In simple terms, there were only twice as many enemies as the previous invasion, but now there are only [-] people who follow the king.[-] people against [-] people.

It still looks like it has a chance.

But wars are not built up in quantity but in quality.

The enemy is armed from the toes to the top of the head, the mounts are well-equipped and even the armor is new, this is an elite team.

Two hundred thousand elites!

No matter where such an elite is placed, whether it is on the grasslands or the plains, it is a force that puts many countries at risk, but such a powerful enemy was attacked and collapsed under the leadership of the King of Knights in the day and night of slaughter.

The army that cannot lose and cannot lose was easily defeated by them.I was defeated by them who were full of blood!

Yes, war cannot be without wounds and without death but what remains now are heroes who are soldiers honed by the blood and tears of war.

The soldiers brandished their knives and spears, and besides shouting the title of King Arthur, the most they shouted was to attack!

Yes, it's an attack, and everyone else kicks the nose and faces the coalition forces to bully them!

How can the couch allow others to sleep peacefully?Now, not only is he sleeping peacefully, but he also wants to take possession of the entire couch, which is unbearable and unbearable!

And the location of King Arthur's army is just the closest to France in the Three Kingdoms, and now is a perfect opportunity. In France, who is still dreaming of destroying them and hitting them by surprise!

Thinking about this time, France may still be dreaming of the victory of the coalition army, and then it is not fun to find that it is not its own army but the enemy that is rushing in the dust.

But these are just imaginations and need to be turned into reality!

"King, we can't let them go... We must get our face back and let the world know that we, Great Britain, are not easy to bully."

The Knights of the Round Table are also speaking.

"We want to deter, deter them!"

Everyone said.

The king of knights sat on the horse and her expression changed slightly, "However, this goes against the spirit of knighthood."

The spirit of knighthood.Knights are well-educated and do not take the initiative to provoke and do not take the initiative to occupy.


"King... this is our request."

"King... this is also our request."


Respectful but expectant eyes and expressions, this is an expression that cannot be rejected.

"King... We want to avenge our dead brothers... Only by conquering France in one fell swoop can those" Knights of the Round Table who declared war have more than half.All the people actually knelt down.

Is this... public opinion?

King Arthur let out a long sigh, and helplessness flashed in his pale blue eyes. Looking at the soldiers kneeling below, King Arthur's mind became clear from the vastness.

She remembered that Ye Shenyue asked her that when she drew the sword in the stone.

"Have you made up your mind? Once you pull out the sword in the stone, there is no turning back. Because at that time you were no longer an ordinary person, not a woman, but a king."

"I do," as sacred as a wedding vow before a priest, she agreed.

At this moment, she is no longer a person or a knight, but... a king.

Follow the will of the people.

The picture in his mind was put away, and the King of Knights finally raised his hand, "Take a break, and then... target France!"

She wields a sword in the stone that symbolizes power and power, but she feels how hard it is to make this decision.

The long sword fell on her heart, and her heart was also covered with a little blemish.

Not only was there a stain on my heart, but when Ye Shenyue arrived, I just saw that the sword in the stone, which symbolized the power of the whole of Great Britain, had been turned into two halves. in the arms.

She stood on the wall of the French capital, her beautiful brows as calm as snow.

ps: everyone, give me some support.The author has prepared all the manuscripts of Fatezero and is waiting for everyone's corresponding release.

Chapter 0484 The king is definitely not equal to the queen (small explosion three shifts)

France is a country next to Great Britain, and whether a wise man or a fool passes by the city and sees another country's monarch standing on the wall of France, a fact will flash in his heart.

This country, which also has a long history, was conquered by Great Britain.

How can others sleep on the side of the couch?

The kings of France must have disagreed but disagreed and disagreed. It is an iron-clad fact that King Arthur is standing on his wall.

Under the concerted efforts of all the soldiers and soldiers, King Arthur led the army to conquer the capital of France and really responded to that sentence. Those who violated Great Britain will be punished even if they are far away!What's more, this France is not far enough... Who will be the first not to hit them?

However, Ye Shenyue doesn't care who the next army wants to find a bad luck. His mind has completely fallen on the king of knights who are looking at the green grass outside the city from a distance.

The King of Knights is no longer sackcloth or iron armor. She is wearing silver-white and azure-like armor that was specially crafted by the duke who adored her. When it comes to armor, this is still at the behest of Ye Shenyue, because the duke The armor that adults want to flatter is involved in, and even he can't pass this level. How could it be possible for Arturia?

The armor is full of flashy and expensive decorations, and it looks really pleasing and sparkling, but... this is armor to be used for battle, and wearing such armor will only hold you back.

He recalled that the king's costume from the animation immediately made the Duke recreate it.

Created today's armor with a touch of strength but not intimidating. Both hands and feet are protected with silver-white armor, but the body is strangely dressed in light blue for convenient activities. The skirt and then put on the chest protector on the outside.

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