He didn't even have time to kiss Saber, but the president stretched out his poisonous hand...

It was really too much, and then Ye Shenyue rushed over with a hot head, first pushing the president aside and then pushing Saber away with the second.

The third time the hand was placed in the right... in the wrong place unknowingly.

Accidentally placed it on top of the silver-white armor on the thick chest and chest of the King of Knights.

Although he couldn't even judge because of the armor, the loyal Bedivere screamed with a loud voice.

So that's the beginning of the scene.

"I clearly saw that the president wanted to take away Arturia's kiss with the gift of the goddess!"

Feeling the focus of everyone, Ye Shenyue finally told the truth.

The president wants to kiss the king of knights!

This news is neither too big nor too small!

The king's face was also red, and Arturia's lips moved for a long time without saying a word.

Bedivere, who was the five hundred ducks over there, didn't bark this time.Apparently, he was also frightened by kisses.

The gift of the goddess is actually to kiss... the king's mouth?

God, two unique girls hug and kiss... Such a picture...

The face of the rotten chief knight's face was flushed red, and water was about to drip. Such a picture is too...too...

"Who said I wanted to kiss Arturia on the lips?"

However, the president suddenly released Ye Shenyue's robe.

"My lips are just past you. Whether it is now or in the future, it can only belong to you alone. Not a king of knights, nor a girl."

It's a really sweet story.

Ye Shenyue just felt bad.Because the president didn't even look at him when he said this, how could it be considered a love story if he didn't even look at the object?

Sitting on the ground, he looked up and saw the president's eyes, which were obviously full of cunning.

Unfortunately, at this time, Ye Shenyue only noticed that the president did not pay attention to another person, and the dark green eyes of the knight king immediately matched the dark eyes of the president.

The president's eyes opened wider.

The dark green eyes of the king of knights froze for a while, and finally he was defeated and turned to other directions.

For example, the lake water, but the calmness of the lake water at this time will not make people calm, but it will make people more restless.


For the first time, the King of Knights felt that his heart was not his own.

"I just want to perform the duties of the goddess of the lake."

The chairman ignored or deliberately ignored Ye Shenyue's eyes. Did she focus her eyes on her at this time? She walked forward and was very satisfied with the sight that fell behind her, "As the goddess of the lake, I want to give you the blessing of God that you will never be bound by the water of the lake, and can be with the water and make it work for you."

The president lowered her head gently, she was much taller than Saber, and her plump and round lips gently fell on the smooth forehead of the King of Knights.

Yagami noticed the president's kiss, and when the kiss fell on the forehead of the King of Knights, the hickey paused for a while, then turned into a black-purple brilliance and disappeared.

Like some kind of strange guardian.

Yagami was no longer a novice in magic, so she felt strong fluctuations in power from that kiss.

Maybe this is really a blessing from God.

"And this sword... the sword of the oath of victory!"

As the president's words 987 fell, the brilliance of the holy sword instantly shone, and it suddenly grew countless times, spreading out around Saber.The warm and scorching brilliance completely enveloped the person, which was indescribably exciting and comfortable.

"You will be the invincible King Arthur, and the holy sword will never be defeated! Please spread your brilliance in every part of the continent. Can you promise me eternal victory?"


The king of knights nodded, then put his hands together and raised the holy sword in his hand.The whole person was shrouded in golden brilliance, glittering.

Bedivere had already knelt down.

The sword of the oath of victory.

The brilliance of the mere one square meter erupted violently with infinite power and spread towards the entire forest.

radiant, shrouded.


The soldiers who saw the dazzling golden beams stationed outside the forest cheered and roared into the sky, completely bathed in brilliance.

God said, let there be light.

Thus, I was able to bathe in the radiance of God, every day.

ps: If you have time, please support the "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" link in the comments.

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Chapter 0480 Flowers before the next month (one more subscription)

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