shenyue's side, looking a little embarrassed, her fingers wiggled uncomfortably, "My naked body just now... did you see it?"

Did you see it?

Did you see it?

So ask... don't you say...

"Sure enough!"

XN Miss Bai Xue actually revealed it on purpose!

After a lot of uproar and everyone's show to Bai Xue, girls want to cherish their education, the news department finally accepted the minister's request.Then the action started.actual action.

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