Their relationship... is really messed up!

Depressed, he still has a lot of problems!

Ye Shenyue really wanted to ask Ariel-chan now, but just looking at her calm and stable face, he suddenly couldn't bear to disturb her.

The current Ariel-chan, he feels that he is the real Ariel-chan, perhaps because he already has a little erratic memory in his heart, or because he just kissed her, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly softened .

Since she wants to lie down like this, let's lie down like this.Anyway, if there is a beautiful young woman in his arms, he will not suffer.

The big teacher's two little hands hugged his back tightly, and Ye Shenyue also put her hands on her small waist that seemed familiar.

A calm and peaceful atmosphere is created here.

"Yeye is still as considerate as before~~" A slight snort came out of her cute little nose, Ariel glanced at Ye Shenyue with infinite wind and affection, and continued to speak while holding back the more and more itching on her body. "Didn't Ye Ye want to know what kind of person you used to be and what kind of person you used to be?"


Ye Shenyue nodded, this is what Gaia and Alaya asked for the two arrogant loli, there are only 10 days left, it is good to know as soon as possible.

"Follow me, then. Maybe you'll remember it then."

Ariel hugged Ye Shenyue again, and didn't let go until after a while, but she took the initiative to hold Ye Shenyue's hand.

It's actually very adult-like, and likes to interlock.

Before Yagami Yue could react, he found that a space tunnel suddenly appeared in front of him, and Ariel pulled him directly.

Entering the space tunnel is only a matter of a short second. When his figure disappears, the space is closed again immediately, and there is nothing different...

Inside Ye Shenyue's house.

"Tea stalks?"

Yujie Sera, Tsundere Lori Haruna and calm You are drinking tea and waiting for "someone" to come home. When You fills the teacup again, the tea stem that should stand up to represent auspiciousness, actually sank.

Youkan's brows moved, Sera was thoughtful, and Haruna-chan made a very associative sentence, "Could it be that Abu was hooked by someone outside."

Haruna put her hands on the table, looking very bored, as if she was guessing at random.If Ye Shenyue sees it, I will definitely praise you, Haruna-chan, you are really amazing!

"It's very possible that before you know it, that nasty bug seems to be related to quite a few girls."

Sera's fiery eyes, oh no, it was the emerald green eyes that instantly turned into scary scarlet, one hand pressed the table, the table was shaking, obviously it was the anger of the blood-sucking ninja.

"bad feeling."

Although Yu-chan still had a very calm expression on her face, she was secretly thinking that there was only one figure in her mind, and that was Ariel-chan who I saw in the maid cafe today.

Haruna-chan's great teacher.

She gives her the feeling, gives her the pressure.

And Chris, who hasn't appeared yet, makes her feel that it's really tricky.

You suddenly felt a little depressed, if he had known Ye Ye earlier, he would not have been so passive, and was actually underestimated by that woman in a "first come, first served" attitude.

Yu's hand holding the teacup is a little tight...

On the other side, Ye Shenyue, was surprised to see this beautiful room in front of her that looked like a princess's boudoir. It was very cute, and her eyes were all pink.

Whether it is the soft bed or the desk, as well as the wall as the background, it is pink.

"here is?"

Ye Shenyue seems to feel that she has seen this place before, and it is still very familiar.

"Of course it's someone's room. When you were picked up by someone that day, you were here~~" I don't know when, when Ye Shenyue couldn't feel it, Ariel sauce had already changed into a pink thin With a thin kimono, as long as you gently pull the straps, you can see the naked pink and tender carcass.

"Uh...this are..."

Ye Shenyue was very surprised. Ariel's actions and outfits, whether it was the deliberately unfastened belt, the small patches of pink and tender skin that he deliberately let him see through the opening of the kimono, this... this is not red · Fruit · Fruit's temptation ~ temptation?

Ariel is... throwing herself into the net?

Well, Ye Shenyue is just a good deal because she got it cheap, she has already guessed it, but she is still asking others.

Fortunately, Ariel-chan's face is much thinner than her gifted student, Chunna-chan, so Ariel is generous and seductive with a charming tone at the same time, not only in the body but also in the heart~ temptation "Yes Don't you think this room is very familiar, in fact, there are things you are more familiar with, this body is the thing you are most familiar with, don't you want to relive the original feeling?"

Ariel grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand and put his hand on her waist, more precisely let his hand grab her belt.

With just a little more force, you can see all of her, all of her.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare? You used to be... but the one who likes to play this trick the most~~" Seeing Ye Shenyue's timid appearance, Ariel sauce added another sentence.

What are men most afraid of?

Just for fear of being told no!

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and yanked it sharply, looking at the lovely and smooth body of Loli.

"Just like before..."

"Be gentle."

Ariel pulled the corner of Ye Shenyue's clothes and lay down on the bed slowly, a touch of pink flashing across her cheeks.

As before?

Ye Shenyue understood a little, he should have been with her before.

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