
"I will lead Great Britain to greatness and prosperity."

Standing at the top of the city, King Arthur was holding a sword in the stone and waving it high. "It will bring stability to the country."

This is the oath of the new king.

The same Yagami spread the image to all parts of the kingdom.The magician is not just talking, but also needs to work, so that all the people can see the demeanor of the king.This is the first time that the whole people know about the enthronement instead of waiting for the announcement of the imperial list.

This magical sight is really exciting.

The people boiled and shouted the slogan "King Arthur" one after another.

So far, the king of knights who drew the sword in the stone became the real king.

The age of King Arthur came to the cheers of the people of the country.

Chapter 0482 Violated chivalry and broken sword

The prelude to the era of Arthur was kicked off in the loud cheers of the people.at the same time.

Yagami saw the beginning of King Arthur's Arthurian era with his own eyes, however.

It's just that he was so bored rolling sheets on the bed that he just wanted to roar.All I can see is an empty room, in addition to loneliness and boredom.

"Fuck it..."

Originally, I stayed here because I hadn't obtained King Arthur's scabbard yet. In the good mood that I could continue to spend some time with Arturia, I helped her deter these unruly nobles. I'll find a chance later. These nobles dare not even rebel.

It's just that things far exceeded Ye Shenyue's calculations.

The king of knights ascended the throne on the second day before the soldiers were ready to go out again, because the battle just past set off a new wave in the west.Great Britain was coveted by the surrounding countries and wanted to eat this piece of fat immediately. One of the generals of a country eager for quick success led an army of [-] to attack. Unexpectedly, it became the cornerstone of King Arthur's battle. The news of defeat spread like a plague. Various countries, in King Arthur's view, this time to break the enemy is to deter other countries and stop paying attention to Great Britain.

But other countries obviously got it wrong. Their understanding is that the king of Great Britain is amazing. If she is not removed, their country may also be attacked, so several groups of people have gathered to start the war again. It is bound to defeat the newly rising king.

According to Ye Shenyue's words, these people really can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. Since the fight starts...then let's fight.

"Anyway, you are King Arthur. As long as it is a war, you will not fail."

On the night of the enthronement ceremony, Ye Shenyue hurriedly found Arturia and said, "If you can't beat it, then run back..."

At this time, when he looked at the knight king who had put on a golden crown and a light blue robe, Ye Shenyue was telling the truth. What he thought was very simple. His mission was nothing but guiding King Arthur. Whether he wins or loses the war has nothing to do with him.

Moreover, the battle of King Arthur is not lost.

But my king doesn't seem to think so, she frowned slightly, although she is usually expressionless, "running back is really..."

Too embarrassing.

It goes against the spirit of chivalry.

"Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood. Do you want to let the nobles continue to oppress the people like this? At least you have to come back and bring a blue sky to the people, right? You wanted to abandon your identity, abandon the past, and abandon yourself. Isn't that what it is for?"

Ye Shenyue held her hand for the first time. These hands were very warm and slightly covered with calluses. This was a medal left over from years of training with swords.It could be seen that the king of knights was a little uncomfortable when Ye Shenyue held her hand, and her complexion was slightly rosy, but she did not refuse.

"Maybe you're right."

However, I will not fail.

At this moment, the strange king felt that his heart was full of confidence.

Wang smiled lightly, this smile was very gentle. When the moonlight sprinkled a faint brilliance on her body, Ye Shenyue felt that she might have a hard time forgetting this smile.

But in the end, he became bored and rolled sheets on the bed by himself without anyone to accompany him.The king of knights went to war, to start the era of Arthur, and he was left on the grounds that Bedivere thought it would distract the king.

Of course, Bedivere, a loyal knight, wouldn't be so rude. She said, "If you go together, let's not say that the king will be distracted to protect you, and who knows if the city here will be harassed by villains? So there needs to be someone to stay and preside over the bigger picture."

I don't know how many days have passed and I don't know the years.

When the sun shone on the wide bed, Ye Shenyue sat up all of a sudden, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, as if something was hanging.He suddenly thought that Arturia was going to fight, but her scabbard had not yet been obtained. The sword in the stone is sharp and the sword is unmatched. This is an attack, so what about protection? Where is the scabbard that can protect the king from harm? ?

On the battlefield, the Eyeless King of Swords can only be invincible if he wears the scabbard and holds the holy sword!

Ye Shenyue suddenly broke out in cold sweat from behind, no wonder he felt a little uneasy.The current Artoria is not a king who cannot fail!

ps: It's finally back to normal, and chapters can be uploaded.Pray for support.

Hahaha, a lot of people have saved their manuscripts and want to make more updates. The author is not as fierce as them, but there are even more every three days for the first three days.

Chapter 0483 Violated chivalry and broken sword

Magic, no matter what world magic is in, it is a wonderful and magical thing, whether it is a thousand miles a day or a thousand miles a day, as long as there is enough magic power, Ye Shenyue has more magic power.In less than half a day, he had already crossed thousands of miles and came to the battlefield with the envy of ordinary magicians.

It's a battlefield again, but this time the battle is over, and the king's side wins.

The king was sitting high on his horse with extraordinary momentum, and the soldiers below were also imposing.

The soldier's body was covered in blood, but a blood-like passion ignited.

"If the enemy does not offend me, I will not offend others. If the enemy offends me...even if they are far away, they will be executed!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"

The sky-high roar of XN was deafening.

The soldiers were angry or rather combative.

The three-nation coalition totaled [-] people.

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