"What! President, you are blowing the sky!"

Ye Shenyue almost hugged her head.Alaya's book of truth can show that truth is at the same time the key to connecting various worlds, which means that in fact, all planes are under her control, and now... she has actually divided a world for the president.

The president is only one person, and it is impossible to say that Alaya has also divided the world among others.

Is it Ariel-chan or Yu-chan?

Ye Shenyue also didn't know whether to Sang Xin or Sang Xin.

The happy thing is that managing various worlds is definitely a tiring job, otherwise Alaya and Gaia will not shirk each other, but these worlds were originally acquired by him, the candidate of God, after going through the hardships of the world. , and now... but was divided up by his own women...

This feeling……

Ye Shenyue is really happy and heartbroken. The happy thing is that he can also be a hands-off shopkeeper. He doesn't do anything but just have fun. The only thing to solve is his woman who runs these worlds.

what a hassle...

Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of a truth, "Women...why make it difficult for men?"

"Oh... by the way, I remembered, Morgan Le Fay, didn't you agree to give your sister that sword?"

In the eyes of Ye Shenyue, the president is definitely changing the topic. She closed the booklet, and when she closed it, Ye Shenyue clearly saw that it said "Bless King Arthur to the sword in the lake". font.

If you come with a mission, you should do the right thing first.

Ye Shenyue put away the lost soul, and the president's hand is only a three-page booklet. The book of truth should be countless pages, even if each woman divides three pages, then... it's just a big cake. Just cut off a small piece.

And the rest of the big cakes are his.

Thinking of this, his interest increased again.

He watched with great interest the sword gift ceremony that was about to begin.

ps: This novel has been a year and a half before I knew it, thank you for your continued support.

I hope everyone will support "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" again. Thank you for your cooperation.

Chapter 0494 Incredible Exchange Policy

Under the gaze of Ye Shenyue's colored eyes, the temporary space-time manager stroked his long black straight hair, and walked gently to the front of the pair of sisters who were arguing.

The brilliance of the president's eyes like torches made Lan Saber a little unacceptable. As a knight's intuition, she had a bad feeling, but she couldn't really tell what she felt.

This goddess and Merlin are acquaintances and may be old friends, so it will not be bad for her.

The king kept comforting himself in his heart, and the expression on his face was serious and sincere.

Even in the face of "God", he maintains his own demeanor. Here is King Arthur, and the king's demeanor is fully revealed.

Compared to King Arthur's arrogance, Bedivere looked low. He was completely shattered by the demeanor of the goddess. He was kneeling on the ground with a submissive expression.

If you get a little closer, you can see that the sweat on Bedivere's face slid across his beautiful face and twisted slightly as if he had suffered some terrible torture.Isn't it torture?In order to show her prestige, Lord Goddess directly attacked Saber. After all, when the coercion comes down, Saber can't even speak, but if she doesn't give any coercion, where will her goddess's shelf be?

So...poor Bedwell.

Ye Shenyue mourned for her for a second in her heart, and then continued to look at Shi Tai... um, it was the development of gaffe.

His eyes were fixed on the black saber, that is, the blue saber's sister, Morgan Le Fay. The tight black dress highlighted the not very prominent body. The body was straight and youthful. If you insist on comparing In the words of the King of Knights, the water flows quietly and Morgan Le Fay is the turbulent waves that will splash as long as she is given a chance.

Completely opposite character.

But just as moving.

"Altoria, although you have a lot of things that upset me, especially when you broke the sword in the stone, there's no reason why you can pull it out, I can't do it, we are sisters... we are..."

The black saber over there was chattering and sounding like he was complaining.

It can probably be attributed to the fact that she and Saber have been fighting each other, and then tried to win over Saber on the top of drawing the sword in the stone, but the sword in the stone was broken like this.What a resentment this must be...

Arturia's expression didn't change, she seemed to be listening and wandering, how to say it, as if she was dealing with it.

It stands to reason that the King of Knights has a clear conscience, and he has to refute it, but she doesn't say a word, which is completely opposite to her temperament!too weird!

But it is reasonable, if she refutes, then what kind of excuse will this sister have to continue venting, of course, only Mo Yan is the one that smart people choose.

One can imagine how bad the relationship between the two sisters is.From the standpoint of an upright person, Arturia is putting up with this older sister no matter what!

"Hum hum……"

Morgan Le Fay over there seems to be saying that his heart is at ease, and that the president has come over so he has to give some face, so he took a deep breath and finally returned to the topic, "But I'm not the kind of person who likes it. People who care, I heard that the magician around you has the power to repair the sword in the stone, and I have the sword in the lake made by the goddess with divine power, which happens to be exchanged with your sword. What do you think?"

The corners of Hei Saber's mouth slowly turned up, and the black eyes with slender eyelashes blinked quickly, looking lively and attractive.

"Are you right? Mr. Merlin..."

To die!

Ye Shenyue's heart jumped twice, he had wolf ambitions for Saber, and now Morgan Leffey, who has the same appearance as Saber, actually winked at him...

Even though he knew that the other party was not a saber, the King of Knights couldn't have acted like that, but this heart...he would still be beating desperately when it should be beating.

"Cough cough..."

x2 Two coughs, neither light nor heavy.

Pulling Yeshenyue back from her trance, Yeshenyue saw that there were two people coughing, the president was certain, Yeshenyue was hooked away in front of her as a woman... Really Very hurt, and the other one is... my king?

Ye Shenyue looked at my king but didn't look at her, her face was still serious, she spoke slowly towards Morgan Leffey and seemed not to care about what was going on on Ye Shenyue's side. The cough just now was either an auditory hallucination or a knight. Wang Zhen suddenly coughed.

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