King Arthur touched his chin, and then gave Ye Shenyue a serious look, "Merlin really owes you one more time, and you helped me again."

A sure look.

Comfort and confidence coupled with a lot of sunshine.

Looking at the sunny King Arthur at this moment, Ye Shenyue and Bedivere both have the urge to bow their heads and bow their heads.

Such a king...

It really makes people...


ps: The next chapter is the incredible elves in the lake

Chapter 0491 Incredible Lake Elf (a more)

The forest is full of tranquility. Against the backdrop of the verdant but mighty big trees and the endless green weeds, there are more wild flowers that can't be named, which is quiet and far-reaching.

Although it is a wild flower, it is also colorful, and it is dazzling and beautiful in the light of the sunlight, which makes you want to reach out and pick it.

Of course, such a cute act of picking wild flowers is very, very unlikely to happen at this time, because only Yagami Yue, the King of Knights and the loyal Bedivere are present.The biggest possibility is Miss Knight King. She is still within the shelf life of a girl, so she can do this kind of thing that only a person with a pure heart can do. Just don't forget that the Knight King is a girl but a girl is not a Knight King.

Arturia likes being strong and tall, and the act of picking flowers can only be a girl, but it is Yagami Yue who is surprised, not only him but also Bedivere's eyes widened.

He saw the king of knights standing beside the big brown lion stopped when he was passing by the colorful flowers that shone dazzlingly in the sun, and stared at the flowers with dark green eyes.

It's like admiring something beautiful.

She squatted down, hands down and then.

"Crack clap..."

Slight sound.

The king of knights in military uniform actually sat down and started picking flowers.Not only picked but also woven into a wreath.The refreshing wind swayed the almost endless flower sea and wrapped the figure of the King of Knights to form a harmonious and boundless picture.

"Maybe... I was wrong."

Bedivere's silver hair fell on her shoulders, and she looked at Arturia deeply, "King... Arturia is a king, but... she is still a girl, and I am too harsh on her. already."

At this moment, looking at the girl who devoted herself to weaving the wreath, Bedivere deeply felt that perhaps her rigid self was subtly eroding the knight king's girl's heart.

She is the king, the king who led Great Britain to glory, but it is undeniable that she is also a girl.

She shouldn't have lost a girl's heart just to make her a king.

What the king has is endless responsibility, and of course he can act recklessly, but that is the faint-hearted Lord Bedivere, of course, does not believe that Arturia will become a tyrant and become a faint-hearted monarch. What she wants to become is a Ming Jun Ren Jun.

So... the king of knights may... or has decided to give up the girl's mentality, give up the girl's joys and sorrows, and set an example as an example.


What a disaster that would have been.

Bedivere felt that he was really a sinner. If that were the case, the King of Knights would certainly be able to achieve the prestige of the King of Knights, but... but he also wiped out the original one...

The girl who beat her with a knight's gift when she first met and stretched out her hand to give her a hand.

The smile of a girl...the smile at that time was so pure and beautiful.

Perhaps, at that moment, she had already made up her mind to protect this smile.

but now.

An endless cold sweat broke out from Bedwell's back.These days, when she saw the king of knights appearing as a girl in front of the mage called Merlin, she was furious and felt that it was an insult to the king of knights.


This is...

She... she seems to be obliterating the original girl...

No matter how baptized Bedivere's heart was, the knight king here slowly stood up, and as the height continued to rise, there was a wreath of seven colors intertwined in her hand.

She looked over and walked over, but the direction was Ye Shenyue and Bedivere's side.

Rarely, the face of the King of Knights burned slightly again.

"Bedwell, I've caused you a lot of trouble by being by my side. Thank you very much for your tolerance. I think this wreath is worthless, but it's the most beautiful flower I've ever seen. I hope I can give it to you. you."

The King of Knights raised his face, his dark green eyes were extremely clear, and his words were still the same serious and sincere tone.

Let's just say, I almost recognized the wrong person just now.This is the king of knights.

Ye Shenyue clapped her hand. "Bedivere, just accept it. Uh..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't speak anymore, because Bedivere... a female knight who was almost as tall as him and could be called a tall woman among humans actually... uh, wow, she burst into tears.

Tears flowed down my face.


What bridge is this?Bedivere, I know you are loyal or moved, but you don't have to cry to show it...


The King of Knights also seemed to be in a hurry, but she was not good at comforting people, especially those who cried harder the more she comforted them.

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