"...That said, but...Student Bai Xue, are you sure you want to go up like this?"

Ye Shenyue didn't want to question Bai Xue's hobbies and distorted understanding, but now he was going to squat down and let Bai Xueyi lie on his back and then go upstairs directly. I didn't expect her to wait until he stood up. It slid into his arms like a small water snake.

The soft body doesn't look like an ordinary girl's figure. Yes, she doesn't have a human murder weapon like Hu Meng, but this soft and slightly cold touch stimulates Ye Shenyue's nerves regardless.The breath of a girl penetrated into his nose, and his soft body rubbed against his body. He felt that he had become a flaming flame, and Bai Xueyi was the ice cube that could cool him down...

He just wanted to let off steam once.

The body, which had not known the taste of meat for a long time, was even more unable to resist.

Soon he had a reaction.

"Isn't this the way to be memorized? My mother told me that I can only be memorized by boys like this."

Bai Xueyi's face slowly turned red, "Mother said that if you rub against it like this, good things will happen," her voice softened a lot. Obviously, she had discovered that "good things" were enveloped by the breath of men. She only felt that she It's really going to melt, even though she is the Snow Maiden and it's normal for her to melt.

"Are you sure this is a good thing?"

Ye Shenyue's voice also became much lower, but it was not because of her embarrassment, but a certain idea of ​​suppressing herself to immediately remove all the obstacles of the girl in her arms and make a skin-to-skin relationship.

"Of course it's a good thing."

Miss Snow Maiden nodded her head so affirmatively.

As a fledgling Snow Maiden, she had already accepted the teachings from her mother when she went out, and saw what a good man should do and how to push and push without letting the other party breathe... him!

Well, no one has rejected it, so what reason does he have for 4.1 objection?Unless he is not a man, but this is impossible, how could it not be that the reaction is coming?

"Night God Moon..."

However, at this moment, his ears moved, and he raised his head to meet a pair of dark green clear but restless eyes.There was a hazy mist in those eyes.

"Che^" Bai Xueyi also saw the person who appeared on the fifth floor, she immediately rolled her eyes.

She knew that it would be impossible to continue, because the one who stuck her head out was classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang who had been waiting for Ye Shenyue for a long time and hadn't seen him come up, and the beloved biological sister who had just turned into Xing Xing.

Chapter 0044 Mengxiang classmate

Girls' dormitory, fifth floor.

When Yagami was jumping, it flew like a cannonball, but it didn't make a loud noise like a cannonball. When he jumped to the height of the fifth floor, it was astonishing to stop directly from the air without any support. After going there, it fell gently into the girl's open window like the wind.

If you look carefully, you can see that behind Ye Shenyue, there are a few little bats that are desperately flapping their wings. These little bats are dark red and are very different from the beloved weapon, Laifu. After Shenyue became a vampire, the little bats that can be generated as long as the mind is located, they can stick to his back and become small wings to carry him to fly.

In addition to using the white propeller to fly, Ye Shenyue found out that this little bat can also fly. After Ye Shenyue suddenly thought, this little bat is just something condensed by her own demon power. A must-have weapon for a tryst?

In the future, you don't need to climb the wall hard, just fly lightly, how convenient it is.

Of course, these are all Ye Shenyue's own hexagram ideas.


There was a soft closing sound. Bai Xueyi went out through the door of Mengxiang's place. Her dormitory was not at this end, but at the other end, which was separated by a full twenty rooms. However, the passage from this side of the corridor was exactly a straight line, between two o'clock. The line segment is the shortest, and Bai Xueyi doesn't like to do troublesome things, of course, except for tracking.

Tracking this kind of technical activity is not a measure of time.

She especially likes the feeling of waiting for a long time and finally seeing the target pass by. It is a kind of ecstasy that comes after giving.

But now is not the time for her to be happy. She snorted softly and opened the door to go out. Every time she met Mengxiang, she would not sing. panic.

Sure enough, it was time to find a chance to freeze it so that it belonged to her alone.

Miss Xuenu didn't make a sound when she went out, but her heart was ringing the bell that only motivated herself.

There were only two people left in the room, Ye Shenyue and Moe Xiang.

Mengxiang moved away from the window a long time ago. She returned to her bed, still in soft knitted pink pajamas, but now it was different from before. She hugged her pillow and held it in her arms, feeling in a good mood. It looks...not very good.

It's true that she was thrown in the room by herself and then saw the man on the other side kissing me with one of her rivals. I don't feel good about anyone, especially... Now she's the only real girlfriend.

The feeling of frustration and loss in my heart doubled.

As if the air is also infected, there is an empty atmosphere that makes people empty.

"Mengxiang... I've figured out who is intimidating you."

Ye Shenyue couldn't stand this suffocating atmosphere, he broke the silence, "It's your sister, Zhu Ran's beloved, she did everything."

He had no choice but to change the subject at this time. There seemed to be no better solution.

But Mengxiang also responded.

"So this is ah……"

Mengxiang hugged the pillow, her tone became slightly weak, "Nevertheless, I am my beloved sister after all, she hates me so much..."

Slightly disappointed, Mengxiang's face was expressionless.

The atmosphere was heavy again.Breathless again.Ye Shenyue felt that the threatening letter was no longer on Moexiang's mind now.

She might be waiting for another answer, such as about Bai Xueyu, Bai Xueyu or something.

"That... Moe Xiang... just now..."

Ye Shenyue was silent for a moment, ready to go out.It's just that he looks a little embarrassed when he talks. It's not that the others only talk about himself. Obviously, he had the opportunity to push Hu Meng before, but he didn't. What he thought was that after all, Mengxiang was his real girlfriend and himself. There is also a selfish desire to do it with Mengxiang first.But just now, she was suddenly reacted by the snow girl.


Mengxiang was silent for a while and continued to hug her soft pillow, "Why don't you follow at this time? Bai Xueyu should welcome you very much."

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