Mengxiang gently moved Ye Shenyue's head away, she knew that Ye Shenyue had figured it out.

Mengxiang came out and saw Heinai Hu Meng, she was leaning against the pavilion, and there were faint traces of wetness on her face...

It can be seen that she just... cried.

"What troublesome bastards..."

Mengxiang sighed and originally wanted to put the cross on it and ignore everything, but now there seems to be a little guy who needs to be settled.

Mengxiang felt strange to herself. When did she become a persuader when she appeared in a fight?

Mengxiang directly punched her without saying a word.

Yes, just after punching it, Hu Meng flew out of the N-meter. The original disappointment and anger turned into another kind of grief and anger, "Cough..."

Squirted blood.

"Mengxiang, what are you doing...cough..."

No body pain.

"To keep you awake."

Mengxiang kept her punching movements without any discomfort in sneak attacking, anyway, even an honest attack on Hu Meng couldn't hold back.The word sneak attack... is definitely an insult to her.

At the same time, Ye Shenyue met a pair of crazy but black eyes. 1.5 "Ying..."

Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say, because Bai Xueying who suddenly appeared in front of him was abnormal.

She lowered her head slightly and her hands were also trembling faintly, as if suppressing something, but she still broke out.

The snowflakes fell like rain.

Hu Tian is flying snow in August. Although it is not August, it is also June. It is extremely abnormal to snow at this time. There is only one possibility that this is a snow girl, or a monster with the power of snow.

Chapter 0462 Snow Girl's Awakening and Kidnapping (One More)

Ye Shenyue felt a sense of surprise, because the student Bai Xueyi who appeared in front of him at this moment seemed to have suddenly exploded and turned black, and the power that belonged to her was growing exponentially.

The cold liquid, which I don't know if it was snow or rain, fell from the sky, but it turned into ice without any accident when it landed on the ground.

Beautiful snow-white ice with the power of snow.

"Come with me."

Her legs in purple zebra socks stopped, her hands spread her whole body, and she made a gesture as if she was trying to stop the other party. Her head was slightly lowered, and she couldn't tell the expression, but the eyes It turned completely purple.

Not black but purple.

It's not that blackening is better than blackening.

Stronger than the power of blackening!

Ye Shenyue looked at her feet in amazement. Ice cubes appeared at her feet. They were sticky ice cubes. Originally, there was only a drop on his feet, but 07 didn't know what was going on, and it changed when he turned his head. It became a whole piece that glued his feet together and firmly fixed it to the ground.

If it's just fixed, it doesn't matter, there are still changes!

The icicle did not stop, a large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared on the ground, where Ye Shenyue was located, and the soil in the large pit turned into transparent ice and snow for some unknown reason, completely covering his body. Based on his feet, it started to congeal up and down, as if to completely wrap him in and make something.

Something called a snowman.

What's even more surprising is that this sudden spectacle, and Ye Shenyue can't resist, even the power of the ice elf Yoshino who is reconciled by the reward obtained by doing the task is in this stock. Before the power, there was no throbbing, as if it was shocked by something powerful.


It was shocking, even Ye Shenyue, who thought she could step into the realm of gods with half a foot, felt that she felt powerless in front of Bai Xueyi who didn't know whether it was black or blue at the moment.

This is not the power that blackening can obtain at all!This vast feeling... is even more terrifying than Ariel and the others!


The silver cross screamed in pain.

The headmaster immediately ran to the center of the school building, and found that the cross used to maintain the school's enchantment, which had been cracked due to the battle between Yashenyue and Jiuyao, forced Moexiang to fully unleash her demonic power, actually cracked again.

This is no longer the power of youkai!

The sky, the sky began to turn blood red, but this blood red was covered by "Bai Xue Yu!"

Mengxiang, who was still in the pavilion to "teach" Hu Meng a lesson, also realized something was wrong and rushed out, looking at the huge godless snowman walking on the ground with murderous aura and powerful strength, and wanted to rush up. Because she saw that Ye Shenyue was in the center of the snowman and seemed to be unable to move.

Her speed is very fast, her power is still there, she has not changed back to the Mengxiang whose power was sealed, but such a vampire has just appeared in front of Bai Xueyi, "How is it possible!"

Heinai Hu Meng, who followed closely, looked at everything in front of him in surprise, Bai Mengxiang was frozen like this! this really what that little snow girl did?

"Yi has already unlocked the have such great power..."

The faint voice came, and Hu Meng turned to look and was shocked to find that his mother and Bai Xueyu's mother, the icicles, were frozen to one side, but they were not completely frozen, but showed a head to gasp for breath.


What is this?

It seems that he has seen what Hu Meng thinks, or that Hu Meng can move freely now and the icicles are no longer hidden. The child who has his blood will not be ordinary, so at the beginning, his power will be sealed, but I didn't expect the current situation to be because of..."

"So... I also have this power?"

Hu Meng has always been stupid, but this time he quickly grasped the point.

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