How unfair!

"There is really another reason for rejecting our proposal to go back to our hometown to get married..."

Hu Meng's voice suddenly became a lot higher, but her eyes were completely dark. Her body was shaking slightly. Of course, this is not Parkinson's disease. what!

"There is indeed another reason... It's really surprising, handsome brother, how can you do this? Didn't you say that 07 likes Xiao Zi the most?"

When the petite Lolita came out wearing her unique witch robe, Ye Shenyue felt that she was absolutely fine and had to step in, and the momentum brought by this appearance... It seemed to make Hu Meng's blackness a little deeper. point.

The same student Chi Yemengxiang who fought fiercely was still the same student Bai Xue who was a stalker.

The two of them didn't speak, Mengxiang crossed her hands on her chest and her eyes were quiet and sharp.Yes, it is sharp. Those blood-like red and hot eyes don't seem to fluctuate and can even print a human figure, but it is even more shocking because this is the tranquility before the storm.

A terrifying coercion was faintly revealed.

If Sakuragi Hanadao's "kill you with your eyes" is only a superficial skill, then the eyes of the current Moeka classmates are not only to kill you, but to smash your corpse into pieces!

This kind of momentum is definitely not something that a small person like her can bear.

Before three seconds the minister stood up and she was already moving.Because although the eyes of the girls and their coercion and anger are directed at Ye Shenyue, it still affects Chiyu a little bit. She is just an ordinary monster. How unworthy.

It is said that the brave who meets the narrow road wins, and when it is time to bow, you have to bow your head.

If the minister doesn't know that, then she really isn't a minister.

At this moment, the minister didn't even have the courage to give Ye Shenyue a "can't help" look. Who knows if these terrifying-looking girls will misunderstand her actions and bring disaster to her pond fish.

"Hey...I remembered that I still have something to do...I am the head of the swimming department. If I don't practice my skills, I will really regress..."

The Minister immediately threw the shawl draped over his shoulders on the reclining chair and rushed into the water with a thud without being stopped at all.

And it really turned into a pond fish...

That's butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke...

The leisurely and graceful-looking slender and white limbs splashing in the water have a different kind of temperament.

It's just that the current Ye Shenyue doesn't even have the heart to appreciate it, and she really can't blame the Minister in her heart. After all, the Minister is also choosing a way to survive, right?

Now, Meng Mo's eyes are dark, and the corners of his mouth are full of mocking smiles, while Xiao Zi is completely using soy sauce, just one or two sentences from her, which makes her even more tense and seems to be stronger than her magic power, Miss Snow Maiden. He didn't speak and Moeka was threatening him too.


This is not forced marriage at all but the rhythm of murder!

If it was Yagami Yue who entered the Aria world at the beginning, then he could only hold his head and run around. On the one hand, he could not be caught by them, and on the other hand, he had to be careful not to hurt them!

It's hard to be a man, it's even harder to be a good man!

Choose to surrender, maybe there is a leniency to choose to escape, but you can also avoid the monk and can't escape the temple.

It's just that he's different now. It's said that practice makes perfect, and it's not the first time he's been chased like this. Of course, there is a solution.

These are the girls forcing him.

Originally... the girls were chasing him to force him to marry him. He had nothing to disagree with, but they seemed to be... well, it wasn't the peaceful coexistence as it seemed now, but he wanted him to choose... the most important person.

Everyone hopes that they are the most important people in Ye Shenyue's heart, which is why they have this force to force marriage.

Since it is force, then it will be solved by force.

Then, Ye Shenyue made a strange move in front of the girl.

"Hey...I didn't want to say it at first, but I can't do anything about it now..."

The decadent look made even the angry and jealous girls feel strange, Meng Mo's mocking expression subsided slightly, Xiao Zi was very obedient and did not speak, and Meng Xiang's eyes didn't seem to be so sharp anymore. Miss Snow Girl, her body is still made of ice.However, there was also a slightly curious expression on his face.

Could it be that... Ye Shenyue is going to announce something terrible?For example, he has a hidden disease and can't get married or something?

It is said that girls like to gossip. In fact, their imagination is definitely not bad. It took almost 0.3 seconds for Miss Mengmo to have such an idea. After all, every time it was Ye Shenyue who made her all over, there was no real fire. How is it with her.This doesn't look like a normal man's performance at all, don't you say...

The expression of Miss Mengmo changed almost the fastest, and when the 0.4 seconds came, her expression had become tangled.

On the one hand, her mission is to find a man to go home to feed the clan. On the other hand, it is this man... It seems that there is a physical problem, what should I do if I can't have a child?

Dream Demon is really confused.Staring at Ye Shenyue's face, she could only see that the other party was sighing and looked so decadent.

Then, finally, she made a decision, "Ye Shenyue, I tried my best to think about it. Although children are very important to our family, but... life is better for me. Although the number of our dream demons is small, it is also No, no, at most... let the mother go to the father to have another one to make up for the number of people... so..."

"I won't despise your physical problems."

The words of Miss Mengmo are so firm and firm that it makes people feel shocked.

Problems with your body?

Could it be that……

Immediately, the girls' imaginations appeared. Could it be that Ye Shenyue did not agree to marry them? Could it be that there was something wrong with her body?

Meng 500 Xiang's face immediately turned slightly red, she was a vampire, but that didn't mean she couldn't imagine it.

Moexiang understood for a moment and then made a decision about her and the other her.

"Although another Moeka might like to be a mother, but...for us vampires have an endless lifespan, so as long as we can be together...that's fine."

Even if there are shortcomings, there is no way to do it. Although the world is so big, it is really difficult to find someone you like.Therefore, Miss Vampire also lowered her posture.

Now that Mengmo and Mengxiang have expressed their opinions, then Miss Bai Xue has no obligation to keep still.

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