This is definitely out of ulterior motives. The kings of Great Britain have always been hereditary. Except when the crisis is critical, the sword in the stone is used to select people. The sword in the stone is a miracle and shocking, but Arturia is the first. Those who pull up the sword in the stone, as a pioneer, she can do whatever she wants. In the end, these people still don't recognize King Arthur's identity as a king, or... deliberately spread rumors and want to force King Arthur to abdicate or something.

After all, the short-term peace has now been restored and there is no crisis.

People are sinister, and they will do everything possible to persecute you when you need them and when you don't!

Such a voice came out, Arturia had no expression, she was very calm, she didn't do anything for power, she just wanted it, but now the only problem is that the 690 sword in the stone is broken, and she has no right hand. Her weapon, perhaps she was protected when she pulled out the sword in the stone, and her strength increased a lot, and then she felt uncomfortable when she switched back to the original sword.Although the original saber was also a rare good sword, but now holding it, there is always a feeling of incompetence, and the power cannot be fully released.

And Ye Shenyue is secretly colluding with the Twelve Knights of the Round Table to find out the people who spread the rumors and use blood to teach the public. Arturia does not need any air, but she is the king. It's no wonder that the subjects criticize the king for not being exterminated.

You can't let others think that King Arthur is just a toothless tiger, even a big cat will show his power, not to mention the king of knights who likes lions, but Yagami Yue made a promise in front of the Chinese people, or it makes people even more. Inspirational news. "King Arthur's sword in the stone is broken, but there is still a sword in the lake" said so, but the bottom of Yagami's heart was not very deep, because he always felt the smell of conspiracy.

Because the news of the sword in the lake was reported by hunters who were hunting by the lake.It is said that the fairy goddess of the lake will give the sword of the lake to the hero.

Together with the scabbard.

ps: The update is completed today. I hope everyone can continue to support. I am grateful for the sub-period. It is not easy for my king to be the original plot writer here...

The next chapter is the white eye of the king of knights.By the way, the protagonist already has so many guild leaders, which guild leader do you prefer?

Chapter 0488 Knight King's White Eyes (One More)

"Stretch out your left hand..."

The girl was calm but with a surprised voice.

Then the lion standing on four feet closed his mouth, lowered his head, lowered his eyebrows, and stretched out a hoof.The lion's left palm landed firmly on the girl's hand.

Soon, the left palm came down.

"Extend your right hand..."

The girl's voice sounded again.

The lion still stretched out his claws with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye, but this time it was another claws. This kind of training was so boring that he closed his eyes and acted according to the girl's words.Anyway, just follow the orders.

A lion that has been domesticated has no spirit at all towards its master.Completely submissive.

"Both hands stretched out..."

Yet another command.

The lion followed the order of the gourd, and just made a loud bang. The huge lion's body was lying on the ground without being pretentious. It was standing, and its four thick hooves firmly grasped the ground. Bufan now has two front paws lifted and lost support and fell to the ground.It just fell right in front of the King of Knights.


With a light drink, the delighted Knight King, who was still taming animals, immediately gave Ye Shenyue a small white look.

"Hehe... It's just to add a little fun to the journey... Arturia, you see... the little lion is not angry..."

Ye Shenyue smiled innocently, then gave the lion a vicious glance without leaving a trace.


The lion, who keenly caught Ye Shenyue's eyes,'s original anger because of being played with disappeared suddenly and then whimpered in grievance. Where is the spirit of the king of beasts?

The threatened big lion, like its predecessor, the big bad wolf, can only be a cat and a dog.Not a single bit of anger dared to show.

Because this is not the first time Ye Shenyue has treated it like this, Ye Shenyue has already threatened it in form and action, and the good lion can only make compromises if it does not suffer immediate losses.


Ye Shenyue once gave her old face to bully a lion.

Because he didn't expect how much Arturia likes lions!When facing the lion, she ran with the lion like a little girl, and then she bathed it and groomed it herself. He had never received such treatment before!

Well, to be precise, Ye Shenyue... I'm jealous.

Being jealous of a lion, of course, if he also becomes a lion then maybe he can get such preferential treatment...


Seeing the knight king's unstinting smile spread out and bloom at the lion, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that she was too cheap, and following the knight king aside from being stared at by the chief knight of the round table, the knight king treated him little. white eyes.The most exposed expression is the expression of apology and then the expression of the white eye now.

Now the title of King of Knights seems to be slowly changing because of the countless bullying and confrontations between Yagami and Lion, and the title of King of White Eyes has gradually hatched.

Every time Yagami was bullying or had the slightest intention, the King of Knights looked down on her.

It is said that this is also the credit of Bedivere, who taught the king how to express rich expressions.

This white eye is one of the unique skills that must be taught.

As a result, the serious and serious king who didn't know what a white eye was at first turned into such a light-hearted person who gave him a white eye casually.

If Ye Shenyue knew that Bedivere at the time was saying "King, Master Merlin has a hobby, that is, he likes people to roll their eyes to look at him. You can see that he always hides his appearance and does not want to see the king with his true face. I feel that Wang has not yet gained his trust, so he has no sense of belonging, and the investigation is that... Wang is useless to look at him with his eyes!"

Bedivere was so serious, and the serious expression made the King of Knights imprinted in his mind all the time, Bedivere moved with reason to the knight Wang Xiaozhi, "It is said that there is no perfect man in Jin Wuji, and Master Merlin is not perfect. It's just this habit that can't be changed, so it's best for Wang to follow him..."

"Follow his wishes, no matter what you say, always give him the first glance when you see him..."

The sincerity on Bedivere's face was so sincere that she gave her all her life and died. She always felt that Ye Shenyue was uneasy and kind to Wang.That's why he came up with this plan, let Ye Shenyue look at the king, and then the best situation is to retreat.

In general, because of Bedivere's over-loyalty, Ye Shenyue is now in a trance from time to time. God, the King of Knights rolled his eyes at him again.

Can the king of knights have such rich expressions?

ps: kneeling and begging to subscribe to various requests.And I hope you can support the new book. "Naruto Shinji Counterattack"

Chapter 0489 like (two more)

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