In addition to the animation, the armor suit from the West was inspired by Yagami Yue from his Xiaoyou. The armor of the suit is lighter and more flexible than the whole body shrouded in steel.

The gentle breeze of spring blew from the west and blew the skirt of the knight standing alone above the city with a squeak. Showing her peerless appearance.The knight king of the independent spring breeze looked into the distance, maybe he was looking at his own land.

The only regret is that the sword in his arms has been turned into two halves.

A broken sword was gently lowered by her, and with a bang, the sword landed on the bulge of the city wall.

"How can King Arthur arbitrarily abandon the sword in the stone that determines his identity?"

Ye Shenyue's voice sounded, and in just a moment or just breathing, his figure had appeared on the city wall from a hundred miles away and approached King Arthur.

The soldiers guarding the city saw that Ye Shenyue broke out in a small commotion and then calmed down again. The person who suddenly appeared in front of their king was none other than the teacher of the king - with magical powers like a elf Merlin like that.


Wang withdrew his gaze from the distance and turned his face, "Your speed is too fast, it seems that you let me in the last contest in the yard, if it is at this speed, I will definitely not be able to hold one. Round. Not even a sword in a stone."

Arturia's brows relaxed slightly, and she herself felt that it was strange that her heart that had been surging would calm down when she saw this sudden appearance. It was a strange feeling.

Indeed, her mood is not very calm now.

Without waiting for Yagami to answer, she said it herself, "This time, the capture of France is against the spirit of chivalry. When I was fighting the French Knight of Wright, I didn't kill him, but struck his back with the back of the sword. The sword... is still broken."

Ye Shenyue moved her ears and listened hard. On the other hand, she looked at her expression carefully. The Knight King's face was calm without even frowning.

This feeling... this feeling... is totally accepted!

I accept that my sword is broken, and it seems that it is still broken!

And the reason is that it was a battle that went against the spirit of the knight, and she went against her own spirit.This crime deserves the punishment it deserves.

King of knights... your heart...

Ye Shenyue's heart was surging. Of course, if he didn't think about it at this time and looked at the King of Knights' chest, which was wrapped in silver chest guards, he couldn't see the size, then he would be a little purer.

Seeing that Arturia's expression became slightly strange looking at him, it was obvious that he saw his unofficial eyes, "Is there something wrong with me here?"

The king of knights touched the chest protector on his chest with his hand.

Asking expression.

Ye Shenyue hurriedly coughed twice, "Cough..."

"When the sword is broken, it is broken... But don't forget that I am a magician. Magicians are very good at repairing things like broken swords."

Ye Shenyue felt that her heart was suffering.

Although the King of Knights has noticed his slightly meaningful eyes, he does not blame him for staring at him with such a serious expression and such serious eyes, making him feel that he is completely sinful and should not sully the mind of this simple King of Knights .

I... have been defiled.

Ye Shenyue misses the pure days so much.

He raised his hand and wanted to use Guangdu to restore the sword in the stone that was broken in half.

Ye Shenyue had a guess in her heart.

King Arthur... When it comes to King Arthur's holy sword, the scabbard is naturally mentioned. Now that the sword is broken in two, could it be that he used the light to stimulate the potential of the sword and then create a scabbard?

This is his job!

Ye Shenyue had already started to move, but this hand had just been stretched out but was stopped, a pair of palms grabbed his arm with a serious look on her face. "No, this is the punishment for my violation of chivalry. There is no need to recover."

The King Knight's expression was serious and sincere.

There is nothing but a matter of fact.

Even if she is now grabbing a boy's hand with both hands, she can smell each other's breath with less than 30 centimeters away from him.

Wang, are you really a girl?

The king...not the queen!

Chapter 0485 The king of dumb hair is the king of dumb hair, and he can also be cute (small explosion first)

For Ye Shenyue, who was captured by the animation of the mud bombing country since childhood, there are only two kings who are most impressive to him. One is King Arthur in front of him. As a woman, he led the country to become prosperous and strong, and then he was betrayed but still remained. Admirable.The other a regular princess, Lord Ji.

They are all people who want to become kings. Saber has already left the category of women. At least during the period of becoming a king, she is a king and not a woman. This is a person who gave up his identity for the sake of the nation and the country for the sake of justice.

Well, you can't ask for too much.The dumb hair king in front of him is also cute enough.Although "sloppy" will not rest, but this serious expression is enough to capture the heart of Yagami.

The other, as the princess of the undead royal family, was born with a noble and elegant personality, and was serious and a little cunning.

It's the same skirt, but it's a skirt with lace carved fringes.The jet-black dress and the crown-like decoration on the top of the head are indeed very royal.

Only this one is also the queen.

Compare so.

Ye Shenyue glanced at the Dumb Hair King who had her pale blond hair up high for convenience.

The Dumb King was looking at him seriously, or was waiting for his next move.Really serious as snow.

"Okay, as you wish."

The pale white light on Ye Shenyue's hand disappeared, but Broken Sword was still Broken Sword.The Sword in the Stone maintained a posture of being broken into two pieces.

The King of Knights glanced at Yagami with gratitude as if he was relieved.The dark green eyes are pure and green, like dark green gems placed in the lake.It's just that this gem looks shiny and tasteful.

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