One emperor and one courtier.

That is to say, once the new king ascends the throne, it is understandable to build his own power team.

When Ye Shenyue said this, she was indirectly telling these nobles that their days were over, and they should hand over their power obediently.

A glass of wine releases the military power.

"King, I, Wright Pinault, will definitely swear to follow the king to the death."

As soon as Ye Shenyue said this, %% immediately knelt down and bowed down. This is the duke, the pampered and cunning duke. As a person with the most status, he certainly knows the pain of losing power. With her prestige, it would be fine to directly seize his fief. Rather than having everything, it is better to surrender and keep a little something.

The duke has a really good plan.

"King, Renault Aite is also willing to swear to pursue the king."

The cunning and cunning Marquis, who was scolding the Duke in his heart, also immediately made a statement.


The next thing is very simple, the two big brothers have obeyed them, can these viscounts and counts not submit?

The nobles who stood up in an instant knelt down again.

Arturia and the entire row of Knights of the Round Table looked a little surprised.

Especially Bedivere, who just hated Yagami on the battlefield.

But the game isn't over yet.

Ye Shenyue smiled, most of his face was wrapped in the hat, but his smile was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "I didn't expect everyone to be so loyal... It's just... This loyalty is not something you just talk about..."

Ye Shenyue's smile is still bright.

Vicious vampire.

At this moment, almost all the nobles were cursing in their hearts, but they could only lower their heads, and the Duke took the lead. "I am willing to hand over half of the military power and half of the land to the king."

"I would also like to contribute..."

"I would also like to..."

So when this nod landed, the new king had already got half of the power of the entire country.

This half comes from the power of the nobles.

The power that the king has is only for the entire capital, and the rest are the fiefs of the nobles. Now Ye Shenyue's actions are undoubtedly plucking the hair from the tiger's mouth, but these tigers have to obey.

Didn't you see that the king had already summoned the twelve Knights of the Round Table?

One emperor and one courtier.

Just as Ye Shenyue said, they were really afraid that this magical king would confer all of their territory to the knights of the round table trusted by the king.

" go down and get ready for the celebration banquet."

Ye Shenyue finally retracted her smile and waved her hand.


The reaction of the group went too fast. They quickly ran out of the hall for fear that they would continue to be plucked by this smiling mage Merlin, so that when they went out, they realized that it was Merlin, not the king, who ordered them just now. What about quickly?

The next thing is simple, everyone gathered together to discuss the evening celebration.The victory of the decisive battle is not only the excitement of the people, but also the excitement of the Knights of the Round Table.

It's just that now everyone is arguing about the title of king.

"According to what I mean, the captain... No, how about calling the king the king of conquest?"

The speaker was one of the knights of the round table, tall and magnificent.

"No, no, it should be the Holy King... The Holy King also means the King of Victory when others hear it."

Another Knight of the Round Table retorted.

"What do you think of Bedivere?"

Bedivere was a female knight, and she discussed with the longest and most loyal knights around Arturia for a long time, but there was no result, so she looked at her.

"I... I don't have any good ideas... Or, let Mage Merlin decide. He seemed to have already said the title of king when he was in the hall just now."

Seeing Ye Shenyue's bargaining just now, the act of taking back the kingship immediately made Bedivere a little ashamed. This is the real king.

When she said that now, she was apologizing for her previous hatred on the battlefield and gave up the opportunity to Yagami Yue.

"Just now? I remembered that Mage Merlin seemed to call the king... King Arthur."

A young knight looked at Yagami.

"King Arthur, in the old saying, means a noble hero."

Ye Shenyue explained.

"Noble... hero?"

The king of knights said softly. "Isn't this very similar to the spirit of a knight? It also needs nobility..."

The king of knights had a slightly rosy complexion and seemed to like the name.

Everyone looked at each other and then saluted the knights in unison, "See King Arthur."

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