And against them only to be beaten.

If he participates in it again this time, then he will be held against Jiu Yao...

Therefore, the thirty-six strategies are the best, and the minister of the Ministry of Information will be defeated without a fight.

Just before he left, the people from the Public Security Committee had already found everyone in the news agency, ps: It seems that not many people like this world, about one third of the vampire world is over, and then it is to complete Conan, interspersed with Two or three chapters of Saber, Variety Sakura finally ended on April [-]st.

Chapter 0439 was burned to ashes of the night god month (one more)

ps: Written in the front, it seems that although this book is banned, people who subscribe can continue to subscribe and continue to read.The update is now resumed. Thank you for your continued support. I hope you can continue to support the sub-period. In addition, I hope that the new book "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack", which is a friendly collection of the sub-period, is very grateful here.


The members of the Public Security Committee had already found the members of the Information Department, who were proud of the spring breeze. It was the first time that the Public Security Committee had gathered together in such a regular manner. After being surrounded by water, the little bosses walked in the way that their subordinates deliberately made way. Jiuyao is the most powerful, but he also doesn't like to do it himself all the time. It's not that he is lazy but that he is too arrogant.He has no desire or desire for an opponent who is really too weak, and always feels that his shot will destroy his prestige, so he always asks his "Four Heavenly Kings" to deal with it.

It is said that the four heavenly kings are actually not powerful, and the three-headed wolf demon, the zombie from the east, a sea monster, and the spider spirit Yingsi are responsible for it.

It can be said that among the many members, these four people stand out from the crowd and can be distinguished at once.

Yes, Yazi is a girl with an iron rod, her hair is pulled into a ponytail, and flat bangs are quite oriental, but Yingsi is outstanding, her face is smooth and delicate, and there is a slender head. The purple waist-length hair looks like a temperamental senior.

It's just that the senior sister's tone was not very good at this time.

"It's really troublesome, which club is so ignorant to provoke the minister? It actually sent us all out."

Yingsi's tone was very bad. She was busy abolishing departments such as the Girls' Department of the Literature Club for the past two days, so she didn't care about these things, and only came here after receiving an order.

"I heard it's the Ministry of Information, haven't you read their newspaper? You're criticizing us."

Ah, ah, ah, two slender arms wrapped around the iron rod and said indifferently.

"Department of Information? I feel like these guys are not so bold as to dare to criticize us directly. If the Minister is not so impatient, then just use me. I can re-establish another Ministry of Information and put the people from this Ministry of Information. All become rubbish!"

Although he didn't fully understand what happened, Yingsi already had an idea of ​​his own.

She just happened to be bored, so she wanted to set up a department to play, anyway, because she didn't have to pay taxes.

"Okay, stop talking, look... the minister is here."

Ya Yazi gently poked Yingsi with her long, slender, straight purple hair with her long iron rod, signaling her to be careful.Yingsi, who seemed excited just now, immediately quieted down like a lady.

Not only her other members also quieted down as if they had seen the leader who was adored and feared.

It is indeed the chief. The prototype of the minister Jiuyao is the powerful demon fox with the power to burn everything, and they cannot tolerate them without fear.

Jiuyao calmly walked down the path that everyone let out and then faced the lazy crowd in the news department.

It's really lazy, except for Xiao Zi who seems very excited and excited with a magic wand, the others seem... all normal, and continue to carry out club activities normally.

Mengxiang continued to copy notes, and Hu Meng was ordered by Ye Shenyue not to get too close to him, so she could only hold his arm, and Bai Xue... well, she was sorting out the various photos she took this week. All kinds of photos, it is true that Xue Nv took every photo very carefully, and was going to put two layers of film on the photos for better preservation.

What Snow Maidens lack most is patience.

And Ye Shenyue herself... was drinking tea, and the great witch Lady Liu Fei, who was wearing an apron on his side, was pouring water for him.

The public turned a blind eye to these members of the Public Security Committee, and then continued their activities on their own. don't see the atmosphere!

These people must be beaten badly.

Most of the male members of the Public Security Committee wear glasses, and they like the way they look at each other shivering through the lenses.Looking at Ye Shenyue and the rest of them, they can already predict the outcome of the meeting, not to mention the ministers who are present can beat them all down!

"You know what we're here for?"

Jiuyao's eyes swept over everyone's body and then stopped on Mengxiang and Ye Shenyue. He already knew the news that Mengxiang was a vampire. For him, vampires were big monsters but not him. His opponent, his attention was on the body of Ye Shenyue, who did not reveal the mountains and rivers. He actually couldn't feel the fluctuation of the demon power from Ye Shenyue's body. Is this kind of person... dare to fight against himself?And also use the power of fire like yourself?

"Isn't it just a fight? Whoever has the bigger fist will listen to whoever speaks."

Ye Shenyue pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, then put down the half-drinking teacup, and stood up.

Jiu Yao's height is really high, Ye Shenyue found that she was actually a little shorter than him, but this is not too high and there is something wrong with being too high.For example, if it is too tall, when walking with a girl, you can't bow your head and kiss each other's forehead.

"It's easy to talk to smart people."

Jiuyao's slender eyes squinted, and he seemed to be praising him, but the members who were familiar with him knew that the current minister was ready to take action... They were fortunate enough to see how the minister treated people...

...... No, it should be said that the monsters burned nothing left.

"Then... Rooftop Showdown."

As if X2 had issued a challenge letter, the two had already decided, and the members of the Public Security Committee immediately walked out.

"It's too much!"

However, when everyone went to the roof, Meng Mo immediately pouted, because she heard the propaganda from the members of the Public Security Committee.

"According to their investigation, there was a human being mixed in at Yanghai Academy, and it is Ye Shenyue now." "Well... Forget it, as long as the handsome brother wins."

Xiao Zi didn't care, "Let's go up and cheer him up... Now I'm really worried that there is only Sister Mengxiang alone."

"Yeah...that's right, I'm not worried about Mengxiang alone. If Mengxiang and Ye Shenyue take this opportunity to spark any more sparks...then I'll..."

The dream demon immediately accelerated.


Xiao Zi felt that she and Meng Mo would never be able to understand each other. She thought differently from her, in various senses.

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