Yes, his expectation was that even if Chi Ye Mengxiang hit him, her fists would turn to ashes, but now the high temperature of his flame was offset by her demon power, which means...

The fist was still on him!


The soft and soft stomach sags like this, and the intestines seem to be displaced... Jiu Yao subconsciously spit out bitter water, but Meng Xiang's attack is far from a single blow, her punch is from the bottom He hit Jiuyao's body upwards, then kicked it hard and kicked sideways, and finally kicked both feet upwards.


Jiuyao's body slid through the air like a kite with a broken string and finally fell into the huge bell tower with a fierce sound.

The blood spurted from the mouth slipped from the corner of the mouth and then fell drop by drop on the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

However, at this time, Jiuyao was laughing, and Jiuyao, who had gone to Half-Life, was actually laughing.

"Could it be that……"

Mengxiang's eyes were solemn, and then she faced classmate Bai Xue who had erected a huge ice shield to protect Jiuyao's "meteor blast" just now, and Hu Meng, who was also angry, and said, "Jiuyao's form may become It's even more powerful, you have to hold on for a minute later! And I'm going to save Ye Shenyue, it's urgent, if it's too late, he really won't be able to save it."


Surprisingly, the two blackened guys suddenly settled down, "Is there any help for Ye Shenyue?"

It's obviously been burned to black charcoal, can you save it?

"The last method. Just try it, I need a minute!"

Mengxiang originally wanted to beat Jiuyao to the ground first, and then she took advantage of this time to save Ye Shenyue, but now, Jiuyao is about to recover. There is not enough time. If you continue to beat Jiuyao, you will miss the rescue. It's time for people!

So she can only ask the dream demon and the snow girl.

Just as Mengxiang's words fell, the flame on Jiu Yao's body changed color. The flame that was supposed to be fiery red suddenly turned into a light blue. It seemed that the color became lighter but the power was a hundred times stronger!


Jiuyao gave a strange and unpleasant cry and then his fox's scarred wounds were recovering, the light blue flame spread from the four tails to the whole body, and then his two hooves turned into feet, the original fox's. The lying form turned into a person walking upright.

But this is just a human attitude, because he is still a monster, but he is stronger than the state just now.

The four tails have become thicker and longer but the hair has become softer.


At this moment, Jiu Yao exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

"Mengxiang, hurry up!"

Looking at Jiuyao, who was stronger than before, the two women did not have any timid expressions, one minute... No matter what, they had to hold on.

"and many more!"

At this time, Xiao Zi, who had been silent all the time, also made a voice, "How can you forget me Xiao Zi when it is so interesting? I, Xiao Zi, have to do my part! After all, it's for my handsome brother..."

Xiao Zi, who was pushed aside by Bai Xue at the beginning, immediately jumped out and took out her star-shaped wand.

"Wait...don't forget I have a help..."

The big witch who appeared with both hands grabbing the feet of the huge crow at some point laughed softly.

Her wand was also clenched in her hand.

"Please. I'll come and help as soon as possible."

Mengxiang nodded towards them, such people... Even though they knew it was an unwinnable battle, they still fought hard...they...

Moexiang can only promise that she will try her best as soon as possible.


Yin-haired Mengxiang couldn't have any other colors in her eyes. Now she has already hugged Ye Shenyue's head. Of course, at this time, he hasn't been firmly attached to his neck by niceboat's head or something.

It's just that at this time, Chi Ye Mengxiang gently touched his neck with her hand, then lowered her face but opened her lips with a little bit of icy chill.

The sharp tips of the two small and sharp teeth were exposed, and they pierced directly into Ye Shenyue's neck without any obstacle, like cutting through tofu, the smell of blood.

Moexiang felt the temptation of blood as soon as her skin was cut into her muscles, but at this time, she was not here to suck blood, but to...inject the blood from her body into Yagami's body.

Vampires, no one knows how vampires come. They only know that there is a real ancestor, but it is said that even the real ancestor is not a pure-blooded vampire. She also later became a vampire.

Although the source is unknown, the vampires descended from the blood of the True Ancestor will not be destroyed, because they have an immortal body and will be resurrected even if they are divided into five horses.

And Mengxiang happens to be the daughter of the true ancestor of the vampire, so she also has the blood of immortality in her body. Since she is not dead, she can naturally bring back the dead.

It stands to reason that as long as you distribute your own blood to others, you can create other vampires. If it seems so easy, then can it be mass-produced?

But the fact of the world is that there are only a few poor blood-sucking ancestors.

Because after their blood distributes their blood to others, it means that her power is declining, a drop may be thousands of years of practice and no one will be willing.

Unless the other party is someone you can't lose.

"One drop...isn't enough?"

Moexiang continued to inject her own blood into Ye Shenyue's body, but Ye Shenyue's heartbeat did not fluctuate at all.But what Moeka didn't know was that small dark red flames appeared from the feet except for the heart of Yagami, and the flames were burning his body.

If Kotori is here, then she will definitely recognize... Isn't this flame the flame that restores everything?

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