It's just that after the 0001st class, there were many parents standing there. Some parents came and some parents came together. Fortunately, the school has already taken this factor into consideration, so the spaciousness of the classroom is not stingy at all.

Teacher Maomu continued to stand on the podium with her tail up, and everyone was not surprised by this, anyway, even if she was asked to put away her tail, she would accidentally reveal it later, "Since all the parents are here, then from now on Now we start our parent tour day, the school is open to parents all day today, whether it is classrooms, canteens or even dormitories, parents can fully understand their children's life in the school."

Teacher Maomu first gave a rough introduction, and then continued, "Now let's introduce each other first..."

The introduction is actually to let the parents get to know each other. After all, everyone is a monster, and they usually occupy their own land as their kings. There is almost no communication.

Perhaps this is also an opportunity to promote the harmonious development of the monsters.

"Black is the upper leaf."



The parents introduced each other from left to right, and some of them were old school alumni and immediately began to connect with each other.


"I'm Chi Ye Mengxiang's younger sister."

A slightly immature but proud and indomitable voice, the voice is obviously much younger than those of the parents.


The voice came from not only Ye Shenyue and Mengxiang, but also Bai Xueyu and Hu Meng turned to look at the owner of the voice. The owner of the voice was very young, with fiery red and colorful hair, combed to the sides and tied together. She has become a cute double ponytail, her body is full of youthful and lively atmosphere, and the expression revealed by dark green eyes makes people feel a little difficult to approach, but no matter what, this girl... she can only be a girl.

Not a parent.

Generally speaking, parents are parents or something. Even if the parents didn't come to participate, the older people came to participate.

There was some embarrassment at the scene, and many people were looking at the young girl who suddenly appeared.

The boy's eyes fell on Zhu Ran's beloved body and immediately turned into a love peach. This is a new little beauty. Mengxiang and the others in the class don't even think about it.As for Bai Xueyi, Hu Meng, and so on, they don't have any roles anymore, but the new little beauty who suddenly appeared at this time has no owner.

They still have a chance.

Or at this time, someone has already thought in their hearts that they are really sisters, and that a sister is so cute and a sister is also very good.

Some lolicons have already seen gold stars.

"Ah ah ah... my sister can also..."

Teacher Maomu immediately broke the embarrassment, laughing haha.

Perhaps because of the sudden arrival of a young parent, the whole classroom environment, which had been restrained by the arrival of the parents, gradually became lighter.

"What are you here for?"

With a questioning tone, Ye Shenyue stared at this little guy who was shot and flew back.

She said firmly that she was Chi Ye Mengxiang's younger sister, but Ye Shenyue knew she was talking about another Mengxiang.

"Go away, cowardly."

Sure enough, Ai Ai immediately stared at Meng Xiang with her bulging eyes, which was not a good-natured name.All she likes is another strong older sister.

Chapter 0465 The stolen mirror of Lilith (two more)

"It hurts~~" The beloved, who was proud and dissatisfied, immediately hugged his head, showing an expression of displeasure and grievance.

At this moment, she was sitting on a chair in the dining room, holding her head in dissatisfaction but staring at the person who beat her.

It looks really aggrieved.

It's just that no one here dares to sympathize with her. Except for Mengxiang who is a little worried, everyone else regards her as a dangerous person, because it is not the first time that her beloved classmate has appeared. The last time Mengxiang's threatening letter came from her. Hand, this isn't a girl like her innocuous appearance, this guy is a vampire and a very violent guy.

Bai Xueyi sat on the side eating ice cream bored, and then turned to look at her from time to time, her strength had subsided, just like fireworks that suddenly burst into the sky, blooming brilliantly and falling quickly, the speed is fast Almost imperceptible.Like a flash in the pan, she regained the power of the ordinary Snow Maiden.

Hu Meng was arguing with his mother about something. Ye Shenyue didn't have to guess that this little guy, Hu Meng, was actually persuading his mother to go back to his old nest, apparently because Shang Ye was going to stay here for a period of 07 days.So I will continue to be the light bulb for my daughters here.

Immediately afterwards, Miss Xuenu joined the team to persuade the mothers to return to their old nests. Although the parents' tour day started again, the mothers were here a few days ago. If they were allowed to continue living, they might not leave.

And these two mothers are really too much, how can they not come out directly in Ye Shenyue's room while waiting for the parents' tour day?As a result, her night attack plan the night before last night was aborted.

Xiao Zi, who seems to be idle lately, is discussing the topic of witches with Miss Liu Fei with her parents.

In the end, the only people left at Yeshenyue's table were Mengxiang who was sitting across from him and Zhu Ran's beloved who was sitting beside him.It's not that he doesn't want Mengxiang to sit next to him, but that he wants to monitor Zhu Ran's beloved. If this little guy sits across from him, he will use the table to cover up and secretly step on Mengxiang's feet.

Just because this little guy was about to step on all of him by mistake, he punched her and asked her to change seats with Moexiang.

Ye Shenyue knows her strength, and it is a lot heavier than ordinary people, but this guy is different from Mengxiang. Her strength is not sealed. She is a vampire, and as a vampire, she can be beaten very well.

So the pitiful appearance now is just used to deceive Mengxiang's sympathy.

"Lord Yeshenyue, let go of your beloved, she shouldn't have any ill will."

Although this younger sister always hates seeing her, Mengxiang is not someone who complains, she is kind-hearted and can't see her younger sister being bullied.

Especially the one whose beloved is about to cry.

"Mengxiang, you don't understand, what this guy likes most is when others hit her," Ye Shenyue shook her head, thinking that Mengxiang was really easy to be deceived, "Look, I hit her. Neither refused."

If Ye Shenyue didn't say it, it would be fine, but Zhu Ran, who was still pretending to be pitiful after saying this, immediately became angry.

"Who is a masochist!"

The whole person roared out as if her hair had suddenly exploded. She was used to being a vampire at ease, so her voice did not restrain her voice. At least half of the restaurant's people looked at her with such a roar. "What are you looking at..."

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