No wonder she would say "casual sexual harassment" or even welcome sexual harassment anytime, anywhere when they first met.

But no, if that is over, there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking like this, Ye Shenyue can accept it in her heart, looking at the cute loli who is allowed to pick.Ye Shenyue boiled.

Just like a hungry wolf pounced on food, he rushed over directly.


The corners of Ariel's mouth suddenly curved in an imperceptible arc, which seemed to be very conspiracy.But at this time, Ye Shenyue couldn't care about anything else.

The eyes are full of cute loli's tender body.

Although he has Sister Yu, he is still completely lolicon.

The poem said: Yujie is very precious, and loli is more expensive. If it is because of loli, Yujie can throw it away first.


The fact is...

Depend on!

"Ye...Yeye...people...people are finally one step ahead of Chris..."

Clear tears of victory flowed from the big teacher's eyes.

The corners of his mouth hung with a successful arc.

Ye Shenyue understood, finally understood, this black-bellied girl really lied to him again!

big liar!

He really thought that he really had that kind of relationship with her before, so he rushed over directly, but he didn't expect that it was the first time that she lied to him like this, actually trying to win over Chris!

Black belly!

Even darker than You Sauce!Ye Shenyue finally understood that this was the Ariel sauce he was familiar with.Even chastity can be used in competitions.

And pull out this lie.

It's just that Ye Shenyue doesn't have the energy to complain now, because more information has penetrated into his mind at this moment.

A single apartment.

The girl who finally drank a big bottle of beer with a flushed face, perhaps because she drank too much, took a gap and looked at the wine bottle in front of her and seemed to be a certain student.Students who always haunt someone who belongs to her.

"Chris...I won!"

"Win? Hehe... Ye Ye won't betray me~" The girl's face turned even redder, "Ye Ye disappeared to save me... How could he betray me?"

The girl was still thinking happily, but she suddenly felt a panic in her heart.

what happened?

The girl struggled.

want to move.But it was because of drinking too much alcohol that he got drunk.


Tasted it again.

ps: Thanks to Xingxing-Dark Nebula, Hoshikawa Saotome, the cute Dongfangkong, and the Duke of Flowers for their comments. Encouraged by you, I went to the Internet cafe for another chapter and continued to ask for comments.

In addition, I would like to thank the Duke of Flowers for the reward, the first reward of this month, thank you.

Chapter 0094 Amnesia Game (Subscribe)

"Sure enough, it appeared? People just casually said that Goddess Gaia would send a man to the next man, and a man really appeared!"

On a certain day in a certain year, a girl who finished her homework in school early and was very boring was making a wish at a certain fountain, and beside her stood a tall man in a pure white coat with a face of vicissitudes. The young man wearing glasses and holding his forehead, he didn't believe that Ariel, the absolutely talented girl on campus, would make a wish for something, although her magic power was terrible.

But what was astounding was that just after the beautiful slender girl with double ponytails made a wish, a boy appeared in the center of the fountain in an instant.

The young man was awake, his eyes were still a little confused, and he seemed surprised by the sudden scene.

The girl standing by the fountain was also stunned, but her ability to accept it seemed to be very good, and this bizarre thing was quickly simplified.

"It's decided, from today you are mine!"

Pointing at the boy with one hand, he made a lifetime oath.

"What's the matter!"

The teenager murmured, blaming Gaia for being a scumbag, saying that a very brilliant way of appearing in the fountain actually appeared in the fountain, and once it came out, it became a jerk!

The most bizarre thing is that the girl claimed to be her property as soon as she appeared on the stage!

The boy wanted to say something, but he became quiet because he saw the girl who was looking at him with integrity. The expression on her face was pure and even her eyes were pure.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, her eyes are so beautiful, and she is petite and cute, so she should get along well.

Ariel Sauce 06, when she came to the world of zombies, she was the first person to meet.

The boy thought so.The information of the girl in front of him was constantly filtered in his mind.

The young man stretched out his hand, "Yishenyue, please give me more advice."

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