The King of Knights let out a soft breath.

Don't look at her as King Arthur, but now the honor and excitement of being bestowed on the holy sword by the divine envoy has already excited her.

His hands trembled slightly as he grasped the hilt of the sword, and the holy sword made a clear and pleasant sound as if it had possessed spirituality, colliding with the scabbard, as if excited to have its master soon.

...... This is not the first time Yashenyue has encountered such a scene. A month ago, he saw the king of knights draw the sword in the stone with his own eyes.

And now, it's just that the sword is more gorgeous.

That person... hasn't changed.

Looking at her eyes, Ye Shenyue's eyes focused on the girl in the blue and white armor.

I don't know if it was because I was too excited, but the hair rope used to bind the golden hair was loosened, and the golden shoulder-length hair slanted down like a waterfall.

There is more of a girl's unique gentleness, and there seems to be a touch of warm radiance on her body.

This picturesque picture.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue's mood actually became very complicated.

The heart is surging and also Qi Qi.

He is Merlin, and his mission is to let the King of Knights obtain the Sword of the Lake, and this recognition of the Sword of the Lake means that... he is going to leave.

He kind of didn't want to leave.


On the other hand, King Arthur here suddenly turned his head and called out the name of Mage Merlin, which made several onlookers look over.

Migo Shizuku's beautiful eyes, who continued to float in the air, narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly when he saw that Yagami's gaze was also focused on the King of Knights.

Others also looked over. The King of Knights did not draw his sword for three or four requests. Now what is there to say at a critical juncture?

ps: This chapter belongs to Jiageng, thank you for your support.

If you have time, please pay attention to the sub-issue of "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and be grateful.

Next chapter: President Beast, let go of that saber!

Chapter 0496 President of the beast, let go of that saber (please subscribe)

"Bang bang bang..."

Ye Shenyue was heartbroken.

What he saw just now was just a silhouette of the King of Knights, and the gentle face that came back now made his heart beat faster and faster again.

The gentle face and gentle smile, this is simply the warmth that is completely implanted in the heart.

She's in armor, she's holding the hilt with one hand, she's King Arthur, she's a knight, she's majestic, she's famous, but.

At this moment, no one can refute, the knight king at this moment... is gentle.

Soft like the warmth of the sun in March.

"Looks like you're very popular..."

With a cold voice, the King of Knights' eyes fell on the president and noticed the slyness that flashed across her face.

Then.The dark green eyes of the king of knights met the dark eyes of the chairman.

The knight king's face turned red.

"No... nothing..."

The King of Knights immediately turned his face to one side, "Since that's the case... then I'll draw my sword."

The voice was slightly hesitant, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it anymore.

With a slight force in his hand, he began to draw the sword in the true sense.


The sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard was crisp and sweet, but the golden brilliance that erupted from the blade was so strong that one could hardly open one's eyes.

It can be said that the Sword in the Stone is a good sword. It has the spiritual ability to increase the strength of King Arthur and the whole person is also spiritualized, but this Sword in the Lake is even more amazing. The golden beam of light directly shrouded King Arthur's body.

That dazzling and flickering light completely scattered over the body of the King of Knights.

"This feeling……"

The dark green eyes of the knight king showed surprise and excitement.

"Congratulations, you have officially become a Heroic Spirit."

Shizuku Migo said softly, and at the same time moved slightly towards Saber, and then winked at Yagami, "As the goddess of the lake, I will give you something."

Something from the goddess?

The king of knights turned around with a respectful expression on his face, but the president's body had already fallen gracefully from the air, his movements were gentle and graceful.It would be absolutely beautiful if you put her in a wide kimono.

The president landed on the side of the King of Knights, but only winked at Ye Shenyue when he landed.

His lips moved slightly, and his eyes flashed with colors that were difficult for ordinary people to understand.

But, that's just ordinary people.

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