Generally speaking, King Arthur will respond directly to the liking, and then say that he likes to eat the food he made, like the lion he gave...

It is conceivable that these are not the answers he wants.Because... the current King Arthur is still a girl.

Not every girl in this world is pregnant, not every girl is so easy to get started!

The maiden heart of His Excellency King Arthur has not even bloomed, and he has no idea what men and women like.Asking her such a question now is completely useless.

Besides, there is still an oversized light bulb like Bedwell. This light bulb is eye-catching, but it is worth mentioning that she has a stronger ability to poke blind people's eyes. If Ye Shenyue asks her like this, she must be big He shouted, "Mage Merlin, you are directly acting against Wang Yu! Even if I can't beat you, Bedivere won't let you succeed!"

A whole calf hen.

Bedivere-kun wanted to strangle in the cradle all those who wanted to attack the king.However, thanks to her loyalty and excessive concern, Yagami Yue can rest assured. If even he can't succeed, how can someone who can succeed under Bedivere's lewd power still appear?

Therefore, the effect of Bedwell's light bulbs returning to light bulbs and returning to bright and sparkling is powerful after all.

At least she was the one who protected King Arthur and didn't let King Arthur make any troubles in the Arthurian era that would cause Yagami to worry.

So to sum up the above, Ye Shenyue is just a side shot, but it also has a little meaning, and this ambiguous question can only make Bedivere, the loyal little hen, open his eyes and stare blankly. Interject.She faintly felt that Ye Shenyue had bad intentions, but this kind of questioning king should not be aware of the deep meaning in it.

The king of knights turned back slightly, she wanted to ride on the lion, but she always felt... well, she rode on it herself while Yagami and Bedivere were still walking, a little embarrassed, like a pie, and immediately dismissed the idea .

Now listening to Ye Shenyue's question, she immediately pricked up her ears and turned around.

"How? This wasn't last night's class?"

I don't know if Ye Shenyue was wrong. He thought that King Arthur, who didn't understand anything and was just a simple temperament, blushed slightly, and the blush that her skin was very white immediately showed.

Bedivere felt bad at first glance.

She seemed to regret it, because just last night, the court officials spent several hours directing King Arthur's form and etiquette, saying that only in this way can he be more like a king, how to walk, sit down, etc. Specifications are required.

These are all necessary courses. Whether it is a prince or a princess, they have been trained since childhood, and Arturia is a king born among the commoners who has not received these training before, so it is normal to take classes now.

But there is still something wrong.

These officials also taught the king's common sense of life.

The problem lies in this common sense.

The ceremonial officials spared no effort in telling the king what to listen to, what to analyze and what to speculate.

And because the king is a woman, the officials of etiquette also considered how the king should answer when a male nobleman shows his love to the king, whether to agree or reject it or not.

One of the most important lessons is to first identify the confessions of men, and what kind of words are confessions and what words are just words.

King Arthur took his study seriously and memorized every word of the court official. There was exactly such a sentence in the first aristocratic confession course.

"What do you think about me?"

"What do you think about me?"

This is a tentative confession of men.

Wang's face turned red, which meant that she understood.

In other words, the king... actually can understand some things.

Can you think about it too?

At this moment, the loyal Bedivere almost covered his forehead and sighed. It was difficult to guard against thieves day and night. How could he let Wang and this archmage come into contact with him?

"I think you are a good person."

The pale pink lips and flaps opened the king's face slightly red and answered.

This is an answer to what you think of my words that seem to be a confession.

You are a good person.

You are a good person.

The breeze blowing made the large magician's robe screeching, but Ye Shenyue's heart seemed to have entered the ice cellar.

Wasn't she blushing slightly just now?If it wasn't for seeing her blushing, Yagami Yue really thought that King Arthur didn't understand anything?It turns out that she has been inspired... I understand that it was someone's subconscious confession!

Wang, I support you!

"You are a good person, you are good at craftsmanship, and you don't think I eat too much, and you gave me a lion..."

King Arthur's voice continued, "Isn't this what a good person is? Are you still a bad person? I don't believe that."

Wang waved his fist as if threatening the enemies who were speaking ill of Yashenyue.

But that's the explanation.


The two crisp sounds Yagami Yue and Bedivere softened at the same time.

Feelings Just now they thought that King Arthur understood that the meaning of the subconscious confession was just false, and King Arthur still didn't know anything.

"Then why did you blush just now?"

It's impossible to be shy if you don't know the subtext of that sentence.

Bedivere asked strangely at the same time that Yagami also looked up.

King Arthur was finally a little embarrassed to be seen, and his face turned a little red, "The sentence Merlin asked me just now made me almost think that Merlin was colluding with the ritual officer. That sentence happened to be given to me when the ritual officer was out of class. I left homework and asked me how to answer if a man asked this sentence. Now, it seems that the answer is already there.”

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