Ye Shenyue woke up all of a sudden, looked up and saw the top of the moon, the moonlight poured down the light like a flower, and the entire lake was very calm.

But now is not the time to enjoy the beauty.

Ye Shenyue looked up and met the guild leader's shining eyes.

"Why don't you sleep more?"

The president is bending his knees, and Yashenyue's head is resting on it. I don't know when the president has changed into a large blue and white kimono, and his long hair has been rolled up, but it has the charm of an ancient woman.

"No... nothing..."

Ye Shenyue raised her body slightly and then propped her hands on the ground as if she had accidentally slipped her entire face towards the president's chest.

However, when Ye Shenyue's face was only ten centimeters away from the beautiful place, a hand appeared, and it pushed him away directly against his face.

" you want to do it again?"

The president's eyes flashed narrowly, "Could it be that the body can no longer satisfy you, and the hand can no longer satisfy you, and finally stared at the chest?"

"It's really sad. I didn't expect you to become like this after not seeing you for a few days. The taste is getting heavier and heavier... Is it like what Aihua-senpai said, humans can't satisfy you anymore?"

"Uh...that's definitely not the case!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly pushed her hand to stop her, as the president said, she might become "foot control" and "chest control".

Life Control".

It's just that according to the "hand" mentioned by the president, it means that the president really helped him just now?


Why don't you think the size is right?

Just now he pretended to be careless just to reconfirm whether the president's chest had become smaller, but he didn't succeed.


Just now, just dreaming in a daze?

Ye Shenyue became confused, it seems that there is really only the president here, and there are no other 07 people except the president.


The president suddenly grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand and looked forward as if he didn't pay attention to Yashenyue, as if he was casually informing, "Miss Yuko held a small flower viewing party."

"A small flower viewing party?"

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly creaked.

"Well, don't you think you've been here too long?"

The president continued to add, "And..."

And for a while, she did not continue to struggle with this topic that made her dissatisfied, "Also, I have been given the power to temporarily manage this world from Miss Yuko for more than a month, and you, the Mage Merlin, who is on a mission, can't even come here. , if I hadn't sent someone to look for you, you might not have come over. As expected, you were obsessed with that woman, not a ghost, but she was obsessed with sex..."

"Wait a minute... how can I be so unbearable!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly stopped the president from continuing to speak. According to her words, he had become a complete pervert.

This is Chi Guoguo's insult!If it's true, then it's nothing, know that he didn't even touch the face of the king of knights.

"I'm just getting the job done."

"Cut... who believes you."

The president pouted, then looked at the beautiful lake and continued, "But... it's good to travel here occasionally... The environment is beautiful..."

There was a smile on the corner of the president's mouth, as if he had remembered something.

Ye Shenyue also felt something when she lay in the arms of the chairman. This is a pure nature without industrial hazards. The environment is beautiful and the air is fresh. It is really good to go out for a picnic or something.

In Kempfah's world, the only natural place where he and the president dated is the park. The park is full of people who can't do anything, but in this kind of place... the environment is beautiful and no one bothers, it's okay Throw away your shame.

I have to say that there are always things like different dreams in the same bed in this world. The president is thinking about pure things, while Ye Shenyue is thinking about how to make it more clean.

Ye Shenyue looked in the same direction as her eyes went back and forth. Although her strength had increased a lot, she still didn't have the ability to penetrate everything. In the end, she only saw the end...

Wearing white and blue armor, the whole person is majestic and heroic.

King Arthur turned and glanced at the soldiers who followed him. The holy sword in his hand reflected a beautiful silver-white brilliance under the sunlight.

"The enemy... just ahead!"

"And we...will prevail!"

She shouted a deafening cry from the soldiers behind her.



"Victory is ours!"

The soldiers were very excited and excited. Under their shouts, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the sword in the lake in the hands of the knight king burst into an amazing brilliance. It was a dazzling and shining brilliance of golden yellow color.

That is victory!

The glory of victory!

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