However, at this time, Ye Shenyue also felt that she was going to continue to suffer cold reception, but Bai Xueyi responded, yes she did.

His head was slightly lowered, and his eyes seemed to have something, although they were still dull.

Seems to be mentally chaotic but still remember asking him to call her Mi.

Is this obsession or resentment?

Ye Shenyue almost fell over.

It is said that a girl's heart is like a needle in the bottom of the sea.

Ye Shenyue felt like she had grasped the most important thing, "Hurry up and stop your puppet, if you don't stop then I won't be with you anymore."

"Now that you have been controlled by me with absolute power, there is no chance to escape."

A cold and confident voice. "If I don't want you to stay in it for the rest of your life."

Gradually the voice became a decisive threat.

"you're lying."

Ye Shenyue didn't believe it, although the current Bai Xueyi suppressed his power, the current Bai Xueyi still felt more than N times weaker than Miss Yuko's.A lifetime... How could Miss Yuko let go... let go of the time to enslave him...

So even if Yagami does nothing, he can be rescued, but maybe he will be sacked by Yuko at various prices.

"I'm not a liar."

But Bai Xueyi didn't know what Ye Shenyue was thinking, "You can try."

Yashenyue, who was originally trapped in the ice puppet, felt that her feet could move in a small range as if they were filled with lead, but now they were completely fixed.

Miss Yukino is showing her decisive power.

"I don't need to try to know that you are very powerful now."

It is indeed powerful and enviable... Ye Shenyue has done the task to completely refine the power obtained from various worlds, but now Bai Xueyi has obtained a powerful power from the blackening, and it really is that he should also be blackened once. ?

But now is not the time to think about that.

"I won't leave you."

As he said this, Bai Xueyi's head slowly looked down at him, as if waiting for his next sentence.

"I didn't want to leave you in the first place, either I'll be trapped in the mountains for a lifetime by you, just being an ice sculpture to you, or you'll be in school with me all my life, the same as before but closer than before. The power you have as a daughter More, you can run into your arms at any time to act like a spoiled child, you can attack at night at any time, and you can be upright. You can also follow at any time... in the name of protecting my father..."

Everything Ye Shenyue said moved Bai Xueyi's heart. Maybe the reason why she suddenly turned black was because she felt that she couldn't do anything if she became a daughter, but... this is not the world of humans, this is the world of monsters , how and who can control it?

Since you have become a monster, why should you be bound by the legal system of human beings?

"You think about it for yourself."

Ye Shenyue gave her the choice.

The puppet's footsteps were hesitant, as if the controller was weighing the gains and losses.I have to say that what Ye Shenyue said really suits Miss Xuenu's heart. What she is really worried about is that she can't continue any of her actions, but now the options that Ye Shenyue throws out really make her very tempted. There is nothing like that. It's better to be upright.

She can even stop Mengxiang and get closer than Mengxiang, because... No matter how good a woman is, there is no blood relationship. Where can there be blood relatives?

Then Ye Shenyue was surprised to find that Bai Xueyi, who had descended from the shoulder of the puppet and landed on the puppet's chest, raised her slightly lowered head, and then showed an expression.

It was the same look as usual, and the color of the eyes returned.

This face changes faster than the sky!

When her white jade hand touched the chest of the ice puppet, which is the ground where Ye Shenyue was located, the thick ice with the power of endless ice and snow melted like this, just the size of a door. Then she jumps right in.

"Father, how about we take a bath together at night? It's cold..."

Bai Xueyi leaned directly in his arms and did not change much before, but moved her beautiful and pure eyes and made a request.

ps: Crosses and vampires will end soon, about [-] words or so, and go directly to FateZero.We hope that you will continue to support us.

This month because of various problems, the update is not good enough to resume the update in June.More than two updates a day, and then the outbreak in July and August strives to end.

Chapter 0464 Mengxiang's parents (one more)

"It's too quick to settle the matter."

Boringly, she put down the wine glass held by her white snow-white hand, and a mature woman who was bored like she had opened Pandora's box pouted softly, and she actually had an infinite sense of style.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't secretly help the little guy in Xue Nv's house unlock a little seal."

Moko, who grabbed the wine bottle with his round claws, didn't say a word, or he knew that it wasn't the time when he was talking. At most, he was obedient and listened to his master's complaints...

"It's okay to take a shower, I don't want to take a cold shower."

In the end, Ye Shenyue still refused Bai Xueyu's request. Although it was good for someone to wipe her back, Bai Xueyi was a snow girl, but Ye Shenyue knew that the snow girl family's favorite temperature was minus N degrees, but they worked hard in the hot bathroom. Add ice cubes to bring the temperature down.

Therefore, considering that Ye Shenyue still gave up the plan to wash Bai Bai together, but this made Bai Xue extremely dissatisfied, because if she refused like this, wouldn't it be the same as before?

Where is the identity of the daughter and the welfare of the daughter?

But things always have a time in the past. Under the fury of Bai Xueyu, the parent's visit day was blocked, but the blocking was not cancelled, but the time was slightly changed, and it was changed to today.

What a strange feeling.

How can you go to the same school as your daughter and still sit in the same row in the same class.

Ye Shenyueqi's heart is so weird that his face is thick enough, so he doesn't show any nervousness at all. The parent's visit day here is actually a parent-teacher meeting, but this parent-teacher meeting is not a teacher and a parent, but a parent who accompanies him. Children are in class together, watching their children in class from the spacious room at the back of the classroom. This form of direct contact is much stronger than the teacher's painstaking report.

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