But everyone seems to know that when Ye Shenyue walked out of the school gate, there were already two petite figures waiting for him.

One was looking at him with eyes as pure as ice and snow, and the other was looking like he was going to take me there, with two broad wings showing.


He didn't hide it, because he didn't need to hide it, but the expressions of the two girls became a little lower because of his nodding, "Is Mengxiang really so important?"

They were referring to another Mengxiang, who is still living and dreaming in the room now...

There is a sense of loss.

"Well...but even so, Chi Ye Mengxiang has something incomparable."

Bai Xueyi watched him leave, and the little black bats reappeared on Ye Shenyue's back and turned into his wings. This is the unique ability of vampires, and Snow Maiden seems to have never heard of Snow Maiden who can fly, so she only Can wave to him from below.

The thing that Chi Yemengxiang couldn't match was blood.

They are different from Chi Ye Mengxiang.

Hu Meng and Bai Xueyi watched Ye Shenyue fly away on the ground for a long time, until they disappeared.

The vampire's castle, and the castle of the Zhu Ran family is luxurious in addition to its grandeur. It is completely aristocratic style, but Ye Shenyue can't detect the lively atmosphere. This is the castle where Mengxiang and her beloved lived, except for them. It seems that there is no one there. Of course, sometimes my mother will come over occasionally to stay for a while.

The whole castle is very wide and big, with a red wooden door. Maybe the people inside knew that he was coming and opened the door without him needing to touch it.

The huge door opened, as if to signal that one should enter.

ps: Another chapter of the vampire world is temporarily over.The next chapter is the fantasy sea and clouds.

Chapter 470 Illusory Sea and Clouds (End of the Vampire World)

The huge door opened, and it was a dark red door that exuded a strange aura.The gate was opened, but the arc of the opening was not large, because there were iron chains on the left and right sides of the gate. The iron chains were issued from all directions, up and down, left and right, and then strangled the delicate silver in the middle. The middle was inlaid with red. The cross is like a gem of a blood-stained setting sun.

Another cross, another cross.

The cross is sealed, and those chains are the instruments that seal the cross, and they completely restrain the cross.

So this is ah.

Ye Shenyue stared blankly at the cross that appeared in front of him, like a flash of inspiration, he seemed to see the truth.

Hand, involuntarily want to reach out.

Just like the past time and again, his fingertips touched the cross, but this time, the reaction was different. The cross emitted a powerful red radiance, but there was no familiar person in this radiance. Moexiang is not here, she is still at school.

And the cross here is not her original cross. The original cross has become the support of the enchantment of the campus, and this is the third cross.

The third cross created by Moeka's father.

It's very strange, when Yagami Yue's palm completely grasped the cross, he just pushed so hard and then the six chains that trapped the cross were shattered without any resistance, as if they had been destroyed from the core. , so simply broken.

It landed on the ground like a pile of scrap iron, and Ye Shenyue was in a strange scene at this time.

He seemed to see a small person.

This is not an ordinary cross, and this cross seems to contain such memorable memories.

Memory is like this.

"Don't follow me anymore, I'm not controlled by Sister Yu. It's enough for Sister Yu to have one. Too much is too much to bear."

In the desolate west, there is only the bare sand covered with the wind that can be turned over by the breeze. From the bottom of the mountain, he gently swings his hands up and directly touches the ground with his heels. Like a skateboard, he goes up and down from the cliff to the top. The windbreaker on the lower body is constantly blowing because of the wind, giving people an elegant feeling.

The boy's voice was a little helpless and decisive, and he didn't care about the angry expression on the top of the cave, the black cloaked sister Yu who wanted to kill.

"If you have the ability, don't come back!"

It was completely angry, but the boy still left, and what was even more annoying was that he even waved at her.

The scene pauses.

It seems that it was because he was chased back and then dumped him directly because the other party did not meet his taste.

Why does it look like the resentment of the former classmate Nini?Ye Shenyue took a serious look and made sure that that person was indeed her, or that she was not her current self.

Because the current self is in full control, not the guy who wants everything shown in the scene but doesn't want the royal sister.

But with that face, Ye Shenyue's eyes widened and she couldn't see anything different from him, she could only say that it was him.

Then, the boy who was wandering around without looking for Sister Yu heard news that a certain vampire ancestor had been sealed by a man named Thousand Curses Mage, and she was imprisoned in a certain academy. Not the most excessive, the most excessive is to turn her into a loli who will never grow up and can only be a thousand-year-old loli.

Blonde dark green eyes, petite and soft body.

"Okay, don't cry, I'll make you a puppet so you can have someone to accompany you for an endless amount of time. Do you like the gentle type or the violent type or the bloody type?"

Holding the blond girl whose temper had become very bad at one time, it could even be described as bad, but the young man felt extremely peaceful and had a strange kind of excitement.

Sure enough, loli is the best.

Lolita has three good qualities, soft sound and soft body are easy to overturn.

"Little brother...do you want to put some blood?"

The shiny kitchen knife scraped and slid, and a puppet that looked petite but showed a cruel and penetrating smile smiled like a flower.

...... Memory suddenly collapsed.Ye Shenyue suddenly woke up.

Isn't this the bloodthirsty tea zero?

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