Because this is... the sword of the oath of victory.

Victory belongs to King Arthur.

The era of King Arthur is not continuing but...

Getting ready to start.

Then it is recorded in the history books.

In XX years, the king of knights stepped into a larger territory and brought true peace.

Princess Guinevere, who came from afar, is like the icing on the cake, helping the king to pacify the world.

With the help of the wise princess Guinevere in the marriage, the king of knights conquered her by force and managed with wisdom and wisdom, the territory expanded, and the country was peaceful and peaceful.


ten years.

Indeed, the King of Knights walked into the mysterious forest alone with a relieved expression after making his entrustment.

"I got protection from the goddess of the lake, it's time to go back."

No need for people to follow or horses, the long-tamed lion king has become her most loyal mount.


The big lion roared, and all the horses slumped to the ground. No horse was more suitable for the king of knights than it, the king of beasts.

No one can stop the king's actions, not even Princess Guinevere.

But there is one exception.

When the King of Knights entered the forest, he kneeled there respectfully.

He is tall, elegant and polite, and his long snow-white silver hair is even more eye-catching.

Bedivere had been kneeling there for a long time, and she knew that the King of Knights would take this step sooner or later, but she did not expect it to be so fast.

The war that should have been completed in thirty years was completed in ten years, and the great cause of educating the people that should have taken decades to hundreds of years was completed in just ten years with the assistance of Princess Guinevere!

It's like doing the tasks on your shoulders in hard, serious, compressed time.

Bedivere knew that Wang had something on his mind.

Gently revealed a bright smile.

"Bedwell...I have a regret."

The hair rope on his head was taken off, and endless pale blond hair fell down, reaching his shoulders.

A soft color appeared on the resolute face of the King of Knights.

"I have a regret, and now is the time to do it. Ten years, I waited ten years, and I don't want to wait any longer."

Wang's voice is very smart, like that of a young girl. The years have not left an imprint on her face. Bedivere has become more mature and charming, but she is affected by time. , and Wang is different.

Wang is very different.

When she drew the sword in the stone, her body was destined to be expelled between the girl and the human.

But after accepting the sword in the lake and vowing victory, she forged countless victories with her own hands, and time did not leave any imprint on her body, just like the heroic and agile girl in the past.


Just because the body won't be changed doesn't mean the body won't.

The King of Knights has always had a regret in his heart.

She couldn't wait any longer.

She couldn't believe what her sister meant by borrowing a week.

Borrowing for a week means you can't get it back.Or maybe even the last time.

" go well."

Bedivere lowered her body heavily, the smile on the king's face was so bright, that was... something she swore to protect.

It's just that the person who can make Wang smile like this is not her.

And she knew who it was.

"bless all of you."

Bedivere bowed his head heavily.

The King of Knights stopped for a while, then turned around, smiling still brightly, "Thank you."

Bedivere will never forget this smile or those eyes, pure dark green with confidence and determination.

May nothing stop the king.

She silently prayed...

And invisible corners.

"Mordred, Arturia has faded, and it's time for you to play."

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