As a concubine who has long been hooked and formed a traitor, the president's eyes are not so difficult to guess.

"I saw it just now."

That's what she showed just now.

"Absolutely not!"

Ye Shenyue glared unceremoniously, an eye for an eye.

Yes, when the guild leader flew into the air, Ye Shenyue's attention was different from Saber and the others. It wasn't on the lake surface and the sword in the lake. The first reaction of this lewd and slutty person as the guild leader when he flew up was: Look up.

The president is wearing a skirt, so he can see something underneath no matter how he flies.Whether it is the big legs of the white flower or the fat time of the black silk...

Ye Shenyue has never been a gentleman, so it is obligatory to look up, but when he looks up, he silently bows his head again, because what he can see when looking up is only the safety pants necessary for the smooth and safe gun sister!

The legendary safety pants that won't go away!

I hate you!

As soon as the president fell, he asked this, which pot is really not open and which pot is to be mentioned!

At this time, he even had some doubts about whether Guild Master Jun could summon the sword in the lake to fly up without flying up, just deliberately tempting him to look at the bottom of his skirt and disgusting him!

Think about it too, the president either doesn't wear it or wears all the harmonious fat times, how could he possibly wear some annoying safety pants!

Sure enough, it is a hidden evil, and it has been premeditated!

Ye Shenyue's heart is full of resentment...


The president looked at Ye Shenyue's frowning brows with satisfaction, gently raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile, and put his hands behind his slender waist.

The president is very beautiful, and he has a unique taste not to mention the blooming of a hundred flowers, but seeing this smile Ye Shenyue has no sense of appreciation at all, but his heart creaked.

The president is so close to Saber, and he is leaning forward slightly... Could it be...

Kiss forward!

Ye Shenyue really can't think of what the president will do. Seeing that Saber is still staring at the president, he doesn't feel the danger at all, and the president's body is slowly approaching Saber. Heat can't stay any longer, just push it ahead...

"Hey... Merlin, what are you going to do..."

Bedwell here was also surprised when Ye Shenyue suddenly bounced up, but he hadn't even said anything yet. Ye Shenyue had already shot, and his movements were faster than his words.

"Beasts will be 4.2 long, let go of that saber... there is a kind..."

"Come at me!"

When Ye Shenyue fell to the ground, there was a sound.

When Ye Shenyue landed a little embarrassedly and his words fell to the ground, the space seemed to be silent for several times, and then.

"Beast, what are you going to do to the king!"

This is the roar from the faithful maid... no, it is the roar of the chief knight of the round table, butler Bedivere.

ps: Ye Shenyue roars, President Beast, let go of that saber and let me come!

Everyone hurry up and hand over the tickets, or Ye Shenyue will really come to the chest.

Please pay attention to "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and thank you for your cooperation.

The next chapter is the gift of the goddess.

Chapter 0497 The gift of the goddess in the lake (please subscribe)

"Beast, what are you going to do to the king?"

"Beast, quickly let go of your hand!"

"Beast, you still don't get up!"

"Beast, you haven't..."

It is said that a woman can lift five hundred ducks, but Ye Shenyue has never been very clear about this concept, but now she has really experienced it.As long as there is one Bedivere, not five hundred ducks, not even a thousand ducks can equal her.


Being pressed down, the king of knights blushed, she only felt that her body was about to burn, and the heat was hotter than taking a hot bath or just after eating.

"How long do you want to stay?"

A soft but slowly turning cold voice.

Seeing that Ye Shenyue was still a little stunned, President Momo raised his brows, then grabbed the back of his robe and forcibly pulled him away from the King of Knights.


The pressure eased all of a sudden, and the King of Knights breathed a sigh of relief, but he felt a little lost for some reason.

07 "Cough... everything is just a misunderstanding, no... It's all the fault of the president!"

Ye Shenyue also recovered.

It can only be said that all this happened so fast that he didn't even have time to brake. He looked at the president and pulled his hands behind him and thought... No, the president must want to kiss Saber!

The blessing of the good fairy should not be a kiss!It seems that there is such a tradition, but...

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