
One of the knights of the round table raised the sword in his hand and the long queue suddenly stopped, and the soldiers and generals stopped.

"You are stationed in place first, and pay attention to vigilance."

Bedivere conveyed the king's order with a serious look, and it seemed that it was indeed from King Arthur's tone, but Bedivere himself knew that it was just someone's words.

She still remembered what Ye Shenyue said to her.

"Hey...Bedivell, you go and let everyone stay outside...Well, don't follow the Knights of the Round Table. Next, they will enter the territory of the goddess of the lake. It is said that powerful forces have their own territory. , if it was you, would you welcome so many strangers suddenly appearing on your site? If the strangers were armed with weapons, would you think they were visiting rather than attacking? Keep everyone outside Stay, and...I'm busy right now...so..."

It's a long speech, but Bedivere himself knows that these words can be summed up in one sentence, "I'm too busy to stay with King Arthur right now, and I don't have time to spread the word. Now you have the most free time to spread the word."

Directly treat her Bedivere as a servant...herald...

"I am loyal to the king, I can't be angry... I can't be angry..."

Bedivere squeezed her weapon tightly, she really wanted to give Yashinyue a knife first, even though she knew she couldn't beat him...

Therefore, the king's knights can only pass the word obediently. If it is normal, of course, there is no need for so many people to travel, but now Arturia has become a person who needs a large number of votes wherever the king goes, even if there is no protection. Can also be a bit stylish.So this short trip to the lake attracted hundreds of people.

but.She is about to enter the territory of the elves in the lake. If so many people come to make her unhappy, it would be bad not to give the sword to Wang.Therefore, I am thinking of the king for the king, everything is for the king, and definitely not bowing my head to this mage.

The poor Knights of the Round Table made excuses for themselves.

Then began the summons.The nobles are only temporarily loyal and disloyal. I don't know, but these soldiers are loyal. Nothing is more important than being able to follow a great monarch. Nothing is more important than being invincible and invincible.Therefore, as soon as Bedivere ordered all the people to immediately start camping on the spot, there was no hesitation at all.

This is the army that King Arthur should have.

Ye Shenyue carefully looked at the expressions of everyone, and they were really respectful and serious, so it seemed that King Arthur was really shocking, but...

Who would have thought that if no one was going to change the course of history, then it was some of the people here who, with jealousy and fear after the army's victories and incessant battles, stole the scabbard of King Arthur's sword and ruined King Arthur's life ?

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but look at the king who was seriously stroking the smooth hair of the lion. The faint sunlight fell on her body and fell on the silver-blue interlaced armor, which was pleasing to the eye.The heroic face miraculously became soft and soft.

Yes, although she has become a king, she is just a girl.


The king of knights felt the sight and turned back to find that it was Yagami who was looking at her, smiled lightly and then didn't care.

She trusts him so she doesn't need to worry about anything so she goes on with her own business.

After delivering the order, Bedivere gave Ye Shenyue a strange look, and kept muttering in his heart, why is this magician's footsteps so strange?It seemed that he stepped in the air for a while, but he did not fall.It's so weird.Or is it an odd pace?

Bedivere couldn't bear to be surprised, Ye Shenyue's footsteps paused and then the average person should fall forward with an unstable center of gravity, but he stopped for a while and landed steadily as if stepping on the void.It's like walking at a strange but steady pace.

Bedivere is strange to Ye Shenyue here, but it's not strange, just now... just at that moment, Ye Shenyue felt that she was originally a spontaneity... er, no... It should be the heart that is easily provoked, thump thump thump violently up.

Arturia has beautiful long hair with pale blond hair, but she is always curled up for the sake of being able, and has dark green eyes, but because she is not very good at interacting with people, she always hides a little bit of beating, and she has a body that far exceeds that of ordinary knights. The quality but the hard work and the calluses on the hands are paid.

She was expressionless for the sake of majesty, and she charged into battle and stayed in the army all day long to protect her family and the country.

The clean face shows strength, and the dark green piercing eyes reveal seriousness.The sword edge clasped tightly in both hands is righteousness.

Strong and serious.

Such a girl and such a king can only arouse a man's desire to conquer, but Ye Shenyue doesn't think so. I am afraid that doing so will tarnish her.

Because despite being serious and strong, despite stepping on the peak of power, despite sitting on the territory of a country.


She is, in essence, a girl.

How can you ask for so much from a girl?

When she sees the mount she likes (the lion can indeed ride it), and when she encounters something she likes, she will naturally show the feelings of a real girl without hesitation.

She also likes cute things like lions, like all girls.

But not like all girls.

Perhaps, at this moment, he really understood that he had fallen in love with this girl named Arturia, who was a knight king or even a king Arthur.

Whether it's because of the identity of Mage Merlin or not, he knows that he already likes it.This cute, innocent and picturesque blonde girl has been imprinted in his heart.

ps: Who is the elf in the lake?Everyone can guess.Reminder: President

Chapter 0490 King's Etiquette Course (three more)

"Do you like me?"

"do not like."

, "Then... this is a disease that needs to be cured!"

The rough dialogue burst out with a strong confidence. Only a confident man can say such tough words to a girl. Ye Shenyue is confident that he is confident, but now is definitely not the time to be confident.

The ideal is always full and full of beauty, but the reality just shows the skinny.

"Arturia, what do you think of me?"

Ye Shenyue slammed sideways and confessed directly, "I like you, do you like me?"

What kind of King Arthur can never accept, and such a simple character of King Arthur must be the truth, either like it or not.

The answer is too simple and too hurtful.

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