Ye Shenyue's mind was almost in a trance, she just said that the King of Knights is only a king and not a woman, but what is this glance with his familiar femininity?

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue coughed twice to hide her unnaturalness in Artoria's exploratory gaze, his gaze hurriedly swept across the broken sword on the ground and then pulled the hand of the knight king.

The iron gloves on her hands are different from Yuu's slender hands that are directly exposed, but the warmth is more than Yu-chan.

It is said that the longer people live, the more lonely they feel in their hearts, and they will express this feeling of loneliness on the outside of their bodies on purpose or inadvertently, so the temperature of the body surface will be colder than ordinary people.


The current King Arthur is just a new king, and she is still a little far away from being lonely.

If the sword in the stone is broken, it will be broken. Anyway, he does not need to leave this world immediately before he gets the scabbard.Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue's mood also opened up, and she immediately pulled King Arthur's hand tightly. Although there was a thick layer of iron between the hand and the hand, it was very strange, but Ye Shenyue didn't seem to have much. difference.

In other words... there should be an opportunity for King Arthur to take off this armor.

Need a reason... Need a reason.

"Arturia, no matter what the battle has already happened and won, the soldiers in the city are cheering and celebrating... You can't be without a king, so..."

Ye Shenyue paused for a moment, "So you should hurry up and go to the city... It's best to hold a big stomach game when the celebration party is held..."

"Huh... ah..."

The King of Knights was a little stunned.Seriously stay.Her eyes are always serious and focused, one side is stunned and the other is focused, but there is a contrasting cuteness.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue felt that her 24K dog eyes were almost blind again. Who said that the King of Knights wouldn't be cute?

Such an expression is not cute, what is it?It's two completely different tunes from Chunnai-chan's loli and cuteness, but Ye Shenyue still likes to eat this set.

"Fighting with your subjects and eating with them is a good opportunity to increase your relationship."

If it wasn't for the king of knights or the female Yagami Yue, she would have almost said the legendary "we fought together, %% together".

ps: Thanks to 157348967 for the 521 flowers, 834697091 for the monthly pass, w5u and Player Month for the flowers and comments.

Chapter 0486 Lions and lions? (Small burst two more)

The heated celebration passed, and King Arthur returned to the capital of Great Britain with his army.

The army is resting.

After defeating the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, he took advantage of the situation to capture France. At the suggestion of Ye Shenyue, King Arthur first rested his army. The reward should be rewarded and the punishment should be punished. One, in one fell swoop to become one of the great powers among Western countries.In addition, the new positions obtained by the soldiers who were promoted in these three battles impacted the noble world and made King Arthur's rule more complete.

Yagami has thought about it, although the nobles of Great Britain seem to be timid and afraid of the knight king and his magic power, but after all, this is not a long reign, and a successful king should only care about the mention of rest. It seems that the rest is not. It's just that the soldiers still have King Arthur, but King Arthur's rest seems to be different from other people.

Dressed in soft clothes, the King of Knights believed that he had taken off his armor under the persuasion of Yagami Moon Wolf's ambition.Of course, the king of knights should be replaced with sackcloth and linen or something. This is the suggestion of a group of knights of the round table. Otherwise, King Arthur would be reluctant to throw away his sackcloth and linen. According to her, clothes are often damaged during training. If the sackcloth is damaged, it will not cost much, and if it is cotton, it will be too wasteful.

When Ye Shenyue heard her say that, several drops of sweat immediately popped out of her forehead. King Arthur must have been too... diligent and thrifty!

Do not admire Rongli, noble character, is indeed a rare talent.

However, Ye Shenyue was a little disappointed when she let her take off her armor to reveal her true body. He still disapproved of the phrase "poor breasts are a rare resource" that is open to any world, because there are so few poor breasts why he Always meet?

King Arthur is absolutely poor, and her only female Knight of the Round Table, Bedivere, is in the same category.Sure enough, what kind of kings have what kind of servants?

In the end, when the maids she met were all poor breasts, Ye Shenyue managed to keep her eyes straight.

But today's purpose is obviously not for the chest.Ye Shenyue took the King of Knights to an open place. There was a huge cage in the center of the grass, but the cage was covered with white cloth, making it impossible to see what was inside.

When the king really wants what he wants, his subordinates will be ready obediently. King Arthur did not use her power, but Yagami took full advantage of it. Use royal power to enjoy playing with tribute or something.

The contents of this cage are clearly the product of Yagami's abuse of power.

It's just that the abuse is the abuse of Ye Shenyue, but it is done with a scholarly mentality.

He came here with King Arthur and Bedivere. Originally, he only wanted to take King Arthur with him. The loyal Bedivere always felt that he had no plans, so he always protected King Arthur from Yagami and Moon. She has alone time.

Bedivere has a traditional British appearance, with a high nose and sunken eyes, but she is a good-looking and heroic female knight, but this wide-eyed and cautious expression makes the night goddess. Yue has no interest in her.

However, Ye Shenyue couldn't have anything to do with King Arthur, so he didn't care, so he followed.

It was Arturia's slightly apologetic expression because of Bedivere's attitude that satisfied him.

It is still spring, everything is reviving, and the grass is full of grass. This grass is the place where the soldiers who were built by the last king to specialize in guarding the palace were trained. Now that Arturia has become a king, of course, he has inherited this place together. The journey of the three people is not too much, and they soon arrive at their destination.

"What do you mean?"

Today's Bedwell is very much like a little hen who protects the calf. Although she still doesn't know what is under the white cloth, she can't hear it if she can't see it!

The loud breathing sounded frightening, and she intuitively told her that there should be a beast under the white cloth...

There is no one else around and then let the king come to pay his respects to the beast like a gift?

He couldn't help but feel nervous, because at this moment, a roar that almost shattered one's eardrums suddenly came from under the white cloth.

Qi pulls mountains and rivers, powerful and extraordinary, but also extremely dangerous.

At the same time, the magic power that Ye Shenyue mobilized with a wave of her hand burst out at this moment like a violent hurricane. That is, in front of the three.

In the huge iron cage, standing on all fours, a lion with a huge body and smooth hair, but with an extraordinary bearing and majesty.The lion opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth, and its sharp, hedgehog-like hair stood erect one by one, obviously releasing its coercion on the three people who suddenly arrived.

The lion is the king among the beasts, how strong is the roar of the king, and King Arthur is also the king of the king of the human race. What kind of collision will happen when he encounters a lion?

Yagami Yue, who knew that King Arthur was only fond of lions, continued to watch.

Knight King 5.0's expression changed slightly, Ye Shenyue noticed it, her dark green pure eyes widened a lot, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose, her mood became very good, "Merlin..."

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