At this point, the danger of the enchantment is temporarily lifted.But things don't seem to be over yet.

For example, things are far from over for another vampire.This is a petite and petite vampire whose bloodline has become purer because he secretly sucked Ye Shenyue's blood, but he is still tied up.

"Put me down quickly."

Screaming desperately and indignantly, this is not an unfamiliar scene. After all, this is a coincidence for Ye Shenyue. Punishing a person is also a person, and tying a person is also tying up. Shenyue unceremoniously continued to tie up, tied Zhu Ran's beloved classmate directly, and then like the disobedient Gaya, like Alice who wanted to persecute him, she stripped naked and used enough to make all the girls. The child-shame tying method tied up.Maybe it would be better to have the eight dance sisters tied up, but they are not here, so I can only let Yagami, who is poor in technology, tied up.

This is her punishment, who told her to steal the mirror of Lilith, and then let his Moe Xiang leave him temporarily.


Just leaving temporarily, he asked the principal of the academy and said that there is a third cross in this world, and that cross was made by Mengxiang's father, but the cross was sealed in the castle and couldn't get it for a while.

So if you want Mengxiang to come back, you just have to go there and get the cross.

It's just that the dean's expression was a little strange when he said the news, and Ye Shenyue didn't care. After all, as a man, wearing a nun's costume was already scary enough, and Ye Shenyue didn't pay too much attention to his slightly changing expression. .

That's why Yagami finally agreed to use Moeka's cross to support the enchantment.

Because Moexiang can still come back.Just when Moexiang goes on vacation for a while.

The next time is time.

Ye Shenyue felt that she had become too much, how could anyone get tired of one person and immediately change?Wouldn't this become human scum or even a beast?

But these names seem to be difficult for Ye Shenyue.

In the early morning of the next day, Shenyue opened his eyes hazy. On his arm, he gently leaned against a silver-haired vampire whose eyes were closed, obviously deep sleep.

Ye Shenyue looked at her beautiful face and gently kissed her slightly cold lips.

Although such a day looks good, very good, very enjoyable, but...

Ye Shenyue felt a sense of loss.

It feels like both of them are Mengxiang, but the pink Mengxiang has always been by his side. It has been like this for the past three months, and he almost got used to it.As soon as he woke up, he immediately exposed his neck to let the other party suck.

Maybe, it's time for another Moe Xiang to come back.

0469 Vampire's Castle

When I woke up in the morning, the red bed sheet that was casually draped over my round shoulders slipped off gently. The bed sheet was red like her red eyes.

This is her room and not hers. Originally, Fan Mengxiang likes pink, but she is different. Although she shares the same body, her hobbies seem to have some deviations. She likes monotonous red and pure white, just like Her hair and her eyes are the same color.

So she quickly decorated the pink room into her favorite color.

Slightly intoxicated.The bed was so soft and soft that I wanted to lie down for a while.

After she fell asleep, she had a strange feeling of wanting to stay in bed. This thought just came up and immediately woke her up, because this is not what she should have as a vampire, this is another Mengxiang's idea.

The so-called vampire is strong and determined.But it seems that these words are not related to her now, the only thing that remains is... strong.

She gently covered her forehead and opened her bright eyes, but when she opened it, she was incomparably cold. But this is just the power of her own nature. She didn't mean it. At least she took it back when she realized that she was in the room. Lingering feeling.

The room was empty, and there was no one else on the bed except her.

The burning eyes moved slightly, Mengxiang got up, the sheet that had just slipped off her shoulders completely slipped down, and her snow-white calves were exposed. Incredible, but she is different.Let the excessively fair skin be exposed to the air.

On the one hand, she didn't learn how to act like a spoiled child, blushing or something, she was just a little nervous, or... lonely.

Because the shared memory of the body is also shared, even if it is sealed, she can know through another Moeka that no matter which time she wakes up the next day, Yashenyue is in bed waiting for her to wake up before she wakes up. got up, and she... just came together and couldn't find each other's figure.



A vampire who still has the bloodline of the real vampire feels lonely.


A flash of lightning appeared in the sky and flashed in the window, creating a dangerous and tense atmosphere, and then her eyes widened slightly, because just after the lightning, a figure appeared in front of her.

Just like her, he exposed his body to the air because he didn't need to hide that there were only the two of them in this room. Honesty was a virtue, and Yagami Yue pursued this virtue all his life, so he could get rid of it in the world of zombies. Take off again, naked again and again.Of course, if someone accompanies him naked and is of the opposite sex at this time, then it will be better.

Ye Shenyue didn't take the initiative to hug her, but she took the initiative to hug Ye Shenyue, and her soft and soft body was close to him, even if this body was so strong, no matter how strong it was, she could not deny that she was a woman, a woman. A woman who longs for a man's caress.

"You can go to the castle whenever you want."

It is always a woman who understands that a man drives the steps well before the man speaks.

Mengxiang is bowing her head and asking him to find another Mengxiang.

"If I can, I really hope to separate you from another Moe Xiang."

Ye Shenyue is not hypocritical, "Because... I can't bear you."

He gently hugged her directly in his arms.Mengxiang didn't refuse, or she felt relieved. Although she didn't need to be jealous, she always felt a little unhappy, but now... as long as she got this sentence from Yashenyue, it seemed that everything was worth it.

"But... let's do it again."

A sleek body is the most attractive, especially when both sides are extremely smooth. There are really not many people who can stand it at such a time. Ye Shenyue thinks that he is not Liuxia Hui so...

So it was an hour later when he actually set off.

"Are you really going?"

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