Ye Shenyue Moeka and Jiuyao on the roof face each other.

Ye Shenyue stared at Jiu Yao carefully.Then he continued, "Although they are all foxes, but...why are you so ugly?"

What Ye Shenyue was thinking about was that before the jade bath he met in the catgirl world, all foxes were demon foxes, but he felt that the jade bath was so cute but Jiuyao interested.


Jiu Yao's mouth twitched.

"Oh... so..."

But it was Jiu Yao's noncommittal voice that answered Ye Shenyue, but at this time, no one expected that Jiu Yao, who was on the roof facing Ye Shenyue, moved towards Chi at a speed that could not cover his ears. Ye Mengxiang threw a rocket with super high temperature.

The temperature of the rocket is very high, and it makes a crackling sound, and it feels dizzy to be melted just by shaking it in front of my eyes.


At this moment, Moexiang was just sealed with her power, and she couldn't escape at all.

"'re going too far!"

Ye Shenyue roared and immediately rushed towards Mengxiang and pulled Mengxiang to pull her over, but the "No..." who was about to arrive at Mengxiang's place...

Then Ye Shenyue heard the screams of Hu Meng and the others, and when he moved his gaze, he saw only a glow of hot flashes that could melt people into gas.

Just flames, flames facing him directly.

Jiuyao's attack on Mengxiang was just a pretext to attack him.

"Insidious guy!"

The speed was too fast, and Ye Shenyue had no time to dodge, so she could only grunt and fell to the ground.But his other hand just happened to be on Mengxiang's chest, habitually downward.

ps: The next chapter is the real vampire

Chapter 0440 on the real vampire (unblock the first)

The fiery flames attacked Ye Shenyue's back from the rear and spread upwards and downwards until it completely wrapped his body.

Ye Shenyue's body fell down, his clothes were completely burned and his skin turned black as if it was about to become coke.

And he thought so, and closed his eyes as if he was burned out.

"Do not……"

Moeka screamed. She couldn't believe that the person she liked fell in front of her like this, and she fell to the ground to protect herself.

In fact, Jiu Yao didn't plan to attack Mengxiang from the beginning. He did it on purpose. His real goal was to attack Yashenyue.

Well, it's just that.

The chairman, who was still wearing the serious and old-fashioned uniform of the Public Security Committee, had a look of contempt in his eyes, because the dazzling flames that were released when Yashin Yue taught him to attack Hu Meng's trio made him afraid for a while, but now he has even His ordinary 800-degree flame gun can't catch a person who is really not worthy of his attention.

He really missed it.

"This is a world where the strong eat the weak. Our monsters respect the law of the jungle. I now declare that Ye Shenyue is actually a human and has mixed into our noble monster academy, so I, Jiuyao, will decide here!"

Jiu Yao patted the hem of his clothes with one hand, as if he had done something trivial.

"And you Chi Ye Mengxiang... You are also insiders... If you give in, then maybe I can let your news department exist."

At this moment, Chairman Jiuyao seemed to become righteous and soft-hearted.

But Moeka ignored him.As if nothing was heard.

She sat slumped. She put Ye Shenyue's head on her knees, and stroked his completely burned face with trembling and unbelievable hands. Although it was burned, it was strange that Ye Shenyue's body was on fire. His top was burned and his pants were still in the end, even the most easily burned hair was still kept.

The only difference is that the body is dark and... there is no breathing or heartbeat.

"Clap clap..."

A drop of warm tears slid down from the dark green pure eyes, and the tears continued to fall completely on Ye Shenyue's face and then fell to the icy ground.

Moe is crying.

"Jiuyao, I won't let you go!"

She raised her head sharply and then there were angry words.


However, the chairman's response to her was only sarcasm and disdain, "If you are a vampire, forget it, but now you... just find any monster you can defeat! Chi Ye Mengxiang... You really wasted Chi Ye in vain. It's the last name."

Jiuyao seemed to hear something funny.


She is just Chiye Mengxiang, a fan Mengxiang whose power has been sealed, and her biggest weapon is cuteness and cuteness.

But there is one small thing that seems to be overlooked.

That was her at the moment, the silver cross with a strange and noble atmosphere that should have been hanging in the middle of her bulging chest had fallen to the ground.

The cross was taken down by his last strength when Yagami was burned to the ground.

That light "touch" sound went unnoticed.

No more silence in the outbreak will perish in the silence, the wind and sunshine are just the omen before the storm.

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