
And the soldiers of the King of Knights are pursuing the victory, which is good news for Great Britain. The morale of the soldiers is unprecedentedly high. At the moment when the king waved his arms and raised the sword in the stone, they seemed to feel that they were full of strength. Soldiers who become kings are invincible.

It's an unprecedented feeling.

Only this time their king was talking to a magician.

The magician Merlin is also Ye Shenyue.

07 The king of knights took out the long sword that had been put into the body of the soldier who wanted to attack Yagami, and frowned slightly.Here is the battle of the knights.It's not the magician's job to intervene.Although he admits that Yagami is a magician, the knight commander subconsciously thinks that he is just a magician who can do housework...

That is to say, he feels that he is killed by an instant when facing the enemy. Of course, his swordsmanship is good, but now he doesn't even have a sword, and when he appears, he is a little stunned. Isn't he coming to the battlefield to find a fight?

The knight commander looked at Yagami Yue's mouth and seemed to hear the big words "I'm here to find a pump".

"I'm not worried about you, so I came here."

Ye Shenyue packed up her mood and laughed, but the hand of the King of Knights holding the Sword in the Stone almost trembled.

Don't worry about her?Is she a child?People need to watch.

"Then look at it."

Just listening to this sentence for some reason, she seemed to have gone back to the past, back to the past. When she was still a toddler, her parents didn't trust her and they didn't trust her.

This feeling……

been cared for.

The knight commander took out the sword in the stone and continued to return to the battlefield, invincible.The combat power seems to have risen a bit.


%%, the chief knight of the round table of the King of Knights, looked at Yagami with his eyes, and then aimed at a gap and stabbed the enemy directly, and the enemy dismounted with a thud.

This enemy is also an officer with a high title, but it is a joy to beat him, but Bedwell's expression is not very happy, but frowns slightly and glares at Ye Shenyue.

I have to say that Bedwell is loyal, but sometimes he is still like a housekeeper. Loyalty has some gossip, and there is also a hatred of iron.

Although it has been several days since Bedwell returned to the knight commander's hut after completing the mission, Yagami and she are not strangers, but she has not seen what sword Yagami used, so she directly attributed Yagami to her. The crowd who can only enter the kitchen to cook without the power of the chicken.

You must know that the battlefield is still coming over here. You see, I immediately let Arturia worry about saving you. What if the king is in danger at this time?Taking care of people on the battlefield is a tiring job.

Ye Shenyue didn't know that he was hated by the chief knight at this time.

Soon, the war ended in a one-sided battle.

It was just a surprise when I went back, because in addition to the Knight King, the people standing on the spacious battle carriage also had a Yagami moon. If it wasn't for the Knight King holding the sword in the stone, he would not be very clear about the situation. People still think that Ye Shenyue is their king...

in the palace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Returning to the palace, indeed, when Arturia draws the sword in the stone, she will become the rightful king of this city, the kingdom called Great Britain, and lead the soldiers to defeat the enemy. Of course, she must return to the king to enjoy. 's palace.

The old king died a long time ago. When the ministers in the court heard the news that the new king was going to settle in, they were so excited that they led a large number of ministers from 563 to visit. Of course, those who held military power, but in the end the soldiers ran away Most of the nobles were also there.

The King of Knights was obviously a little uncomfortable, and she didn't like this kind of red tape.

It's just that Ye Shenyue, who was behind her, gently pushed her, "Once you choose to be a king, then you have to accept the honor you deserve."

The King of Knights finally nodded, "Get up."

Then he continued, "I have nothing to do here, so just go down first."

Did you go down first?

The nobles came here eagerly, whether they came willingly or with jealousy and dissatisfaction, but you just let them go?Is this subconsciously acquiescing to their actions and keeping everything as it is?

To keep them in military power or something?

The nobles were a little overjoyed.

This king doesn't seem to be very good at drumming up the king's power.

Ye Shenyue pretended to cough a few times and then stood up.

How can there be a reason for becoming a king to immediately send power out?

Chapter 0481 The Age of King Arthur

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue pretended to cough and stood up. Seeing everyone looking at him, he continued, "First of all, let me introduce myself as Merlin the magician, and also the guide of King Arthur."

Ye Shenyue introduced herself.

"Since everyone can see that Arturia has drawn the sword in the stone, then according to the rules, Arturia is our king, right?"

Ye Shenyue smiled at the many nobles who looked at her dissatisfiedly.

No one can really refute what he said.


The confused man nodded.

"So... it's like every dynasty is replaced, one emperor and one courtier, everyone understands what's going on?"

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