Whether they can fight Jiuyao recklessly, they don't know, they only know that if Ye Shenyue is stronger, then after they lose... Well, it seems that they won't lose face so much.

Anyway, people are paying more attention to this battle.It's just that the roof is too dangerous, they don't dare to get close, they can only watch from a distance.

While watching silently, they didn't know the result, until Ye Shenyue, who was also an influential figure in the campus, appeared with a small fox with a tail that looked weak and weak, and everyone was surprised.

Could it be that the fox with one tail is Jiuyao?

You must know that Jiuyao has four tails!Or is it some other fox?

Everyone has no doubt that the fox about the size of a puppy in Ye Shenyue's hands is Jiu Yao, because this is the world of monsters and there are no animals or animals, only monsters!

Therefore, the fox in Ye Shenyue's hands can only be a monster, and the monster whose prototype is a fox can only be found in the entire academy... only Jiu Yao!

But now the powerful and prestigious Jiuyao has changed from four tails to one tail!

Could it be... Could it be that fights can still be beaten back to the prototype?

For a while since the advent of the little fox, everyone seemed to be very scared.The Public Security Committee has been disbanded consciously, and their disbandment further proves that Jiu Yao has really been beaten back to its original shape.

In an instant, the entire Yanghai Academy became trembling, and they dared not provoke people from the News Department, because they had the ability to bring Jiuyao back to its original form!Even Mengxiang, these hormone-filled guys didn't dare to continue to look at Mengxiang. When she saw Mengxiang approaching, she immediately turned her head and turned around obediently.

It makes the people in the news department feel a lot better. Like Mengxiang, she is different from Hu Meng. She doesn't like being noticed, and she doesn't like that kind of hot feeling. If she wants to be noticed by others... then she only needs to be liked by herself. The person who cares about it is fine, for example, there is only her figure in the eyes of the other party.

As for Xiao Zi... well, she was originally rejected by everyone in the class because of her identity as a witch. Although she finally got back with revenge, but now... no one dares to disrespect her at all. The classmates in the class are obedient to the little chicken. The same, because they were afraid that they would be beaten back to the prototype too.

Fighting back the prototype stuff...it's really scary.Simply sensational!

However, apart from the trembling of ordinary people, there is another person who seems very excited, that is, Senqiu Yinying, who absconded after learning that the news department was going to confront Jiuyao.

Hearing the news, he wished he had five legs and ran back as fast as he could and got the one-tailed fox from Ye Shenyue.

The name of Chairman Jiuyao.

Sen Qiu Yinying had been bullied by Jiuyao and knew how powerful Jiuyao was, so he didn't dare to fight against him, but now... it's different now.

The current Jiu Yao, who has been beaten back to the prototype, does not say that he is not his opponent, and even he can wipe it out with just one finger.


Sen Qiu Yinying's actions are completely the actions of the villain. He tied Jiuyao with an iron chain, and held it like a puppy!


Jiuyao little fox hummed unwillingly, his slender fox eyes looked at Sen Qiu Yinying angrily, he was just beaten back to the prototype but his consciousness was still there so he knew what happened.If he was abruptly beaten back by Yashinyue's prototype to make him angry, then being teased and played by Moriqiu Yinying is enough to make him angry.

He didn't dislike Ye Shenyue very much because after all, he was talking about his strength, but this defeated general, Senqiu Yinying, was really angry with him like this.

"Yo... the chairman will still be angry..."

Sen Qiu Yinying tapped the fox's head with one finger, and the fox's head dropped immediately because he couldn't bear Sen Qiu Yinying's deliberate blow, and it was really just a finger to be wiped out.


Jiuyao little fox shouted unwillingly, but what responded to him was the enlarged smile of Senqiu Yinying's classmate.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

For some reason, Jiu Yao felt this emotion in his heart.

And now?Where is the initiator of this incident?

Yagami is hiding in the swimming club.

Almost all the girls after he jumped from the rooftop... um, all of them "fell in love", which has blocked his every thought all day long, that is... go back to your hometown to get married during the holidays!

And the means of chasing him are really omnipotent.It reminded Yagami of the experience of being hunted by many girls in the world of Aria.It stands to reason that he also likes Mengxiang and it's no big deal for them to get married, but... But, these guys seem to be forcing him to choose only one as his marriage partner. Isn't this to force him to go to Liangshan?

Choosing anyone makes everyone else unhappy, so the best way to say that is... choose no one!

"Then... how about adding me if you can?"

The minister looked at Ye Shenyue's blood-red eyes, handed over the juice and said softly.

"Cough cough... You don't come here to mix your feet... Do you think I'm not pitiful enough?"

"Really? I wanted to tell you something, but now I'm so ruthless... hey... I wanted to tell you that my subordinates just saw Chi Yemengxiang and the others coming here..."

The minister looked disappointed.But Ye Shenyue seemed very excited, that excitement was definitely the excitement of being stimulated!

"What? Why do you only say it now!"

Ye Shenyue jumped up all of a sudden, what he did just now was definitely escaping from marriage and then ran away to another woman... Then if Mengxiang, who was still the heyday of vampires, saw him Wouldn't it be...

Ye Shenyue felt a dilemma.

But by this time the girls had all arrived.

Chapter 0446 In the first blood-sucking object


Deliberately suppressing a terrifying voice that seemed to have been brewing long ago, Ye Shenyue is no longer the stunned boy she used to be, not to mention the increase in EQ, but now he can still distinguish this voice from her teeth in complete anger. Words were slowly spit out.

Anger has countless flames.

When four girls appeared in front of her, Yagami, who had almost regained her strength and became even stronger, felt... as if she was a little guilty.

This world is really unreasonable, why is there such a thing as blackening? Why does this kind of thing actually make a person's strength instantly full?And this blackened precious attribute can only be occupied by girls!

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