His expression and actions when everyone thought he was going to hang up really moved him, because sometimes some feelings don't get rewarded just by paying.

He likes that they like to be with them and usually people don't say it, but it has just been reflected.

When you like me, I like you too.

"You're awake."

When the familiar youth's breath came alive again, even the cold-tempered vampire showed the same expression as the other Moeka, and it was an expression of surprise.

She was just holding on to try it, no... It should be the idea of ​​success, and then poured her own blood into Yagami Yue's body, hoping that he could come back to life again.

Ye Shenyue can save another Moe Xiang and die, of course, she can also die to save her.If another Moe Xiang indirectly let him hang up, then what this Moe Xiang has to do is to directly pull him back from hell.

"Well, you've worked hard, everyone has worked hard, so... Leave the rest to me, and I'll treat Jiuyao well."

Ye Shenyue gently kissed Mengxiang's forehead, Mengxiang blinked and her whole body couldn't hold back any longer.

Just now, she was afraid that Yashenyue would not be able to be saved. She injected too much blood. Now she is really weak.Although she also wanted to beat Jiuyao hard, but now...

Men should be shown.

Those eyes were the same color as the full moon hanging high in the sky, the same color as fire.

It was the same color as her burning eyes.

The man in front of her was completely compatible with her.

They are all vampires, and they are powerful vampires.

Isn't there a saying that silently supporting a man behind his back is a woman's modesty?

"Yo... it seems that you still want to fight me alone..."

Surprisingly, this time Jiuyao did not continue to attack, he let Ye Shenyue hold Mengxiang's actions, but the fox's slender eyes were still narrowed.Because the speed at which Ye Shenyue disappeared from the spot and appeared beside Chi Ye Mengxiang just now was comparable to his.

Even if he attacked again, it would be useless.

He doesn't do such thankless things.

"It seems that you have made me look down on you... Then I will use my strongest power to deal with you!"

At this time, Jiu Yao's butt... er, it should be said to be the tail. The four tails that continued to emit a faint blue flame turned like a whirlwind, and the surrounding air did not fluctuate.

It seems that there is no "meteor blast" that can melt the pits before continuing to release, but there are still changes.

Yagami noticed that the change was on his tail!

The shape that originally looked like a cross was affixed with a new tail.

This guy actually advanced, from four-tailed demon fox to five-tailed!

evolution!What is evolution This is evolution!

ps: I have been busy recently, so I hope you will forgive me for the less update. It will be much better after May [-]st.Thank you again for your continued support during this period.

There is also trouble for a friendly collection of "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" link is at the top of the comment.

Chapter 0443 Can the promoted monsters return to their original shape?Down


The light blue flame on the tail became more vigorous, from the size of one fist to the size of three fists.

Jiuyao's power doubled in an instant from four tails to five tails, and the already terrifying demon power swept the entire rooftop.

Jiu Yao's sharp slender eyes stared at Ye Shenyue, he looked at Ye Shenyue proudly.

But it's very strange that he didn't see fear in the other's eyes. What his slender eyes printed were only the other's dark red eyes.


Obviously a vampire has vampire eyes, but he can't feel the demon power of a vampire.

Weird feeling.

Originally, he thought that Ye Shenyue was a human with powerful human power, but now these eyes have made him get stuck. Could it be that this guy is a vampire and can still release flames?

But these are not important anymore. Now, Jiuyao didn't see the surprise and fear he wanted to see in the eyes of the other party!

"Clap clap..."

There was loud applause on this rooftop that seemed to be completely controlled by Jiu Yao's demon power.In Jiu Yao's ears, there was undoubtedly a loud clapping sound.

Usually, applause is used to encourage and cheer, but now there is only... sarcasm in the applause.

Then the palms that were overlapped and separated showed a faint and gentle golden brilliance, and the brilliance fell on the ground like snowflakes all over the sky, falling on the ground and falling on the unconscious girls.The faces of Meng Mo and Xue Nu, who were still showing painful expressions, slowly stretched out as if they had been gently healed. The hand that Xiao Zi and Miss Liu Fei had been holding on to the magic wand also slowly loosened the corners of their mouths. Gently evoked as if something good happened in a dream.

Yes, they are no longer in a coma but have changed to restful sleep.

Moexiang didn't speak, she just continued to look at Ye Shenyue with her red eyes, there is no shortage of men in this world who appreciate beautiful women, the only thing missing is her kind of beauty who appreciates men.

Such an opportunity may not come again.

The pits on the ground created by Jiuyao's "meteor blasting" all recovered after the brilliance flashed. This is the ability to repair. She heard the night Shenyue call it "Guangdu" but did not expect this light. In addition to repairing objects, there is this gentle feeling.

Originally, her vitality was severely damaged due to the injection of too much blood into Yashenyue's body, but now the strength in her body, which was almost exhausted, was slowly recovering.

"You performed a promotion in public, classmate Jiuyao, you are really amazing."

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