"Morgan Le Fay, your proposal is very good, it's just... that the sword in the stone was broken because I violated the spirit of the knight, I hope it will be something that will always wake me up, so even if you have the goddess-sama I can't exchange the sword in the lake with you, I'm really sorry."

The king of knights is majestic and unyielding, resolutely unyielding, and every word he says is reasonable. As a king, if he doesn't even have the responsibility to inscribe this mistake, then what kind of king is he called?

For a while, Bedivere was full of cows.

"Good good!"

Morgan Le Fay, who was directly rejected, said three good words in succession, and seemed to be very angry with his sister, "As expected, it is Arturia, even if she becomes a king, it is still the same as before. Since you really don't want to put Shizhong in Let me draw the sword too... Then I'll put it down first. However, as an aspiring magician, I am always pursuing magical attainments, so I hope to discuss the understanding of magic with your magic four. ." Hei Saber said these words, but he seemed to be a little bit of a chicken. To put it bluntly, he was still thinking about the Sword in the Stone, but the following words seemed grand-sounding, just discussing magic, as if there was no conspiracy.

"This one……"

The King of Knights was hesitant for what seemed to be a high-sounding reason, and Bedivere, who continued to sweat and cry on his knees, hurriedly pulled the King's skirt, "King, don't let this opportunity pass."

The status of the King of Knights has been stabilized, but there are still rumors. Although the King of Knights is not afraid, there are always these discordant words disturbing people. Said to be stable for a hundred years, but it was like a rock during the reign of the King of Knights.

So this opportunity must not be passed up.

The King of Knights hesitated again, and then saw Ye Shenyue nodding at her, before he made up his mind, "Okay, but...it can't be more than a week."

"One week? Enough seeds... ah, no, it's enough to study magic."

Hei Saber seemed to have said something terrible, but when Lan Saber looked at her, she immediately became serious, "Then that's it." Then she saluted the president, and all eyes were focused. come over.

ps: There is motivation and motivation. If someone supports it, the author will add more updates. Thanks to 15026875636, the god of work.

Thanks ltay, sdodudu888 for the flowers and comments.

Chapter 0495 The Sword (Kneeling for Subscription)

The windless skirt flutters.His black hair fell like a waterfall.

The slender body stood quietly with both hands raised, palms facing down, obviously not saying a word but making people unable to think abruptly. The person who performed the peculiar ceremony gently closed his eyes, and the whole person looked holy and noble.

That lofty figure made people feel ashamed even at a glance.


The water waves that were constantly flowing seemed to be completely enveloped by a strong and gentle force, and the president's body either remained motionless against the wind, or took a step forward gently.


The tall and exquisite body stood on the lake, without any support, standing directly on the water.

The body slowly rose from top to bottom, as if to overlook this peaceful lake.


The originally peaceful lake suddenly shook violently, and the peaceful water droplets also floated in the air and spread out in all directions as if being oppressed by some powerful force.



The King Knight and Bedivere exclaimed at the same time when they felt the water droplets splashing out from their faces, and then looked at the miracle attentively.

A miracle indeed.

The lake directly below the president suddenly formed a huge magic circle of hexagrams, which was a dark purple brilliance. Amidst the layers of translucent brilliance, a great sword with golden brilliance was exposed little by little.

The golden brilliance reflected in everyone's eyes, and they all became bright and sparkling yellow.

And Morgan Le Fay also has color in her eyes. She looked at the figure of the president with excitement in her eyes. More accurately, the colorful eyes in her eyes were envy and desire.

That is the thirst for power.


With a soft, crisp sound, the sword that was completely poured out of the lake revealed its true appearance.

Gorgeous and noble.

The scabbard is completely golden with powerful magic surging, and the hilt that is inserted straight into the scabbard is even more gorgeous.

Either way it's golden.

"Knight King, you can draw your sword."

I didn't see how the guild leader moved. It was just a slight swing of his wrist in the air. The long sword standing in the water immediately flew towards the king of knights, who looked slightly nervous and excited, and stood directly in front of the king of knights.

"King... please draw your sword..."

Bedivere finally came over in a trance, looking at the golden sword in the lake and then excitedly confronting the knight king, who was still moving, both in his eyes and in his mouth.

This is the holy sword given by the gods, a miracle, a miracle!

Yan You Yourong.

Bedivere's body was trembling. Although it was not her who was rewarded, she did feel the gift of such glory.

"Arturia, draw your sword. This sword is yours."

A slightly envious voice, this is the voice of Hei Saber, also known as Morgan Le Fay. Ye Shenyue followed her voice, and it was a little strange to see that this sister first showed an expression of envy and then suppressed the expression on her face. is excited.

It’s weird.

It is said that changing face is a woman's stunt, so it seems that it is true.


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