Well, as a young girl, she has no chance of becoming a loli, so... she can only continue to maintain her identity as her girlfriend...

All poor people.

But now that the dream demon appeared and then blew himself up, the above-mentioned temptation and temptation immediately made Lord Vampire dissatisfied.

"What is just a young loli? If you want, I can help you recruit a group of vampire loli with the blood of my true vampire ancestor!"

"What kind of vampire is that? Or our slippery Snow Maiden..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a coldness and smoothness on her back, and then she felt a soft, soft body with a bit of icy rushing towards her back.Then the girl's long hair slipped on his neck and the whole person felt numb.

"If you don't promise to go home and marry me on vacation, then I'll...really..."

Miss Snow Maiden gently approached Ye Shenyue's neck and licked Ye Shenyue's ear under the murderous gaze of Mengxiang and Mengmo.


The body trembled, trembled and stiffened.

The dream demon in Ye Shenyue's arms felt it most intuitively.

"Could it be that... Ye Shenyue's weakness is..."


X3 covets, covets.For the first time, Ye Shenyue sensed the feeling of crisis, which was exactly the feeling of being stared at by a wolf.

Even now, with one behind his back, one sitting next to one in his arms.

These girls who looked like little sheep suddenly lifted their sheepskin to reveal wolf eyes.


"Ah...what fun game are you guys playing?"

At this moment, a childish tone with interest rang out, and it was Xiao Zi Luoli.

"It's none of your business!"

x3 and then the three people in unison continued to faint the slowly awakened little purple loli.

Mengxiang hit a loli in the air, and then Mengmo hung up a wind and finally Xiaozi was completely frozen by Miss Snow Girl.

Nonsense, if the topic of loli was discussed just now, if there is now a competitor, then "Okay, there are no more people in the way, how do you make a decision!"

Moexiang crossed her hands and stared at him. Although she didn't stand up, her aura was still there.


"That's it... If you don't want to turn into ice cubes, then come home with me quickly... Well, I don't really like freezing people... But if you insist on it, I have no problem."

Classmate Bai Xue is just talking nonsense with her eyes open. If you don't like frozen people, how could it be possible to freeze Classmate Xiaozi directly and not even speak?

What the Snow Maiden family likes most is the Frozen Human Body!And the way the Snow Maiden family expresses their love is to freeze people for a lifetime so that he can't leave them.

"That's not the case, let's go back to the Magic City with me, our dream demons are gentle and gentle..."

Meng Mo looked at Meng Xiang and Bai Xue with dissatisfaction, how could these two guys threaten at this time?

So her tone is so gentle.

She herself thought so, and none of the three felt that her tone was fierce.

But anyway.

But anyway...


This...this is the scene of forced marriage!And it's a direct forced marriage of the three!

Three pairs of eyes, they were supposed to be beautiful and bright eyes, but now... is Mao all engraved with excitement and compulsion?

"Everyone is injured, let's take a good rest..."

Ye Shenyue's body suddenly disappeared in place, Meng Xiang who was leaning on him had no support, and Hu Meng in his arms had no support. together.

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue's body had already appeared beside Jiu Yao when his voice fell... Well, Jiu Yao's classmate who became an ordinary fox who was slaughtered by others.Picked up Jiuyao's neck.

"No! He wants to run away! Don't run away!"

Almost instantly, when they collided with each other's pain, they had already discovered his intention, but at this time, Ye Shenyue had already jumped down from the rooftop.

"Damn guy!"

It's only a rooftop ten meters away, and everyone is a monster. Of course, they do their part... um, jumping off the building... Then the students who witnessed all this made a legend based on what they saw.

According to legend, Ye Shenyue finally defeated Chairman Jiuyao with all her strength, but the chairman was not easy to bully. Finally, he blew himself up and turned into a little fox. The powerful and vigorous Ye Shenyue pushed him to the side of the building and jumped off the building with hatred. And then the girls actually sacrificed their love, which is really a story of heroic fox and love.

ps: The first vampire object in the next chapter

Chapter 0445 On the first blood-sucking object

Yanghai Academy, a campus that was originally intended to promote the peaceful coexistence of humans and monsters, experienced a storm of no less than level [-]. Although the building was not knocked down by the storm, people's hearts were shaken infinitely.

Everyone knows how powerful the Public Security Committee is. Everyone knows how evil the people of the Public Security Committee are. They wear the hat of protecting the school and maintaining school order, but they are rampant and domineering like a triad, and they also collect guns to protect them. How many students are there? Shaodu was bullied by the Public Security Committee, but everyone dared not tell others that they had to break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.Because the Public Security Committee is too powerful, they are afraid of reprisals.Then the news department in the school exposed the viciousness of the public security committee. Everyone knows that the current news department is fighting against the public security committee. One side is the powerful public security committee and the other side is the news of the gathering of famous freshmen. Ministry, who will win?

The Public Security Committee advertised that Yashenyue was human, but those who had fought with Yashenyue immediately came out to refute the rumors, but they were beaten severely. If Yashenyue is human, then aren't they better than humans? To be weak?Their self-esteem and face could not make them agree, they immediately publicized that Ye Shenyue was an extremely powerful monster and could fight Jiuyao recklessly.

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