
The golden holy sword was returned to the scabbard, and Bedivere looked at the heroic King of Knights with a somewhat lost expression.

"No... nothing."

Today, I saw the holy sword and the goddess, the king of beasts... It was already low like a submissive puppy. When I saw the king of knights walking towards it, I immediately lowered its four hooves and done it. Riding position.

His pet is so well-behaved, the King of Knights is also very kind, and immediately mounts the horse... um, mount the lion.


The Lion King wanted to roar, but turned his head, but saw the master's face sinking like water and immediately closed his mouth.

"Bedwell, let's go."

The King of Knights patted the Lion King on the head, and the Lion King immediately raised his strong hooves. "We'll meet again in a week anyway."

The king of knights put another finished wreath on his arm from the beginning.

There is a chance next time.

"still have a chance?"

"Could it be that……"

Behind him, Bedivere, who was still wearing the knight king's wreath on his head, looked at Mage Merlin, who was pulled by the "Goddess" and sat down against the big tree and looked at the lake.Could it be that the king is against this guy...


Hearing that the King of Knights was calling her, Bedivere didn't have time to think about it and quickly followed. The King of Knights had a lion to ride on her, but she would walk completely, and it would be impossible if she didn't catch up.

The King of Knights has gone far.

The president pressed down his skirt and sat down, slowly withdrawing the high pantyhose in front of Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue saw her fair skin.

Even though I haven't seen him for a long time, when Ye Shenyue's eyes are on the president's body, it seems that he has found the original feeling again.

long time.

With a bang, the president put his fair feet in the water and swiped the water waves mischievously, and the water beads jumped and landed on Ye Shenyue's hands.

"Actually... I think the knight king seems to like you."

"Ehhh... how is that possible!"

Ye Shenyue quickly clapped the water on her hands and denied it in astonishment.Why does the president think so, does she want to use this to blackmail him or something?

"Nothing is impossible. I also thought that some people are good-natured and don't do that kind of obscene things, but things backfired... eh?"

The president said softly and then Yagami immediately covered her mouth and pouted at the other black saber. The king of knights has left, but there is still a bright light bulb here, even if it is not a light bulb. It's also an incandescent light, didn't you see that she was looking this way?

What's the matter with those hot and twisted eyes?

For the first time, Ye Shenyue felt that being stared at was a troublesome thing, especially when the president wanted to reveal the dark history of that year, which was even more embarrassing.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, the black saber smiled suddenly, and then stepped on the lake and flashed a black light and disappeared into the lake.

No one bothered.

The distant breeze blowing from the quiet forest brings refreshment and coolness...

Ye Shenyue also took off her shoes and put her feet in the water to feel the pure and cold feeling, and then she reached out and touched the soft and soft waist of the president.Long time no see, the president's figure is still the same as before.

The president's body was a little stiff and then slowly leaned on it. The pink flowers fell from the tree and landed on the lake. It was so pretty as the lake water moved a little bit.

Fallen flowers.

Under the faint sunlight, under the shade of flowers and petals, the long black hair is so soft, and the clean face becomes vivid.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but raised her hand and touched her chin, and kissed the president's raised face heavily.

Clothes are slowly withdrawn.

Everything is like a dream.After being exhausted for a few times, Ye Shenyue finally fell asleep. These days, he has been rolling the sheets by himself, and it is natural that he will be more attentive if he has one more person.

It's just that in a daze, I always feel that there is an extra soft and soft hand on my body, slowly touching his lower part, and I feel a sense of comfort 4.9.


Ye Shenyue groaned, and then felt her hands stiffen.

It just felt that the other party was continuing again, Ye Shenyue didn't say anything and continued to close her eyes.

After I don't know how long, my hand touched it casually. It felt a little soft. I just wanted to force it.


Why is the size wrong?

Ye Shenyue woke up suddenly.

ps: If you have time, I would be grateful for your support for the sub-period of "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack".

Next Chapter King Arthur's Regrets

Chapter 0481 Regret of King Arthur (End of My King's Prequel)

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