The lack of response at the moment does not mean that her seal has not been broken.But the other one is also brewing anger.

When the anger value reaches a peak, it is when it erupts. Apart from liking the same person and using the same body, the two Moeka have nothing in common, but now.There was only one word in the hearts of the two Mengxiang.


Be sure to smash the Jiuyao in front of you... into ten thousand pieces!

Sure enough, a storm was coming, and the originally clear crescent moon instantly turned into a dark red full moon symbolizing a strange atmosphere.


The head of the Information Department, Ginying Moriqiu, who ran far away, looked at the moon that was the most suitable for him to fight and couldn't help but howled loudly, but he didn't go out to fight because a powerful demonic aura radiated from the roof. When he got up, this dark red demonic energy made him, the big monster, feel terrible too.

There... what terrible thing happened!

This monstrous aura makes one feel terrified.


At the same time in the dean's room, the dean, who was wearing a priest's clothes that symbolized purity, looked at the cross on the forehead that was exactly the same as Moexiang's chest, which was placed in the center of the room as a support for the barrier that controlled the entire Yanghai Academy. There was a faint sweat on it.

Because a small crack appeared faintly on the cross, which turned from smooth to flawed.

This time, the trouble is too big. If you let them make trouble a few more times, the cross will be completely broken, and then the monsters will be able to directly lead to the human world, then the humans and monsters they have come up with will live in harmony. The goal can only come to an end.

"In the end what happened?"

Hu Meng and Xiao Zi, who had just reached the roof, were in a fog, but they were still affected by the demonic energy while flying, but they were swept aside by the demonic wind with a puff.It hurt a little but it was still on the roof.

"That's... Moe Xiang? Another Moe Xiang?"

Ignoring the pain on her body, Hu Meng only looked at Mengxiang who was in the center of the demonic aura, and said loudly, there was uncertainty in her voice.

Because Mengxiang at the moment gave them a very... um, domineering to the extreme... angry feeling, it can be said that at this moment Mengxiang even they dare not meet her because of those wine red eyes There was an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

That's... killing intent!

What happened to Moe?How could it be like this?

Hu Meng turned her head and saw a scene of surprise and heartbreak. Xiao Zi didn't understand the situation at first, but she shrank back because the lady Mengmo around her didn't know when the purple black eyes were also brought up. The breath of terror and terror...

"Damn Jiuyao... I'm just a little late... How dare you..."

I don't know when the door of the roof was opened, and the wide sleeves slammed the door into ice slag, and the hands in the sleeves turned into huge ice blades with a length of three meters.

Miss Xuenu was in a very bad mood. She just went to deal with the members of the Public Security Committee who preached that "Yishenyue is actually a human being and Chairman Jiuyao is punishing her". How could she have thought of taking care of them and opening the door? When I came up, I only saw Ye Shenyue's burnt black and unconscious to the ground.

Maybe she could just tell Ye Shenyue that she just likes his body, but the anger she shows now is more than ordinary dissatisfaction that her own "body" was damaged by someone.

Now she is...

There is only one word in my head.


Hu Meng became very angry, and there was no room for other people in her eyes, only the enemy who had to be defeated was left.

"Hahaha... It seems that everyone has arrived... Are you going to fight? It's just... The chairman will solve it all at once!"

Although he said it in a confident tone, his figure has changed. Jiu Yao sat on the ground all of a sudden, not to rest, he was transformed!

The fiery flames of the flames surrounded his body and then his figure reappeared amidst the sound of Zizzi colliding with the air.

This is a nine-tailed fox with four tails, a nine-tailed fox that controls the flames.

"I haven't shown my first form for a long time, you should be happy!"

Jiuyao's four tails are like a cross tied straight, but at this time the "Ten 5.9-character frame" is full of flames, and the cross is not fixed, it is spinning rapidly like a big windmill. The flames that were originally attached to the tail, which turned like a meteor shower, immediately fell to the entire rooftop like a meteor shower.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a loud noise, the flames sank to the ground and left deep traces of being scorched by the unbelievable high temperature.It is conceivable that if this flame falls on a person... Then wouldn't it be evaporated in an instant?

Moreover, the flames are so dense that there is no possibility of being missed!

But Jiu Yao's slender fox eyes did not show a smug look, but showed a hint of surprise.Because one person actually ignored his "Meteor Blast" attack and landed in front of him from a dozen meters away in less than an instant.

This is... what kind of speed!

ps: It's finally unblocked. I hope everyone can continue to support it. As for the entire chapter that was deleted... If you subscribe to the whole volume, you can ask the author for it.

There is one more update in the early morning of the old rules.

Chapter 0441 under the real vampire (for flowers)

Jiu Yao hesitated for a moment, but the figure that suddenly appeared did not hesitate. He clenched his fist with a fist of intense hatred and anger and swung it directly towards its huge fox-like body without any hindrance.

It stands to reason that the fox that he has turned into a flame is full of flames. The temperature is enough to make people evaporate instantly, let alone hurt him. The fist will turn gray before it gets close to his body, so it is not necessary. scared.

Yes, it stands to reason that there is no need to be afraid.

But the fact frightened him.

Because his flames had no effect on the silver-haired Chi Ye Mengxiang!There seemed to be a strong sleeve covering her fist.

"Nima... actually wrapped his fist with demon power!"

Jiuyao finally changed his fairness and culture and exclaimed a foul language.

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