
However, the screams at this time made her have to stop.

Standing up, Bai Mengxiang felt 557 kinds of dizziness. She didn't know how many drops of blood she had injected into her body, and her body's strength was consumed too quickly, but the scarred people in front of her made her unable to rest.

Because everyone was lying on the ground, their bodies were pitch black and burned.

"Too weak...too weak..."

The humanoid turned white a lot, Jiu Yao laughed, "Since you are all obsessed, then I will |..."

Jiu Yao's words did not continue because a person appeared in front of him again.

Moexiang's fist hammered over again.


This time is different from the last time.

"Hahaha...it's too slow, too slow...where's the speed of beating me just now? I'm here!"

Jiuyao disappeared in place and appeared on the left, five meters away from Mengxiang. "It seems that it is not only speed, but even your strength has dropped at this time..."

"Then... No wonder I bullied the small!"

Jiuyao's fox eyes narrowed, then the four tails began to turn, and the light blue flame exuded a stunning brilliance.

"Hehe... Then I'll learn a sentence too, no wonder I'm bullying the small now!"

However, at this time, a voice landed in the center, a voice that Jiu Yao was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with.

Because the owner of this voice is the scorched Yashenyue who was instantly killed by him in one move as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Is it a scam?

No, it's just that Ye Shenyue was resurrected.


"No wonder I, the true ancestor of vampires, bullied the small!"

He has turned into a full vampire, with his mouth open to reveal sharp teeth.These were vampire teeth, the ones he had always longed for to suck blood.

Chapter 0442 Can the promoted monsters return to their original shape?superior

When Jiuyao left Mengxiang N meters and mocked her for her speed and strength dropped, there was a voice of his fear in the arena.

Then the fox's slender eyes narrowed and looked at Yagami, who stood up from the ground and patted the soil.

"You're not dead?"

It was obviously a questioning sentence, but Jiu Yao shouted it out in a tone of affirmation and madness, but the next words put a lot of gold on his face. "I know... if it's just that weak, I don't need to shoot!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Shenyue just smiled softly.

But just because he smiled didn't mean he wasn't angry. His smile was mocking, and everyone could hear the irony and disdain in it. "How could I be so useless when I was hit by a sneak attack?"

Ye Shenyue ridiculed Jiuyao's sneak attack, but in the next second his figure appeared next to the girl with silver hair and burning eyes, who had turned her head and stared at him in a daze, stretched out her hand and supported Mengxiang's shoulder, no need Jiuyao reminded him that he found that Mengxiang's power had lost most of it. If it was Mengxiang who was at the peak of her power just now, she could definitely kill the second-level form of Jiuyao in front of her, but now she can't.

Because she has passed her power to him.

At the beginning, because of protecting Fan Mengxiang and then being attacked by Jiuyao, Ye Shenyue's whole body seemed to be on fire, and her heart stopped beating. It looked like she had gone to hell to report.But this is not the case. Maybe the beating of the heart is the only criterion for distinguishing whether a person is alive or not for a normal person, but this rule does not apply to him.

Because he was different, at that time his time seemed to have stopped. Time stopped at that moment. There was no one second, no next second, only his own existence. At that moment, of course, the heart could not be beat.

His eyes were closed but his consciousness was extremely clear.He knew exactly what had just happened, Moe Xiang's tears fell on his face and another Moe Xiang poured blood into his body, inspiring his vampire potential.

Then there were Hu Meng and Bai Xue who fell to the ground fighting for that minute.

He was not weak enough to need the protection of a girl, but at the moment when Jiu Yao was hit by a rocket, all the power in his body seemed to be restrained.

It was a power that did not belong to him, a power that was much stronger than he is now. He was not very unfamiliar with that power, or even a little familiar with it, because it was the power of Miss Yuko, the power that controls everything.

Stop his time at that second.

"Nothing can be taken at will, only equivalent exchange. So you can only give this moment in exchange for the power you want."

At that moment, it was as if Miss Yuko was talking with her eyes down so softly by her side.

Yeah, it's all about getting his vampire physique fully activated.And the price he paid was a momentary suspension, only his time was suspended for a moment, and it seemed to the outside world that he had hung up.



If Yashenyue does not want such power, if he wants to become a complete vampire, Moeka needs to become so weak and Hu Meng and the others are scarred, then he would rather not, but if he can't suck blood, he will be sucked instead. !

What's the big deal?As for the urge to bite the neck of a vampire who can't wait to get close to the girls recently...

At most... um, at most, desperately drinking tomato juice or continuing to be Mengxiang's breakfast...

Anyway, it is impossible for him to cut off contact with girls for such reasons. After all, if he has built a big harem and is not with them, then why did he boast about Haikou in the first place?

However, the current self is hurting the girls because he desperately wants to get the vampire's teeth. This is the last thing he wants to see.

It's just that even though I don't want to, my heart is still very warm.

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