"I didn't expect my mother to be such a person either."

A snow girl and a dream demon can almost be said to have crosstalk. The voices of the two are completely connected. "A man who directly robs his daughters regardless of their happiness, where do you put your father? Although your father is not at home, he is not there all year round, but you can't do it like this!"


The two mothers are also anxious, what the hell is going on?

Isn't father here?It's Night Moon.

... "Ye Shenyue, what the hell is going on?"

The rapid development of things has suddenly changed from a relationship between strangers, mother-in-law and son-in-law to a relationship between husband and wife.

So Mengxiang ignored her and stared at Ye Shenyue.

Not only she but almost everyone was looking at him.

The two mothers felt that they could not speak clearly, while the two daughters glared at their mothers.They feel that mothers are sloppy...

Well, mothers and daughters always have an inexplicable generation gap.


Ye Shenyue felt a lot of pressure. The sudden addition of two wives made him nervous, and the sudden addition of two daughters made him even more anxious. Isn't this the rhythm of a lover becoming a daughter and a daughter becoming an enemy? But Ye Shenyue still took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, only men came forward at this time.

"Actually... I lost my memory."

As soon as Ye Shenyue opened her mouth, she scolded herself to death. Those memories were not fake, they could only be real, but her memories were sealed for some reason. What happened to her in the past?Made such a big mess for myself to clean up.

But after all, he was alone and he had nothing to say.

"I'm not as young as I am now."

Ye Shenyue continued to add.

"Sixteen years ago, I met Icicle and Shangye... But then for some reason I lost my memory and came to the human world, met Moe Xiang and then came to Yanghai College..."

"That is to say..."

"I am really your father."

After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, she fell silent and couldn't even see the expressions of the two shocked girls.

ps: I don’t believe the editor said that it was updated at 16:20. The next update time is either 22:[-] or [-]:[-], or [-]:[-]. If there is no update, then the author has something to delay.

Chapter 0461 Snow Girl's Awakening and Kidnapping (two more)

"you liar!"

Angry deceived emotions fully erupted, and this was the last word the two girls threw at him.

you liar.

deceived their feelings.


Ye Shenyue didn't know what to do, but in the angry and complicated eyes of the two women, he could only touch his head.

In the end, she leaned on Mengxiang's shoulder, Mengxiang was still the cold and blood-sucking Mengxiang, but now Mengxiang no longer has the desire to continue to suck blood, and she looked helpless when she saw Ye Shenyue who appeared.

Sometimes a qualified woman needs to silently support her man behind her back.

The current situation looks complicated but it is actually simple, that is, his rival in love has changed from two girl movies to mature women.

always feel ridiculous.

"What do you want?"

Mengxiang's blood-colored eyes moved slightly to Yeshenyue, and found that Yeshenyue looked at the sky speechlessly. Today's weather is not bad, but why are things so bad?

"What do I want to do? What do I want to do... I'm afraid they won't agree."

Ye Shenyue gently kissed Mengxiang's neck and took a deep breath of the breath that made him intoxicated, "I once had a daughter..."

"She also suddenly appeared in front of me like that, but then I gradually fell in love with her. I knew we were related by blood, but I still..."

Yagami Moon slowly told Moeka the story of being in Aria.At this time, he desperately needed someone to listen.

"That's the kind of can't help it."

However, Mengxiang replied slowly, "Some feelings can really surpass everything."

"It's true... it can surpass... um..."


Ye Shenyue just said that casually, but listening to Moexiang's answer now, he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Why does Moexiang's statement seem so understandable instead of scolding him directly?

"I've heard of this kind of thing... and it's normal for us vampires."

Moexiang looked at Ye Shenyue strangely. "As vampires, especially pure-blooded vampires, their lifespans are infinite, but other races can't accompany them forever, so some people choose vampires as their homeland after watching their pillow-side people grow old and become their homeland. The people who accompany you, because everyone's lifespan is endless. There is no possibility of who will go first, but there are too few vampires with infinite lifespan, and often only their own relatives, so..."

So together.

Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment. This is okay? But he himself is a supporter of it. There is nothing to say. If he likes it, he likes it.Are you going to let him give up?Become strangers with them?

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