ps: This book has been renamed Infinite Comprehensive Manga. Please pay attention to it, and many chapters have been deleted today. If it affects reading, I am very sorry.

Chapter 0438 The frontal battle (one more)

It is not too late.

When everyone came out of the swimming club, which were all beautiful girls, they immediately launched an action, which was to follow the members of the Ministry of Public Security who were busy collecting money.Maybe they felt that no one in the academy dared to resist them, so they let down their guard and didn't sneak up on the money, but collected money aboveboard.


Although the camera is the hobby of Bai Xue and Moriqiu Yinying, but the Ministry of Information, after all, the Ministry of Information took out N cameras and everyone started a life of all kinds of candid photography.

Like now.

Ye Shenyue followed the members of the Public Security Committee to the aerobics club that showed strong abdominal muscles on the trail. Although it was aerobics, the members were all boys. The strong boys did not see any abdominal muscles on their bodies. The members of the public security committee were nervous and speechless, as if they were the real tall ones at this moment. In fact, it was not necessarily that they could not beat them. The members of the aerobics club were afraid of their captain Jiu Yao. The strongest person in the school.

It is said that someone resisted and was burned to ashes by him.

"I'm really sorry, our funds have been used to buy equipment."

The person in charge of the aerobics said carefully, "Can you give me a few days? Just three days, just three days."


The leading leader showed a disdainful expression and then pointed his finger up and the members behind him immediately started brutal beatings, even though the members of the aerobics begged for mercy, they didn't care, beat them first.


Ye Shenyue took the photo.He is a member of the Ministry of Information, as long as he exposes these public security committees, and he is not a pure-blooded good man. The hero saves the beauty, and he only does it occasionally, but this hero saves men...

Ye Shenyue still shot.

"Alala...Although the monsters follow the law of the jungle, they look really ugly..."

At the same time, the many members of the Public Security Committee found that their bodies were on fire at some point, and they rolled on the ground one by one, hoping to put out the fire.

Ye Shenyue came out.

"You... who are you..."

Even though his body was about to burn with a red bruise, the little leader said toughly, this was the first time he was attacked by surprise.Who in the end has the courage to rebel against their Public Security Committee?

"I'm...just an ordinary human...well, although it's not a purebred."

"What? You're not a monster?"

The little leader who was defeated suddenly felt that he could escape the punishment from the guild leader, because if the guild leader knew that they were beaten to the point that they were about to lose their demon form, they would definitely be punished severely, but if they brought it back, it would be useful. The news then...maybe it can make up for it.

The little boss suddenly felt a little more at ease.

Regardless of his peace of mind, the Ministry of Information used its power to accept money, and if it was an association that couldn't pay the money, it would be abolished.

But no one dared to say that, the news agency has stabbed it out, which means...

The Ministry of Information and the Public Security Committee are in conflict.

Even though there is little hope, everyone who dares to fight with the Public Security Committee still supports the Ministry of Information.

Hu Meng and Xiao Zi's goal has been achieved, and now no matter where they go, there are countless people's eyes, it feels like... a shining princess.

so cool...

The public security committee's activity room.

This is a classical room decorated like the last century. The minister is sitting on a chair and watching a series of messages. There is no fluorescent lamp on his head. He doesn't like this kind of light that only human beings like. The lights will make him feel at ease because he is the monster in charge of the fire, as bright as he wants.

The dim kerosene lamp is like a useless opponent, he can easily extinguish it!

But now someone just broke in without knocking on the door.

is his subordinate.Wearing a heavy and solemn uniform of the same size as him.

"Minister, it's not good, our members were caught by the news agency with unfavorable information. Now many people are skeptical of us."

One of the confidants said.

"Really? Haha... I haven't even looked for them yet, but it's really interesting that they actually came by themselves."

Jiuyao's slender eyes squinted slightly, "The order goes on, it is said that a human has been mixed in at Yanghai College, and our Public Security Committee will start punishing these traitors. And that human is from the Ministry of Information."

There was a faint flame in Jiuyao's eyes, which was the blood-stained flame of the killing party.

And here, Minister Senqiu Yinying has just finished making up the class and can finally return to the news agency. He was suspended from school because of the voyeurism incident, and then he lost his face for the make-up exam. Finally, he finally solved everything and prepared to come back to wash his shame. At that time, I saw the newspaper held by my classmates. It was the newspaper of their news department.

This time the newspaper looked very professional, because this time the newspaper only reported one thing, that is.

"The Public Security Committee is an unprecedented department that oppresses schools, and our news agency wants to repay Yanghai College," was the headline.

This is the title, and the title directly confronts the Public Security Committee.

Sen Qiu Yinying's hand holding the newspaper was already shaking.

After pausing for three seconds and then taking two deep breaths, Sen Qiu Yinying carried her schoolbag and walked immediately, but she was walking in the direction not to go to class but to go back to her hometown.

He has to go back to his hometown first.

He was a member of the last year's Information Department. That was last year. The Information Department exposed the Public Security Committee, but was retaliated by the Public Security Committee. All the team members fell down, and finally even the department was abolished.

That's a shame, but it can't be revenge, because... the head of the Public Security Committee, Jiu Yao, can't be defeated, even if he is a wolf demon, can't do it.

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