Ye Shenyue shook her head. He had already decided not to ignore this idiot sister. The arrogance of talking with her nose was even more arrogant than the original little Zi Luoli.


Bai Xueyi didn't have anything to object to, instead she put her arms around Ye Shenyue's arm. She helped him ambush here and find out who had threatened Mengxiang, why should she get something in return?

Although she was only taking pictures while peeping and stalking.

"Speaking of which, as a reward for taking pictures for you, can I come to your room for a night raid tonight?"

Miss Xue Nu put away the camera and immediately moved over with a face full of joy. Although her face was slightly red, although she only said this lightly, but being able to turn red like this proves that she must be thinking more and more unhealthy than she is now.


As a noble vampire who is also a big monster, as her younger sister, Zhu Ran's beloved is even more proud than her elder sister, Moeka Chiye, but now she is being treated coldly, and these two people still ignore her and discuss it by herself, the vampire's Dignity, she felt that the dignity of vampires was damaged.

"I can only climb up now, the time for access control has passed."

However, Ye Shenyue ignored her. She glanced at the building management on the first floor, where the door was closed, whether it was a girl or a boy.

"It seems to be the only way...but...if you carry me, I'll go up."

Miss Snow Girl seemed to think that the weight was not enough and added another sentence, "If you don't carry me, I won't go up, because I can't go up. I can't fly," Can't fly?

Indeed, how could the Snow Maiden be able to fly when she was sliding on the ground.


However, Ye Shenyue looked at Miss Xuenu soberly. She is a peeping and peeping criminal who has passed the access control time, but she can always be found coming down from the dormitory the next day. This does not mean that she has a way to fly directly to the fifth floor. what is it? you really think he's an idiot?

However, if you carry her on your back, the feeling of a girl on her back, that soft and familiar touch...

Ye Shenyue paused for a while and was still ready to back it up.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten that there is a third party at the scene.

"Damn guys... how dare you look down on the big monster of power! Laifu!"

Zhu Ran's beloved here couldn't stand it anymore, and when he pulled it, he immediately pulled the little bat that was flying beside Mengxiang's envelope in his hand, and what was surprising was the squished little bat. It turned into a giant mace.

The little bat is her pet and her weapon can be turned into a weapon.Combined with her strength, she can exert a powerful power.

At this moment, the beloved is already angry, and the anger in her heart has been ignored when she found that her frustrated-looking sister has made her very unhappy.

A mace swung directly over, and the sound of brushing erupted in the air.

"Weigh your own weight well!"

Ye Shenyue didn't even look at her beloved's attack, and directly hit her mace with a fist, and the mace paused, "Your sister is not frustrated, no matter who Mengxiang is, it's your sister! No sister would say that to her sister, go back to the stars and regret it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mace, which had been paused, sank a little, and flew towards the sky with the beloved body.A bright spot was drawn.

"But...Damn...I...will come back."

But the vampire who was knocked away responded loudly, even though she had become a new star in the sky.

Looks like he still has no regrets.

ps: The time of the update is now adjusted. It will be updated at 16:21 and once at 3:[-]. I hope everyone can continue to support it. The vampire chapter will end soon, about [-] words.

Chapter 0453 Mengxiang classmate l

The vampire lady named younger sister, who shares the same bloodline as Moeka, turned into a shining star in the night. As a vampire of a powerful monster, she certainly wouldn't just burp like this. Such an attack would be disheartening at best.

It's just that the other party's still stubborn little face makes people sigh, doesn't this guy know that the more stubborn and arrogant people are, the easier it is to arouse others' desire to bully?

"Who is that person? It seems that she is talking about Mengxiang's younger sister. When did Mengxiang have such a younger sister?"

Bai Xue looked at the beloved "star" flying away in the sky and said, "And it seems to be very disrespectful to Moeka."

But she didn't wait for Ye Shenyue to reply before adding, "If I had such a sister, I would definitely freeze her up so she wouldn't move."

Sure enough, it was Miss Snow Maiden. The way of punishment was still the same... in line with tradition.

A drop of sweat dripped from Ye Shenyue's forehead, but she explained the origin of her beloved classmate based on the knowledge of the original book.

Ai and Mengxiang are biological sisters, but Mengxiang at that time was not her current personality. When she was a child, Mengxiang was the cold, arrogant and domineering Mengxiang who was taken off the cross. At that time, Ai and Mengxiang lived in a house with only two people. In the castle, my favorite thing to do every day is to fight with my sister. Although every time I lose, I am beaten all over the head, but it continues the next day.

It's just that Moexiang was sealed with her power and came to the human world, and her beloved also chased after her, but she found that her sister had become a person who had no lack of strength and her senses had always formed a strong contrast, and finally became a mess. Now, no matter what, I have to intimidate Moeka.

However, Yashenyue has her own ideas about the motive of her beloved classmate.

According to Ye Shenyue's understanding, the beloved one should have been beaten up by her sister. She didn't get beaten up for a day. Although she was beaten all the time, she already liked the feeling of being beaten.And now Mengxiang's force value is not enough to beat her, so she can't stand it anymore, so she takes the initiative to provoke her.

this behavior.

Isn't this... the legendary masochism?

Speaking of masochistic people, Ye Shenyue really doesn't know much. Miss Liu Fei is one and this beloved is another. Maybe you can introduce them to let them know each other.

"So this sister is the culprit who sent threatening letters to Moe Xiang..."

Bai Xue originally wanted to use a questioning tone, but in the end she nodded her head first. She is not stupid. When Ye Shenyue asked her to squat below to find someone with suspicious behavior, she photographed her beloved sister, but she was not sure at that time. Now I heard this. The usual explanation was immediately settled, "But...this kind of persistent tracking is pleasing."

"Persevere, persevere, continue again and again, like tracking, persevering again and again, whether it's sunny or cloudy, whether it's raining or snowing...whether it's..."

Bai Xueyu's face and eyes exuded an unapproachable aura.

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