"Cute or something...you should say something to another Moeka!"

Moeka's expression changed immediately and became nervous, and she couldn't even speak confident and handsome words.Then he swayed his hands vigorously, as if he had encountered something huge that could not be solved.

The contrast is cute!

For this fellow Yeshenyue, not to mention that he has already learned to look at women after a hundred battles, not to mention that he also learned to understand the top-level high numbers such as human clothes, just from his huge number of members of the Crystal Palace. He was no longer the little virgin who would spit nosebleeds when he looked at Haruna's fruit and body with pure love.

Moexiang's panicked behavior is in sharp contrast to her usual calmness, pride, coldness and handsomeness. If it weren't for her smooth and flowing silver hair, red blood-like eyes, and rosy lips and petals, then she would still be I would really mistake her for pink Mengxiang.

"It's the same for you."

Aren't you the same person?

It's just that a person has two personalities, good or bad.

Ye Shenyue also sat down, stretched out her hand from the girl's waist and clasped her hand firmly in front of her belly, just so that she could touch her ear while talking. Moeka's tension increased several times when she was near the girl's round earlobe.

Could it be that Moeka's sensitive area is the earlobe?


With a light snort, Mengxiang leaned her body on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, as if accepting Ye Shenyue.

The sadness and anger in Fan Mengxiang's heart are common to her, and just now when she transformed into and found out that Ye Shenyue had died, she was really startled, and the anger broke out in an instant, and the strength in her body was what happened to herself. Did not expect either.


The extent to which I care about him has risen to a level...

Thinking of this, Mengxiang raised her head and looked at Yeshenyue, her wine red eyes staring at Yeshenyue's hairy hair.

"Since...since you've completely turned into a vampire...then..."

A trace of unease flashed in the wine-red eyes, "Then it also meets the minimum requirements of our Chi Ye family, plus your powerful strength... Now... um... After the holiday, you can come to our Chi Ye. Home... to marry Fan Mengxiang."

Mengxiang said these words in a casual and calm tone.It's just that there is a little bit of tension in those eyebrows that people can't easily notice.


Ye Shenyue immediately shed a little sweat on her forehead when she listened to Mengxiang's narration, this Mengxiang... um, why does this Mengxiang seem like...

Forcing marriage!

And also set the time.

"You don't agree?" The tone became severe and dissatisfied in an instant, and the coldness that was lying in his arms and didn't know where it disappeared suddenly came back and became even more severe .

While she was talking, there was a faint demonic power in her words, giving people a kind of psychological pressure.

This is completely the meaning of strong buy and strong sell!

It is indeed forced marriage!

"Of course you can get married or something...but...you said this just for Fan Mengxiang? Not for... um... not for you?"

What a straightforward statement.

"Of course... Of course not! Fan Mengxiang likes you very much, but she just doesn't have the courage to say it."

Mengxiang's eyes looked flustered, and then her head turned slightly away from thirty degrees.

"how about you?"

Yagami's tone was gentle but her eyes were sharp.

Direct shot, oblique shot.

No matter how she looked at her, Chi Yemengxiang had a feeling...well, the urge to find a hole to dig in.

"The other one I like you, I..."

Moeka's head turned 50 degrees, and then her gaze shifted.

"How are you?"

Ye Shenyue finds it amusing that this Mengxiang's nervous and flustered appearance is really not ordinary cute... Moreover, she can take the initiative to confess...

Well, it's really fulfilling for men.Let the arrogant and ruthless vampire confess like a little girl, and I am afraid that he is the only one in this world.


Moeka felt like an arrow that was already on the bow had to be fired.

"Where do you come from so much nonsense! Love to marry or not!"

In the end, it broke out, and the vampire-sama who was cornered and turned 80 degrees was angry.Then she got out of Ye Shenyue's embrace and stood up.

It wasn't that she stood up on purpose, but Ye Shenyue's servant was licking her earlobe without any kindness!She couldn't take it any longer with a tremor in her heart. God knows what terrible things will happen if she stays in his arms for another minute.

"Then don't marry me...because Yeshenyue already has me...I'd better wait until the holiday to go back to Dream City with me... um... Not only is there a lot of immature people in my Dream City. The dream demon loli~ My mother is the patriarch of the dream demon, it is perfectly okay to ask for some loli dowry or something..."

Mengxiang's eyes turned and turned from 80 degrees back to just 0 degrees before she got together and Ye Shenyue's arms had a soft, soft and youthful female body.

Isn't this what the nasty dream demon is?

The temptation and temptation to dowry Lolita just now was said by this dream demon. During the time with Ye Shenyue, it seems that she has already figured out Ye Shenyue's trump card, even Lolicon. Everything is known.

There are no stupid women, only lazy women!As long as you look carefully, you will find out!It's just...well, Moexiang didn't say anything. It can be said that Yashenyue has made her unhappy these days because of her irritable blood-sucking impulse and the slight distance between the girls. Ye Shenyue's eyes will fall on Xiao Zi three times out of ten.Then……

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